What's the consensus, Sup Forums?

>this is what Sup Forums considers alpha

It's a music video for a top 40 pop song
Why would I care?

Stupid question but did they actually show the real bodies of the celebrities or did they just use models

Donald Trump himself showed up and said "Fuck it" and posed naked for Kanye because he said please

you guys should try to reverse image search that shit. fucking hilarious



What are the results I'm on my steve jobs device

>Sup Forums

>wow its a music that humanizes the 12 most hated celebrities by referencing some painting from the 16th century holy shit kanye is such a genius lmao bro fuCK!! this is sick!!!!!

t. suburban 15 yo /r/hiphopheads user

are you mentally ill?

steve jobs is dead

>t. suburban 15 yo /r/hiphopheads user
t. urban hipster feminist rap pop buzzword city folk user

you're correct, that is the stupidest thing I've read all day

He's got a Hank Hill ass


nah im black senpai :)

The video, which was filmed over a period of three months and cycled through four different formats and several different collaborators until West felt he’d achieved the result he wanted, leaves you guessing as to which of the celebrities are really playing themselves and which are presumably only there by the grace of some advanced prosthetic wizardry

That's from Vanity Fair, btw. We know Kanye is playing himself because he got up ant the end. Out of all of them, Kim Kardashian, Chris Brown, and Taylor Swift are the only ones that don't look obviously fake.

[spoiler]YFW "muh pure waifu" T-Swift is one of the celebrities playing themselves[/spoiler]

who are all the people in the photo? particularly who is the chick to the right of amber rose?

bruce jenner

George Bush Sr.
Your mum
Some black chick
Some black dude
Taylor Swift
Mrs. Yeezy
Some other black dude
Ruby Rose
Lisa Ann
Bill Crosby

He's right, you know.

Did anyone else grandma not really understand this video?

"He said: “[I say] a lot of lines other wives would not allow a husband to say. But my wife also puts up photos that other husbands wouldn’t let them put up. One of the keys to happiness in our marriage is we’re allowed to be ourselves.”"

Kanye's pretty cucked from Kim doing porn
he thinks they're equal in the relationship cause he's making edgy raps
poor Kanye