Can we have a David Bowie thread?

Can we have a David Bowie thread?

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yes please

for what reason?

Station to Station > Ziggy Stardust > Low > Hunky Dory > Heroes > Alladin Sane > Lodger > Young American > Diamond Dogs


Hi, I'm David Bowie! Ask me anything.

Low > Ziggy Stardust > Blackstar > Outside > Station to Station > Heathen > the others


Low > Scary Monsters > Let's Dance > Heroes > Young Americans

the rest of this stuff is just okay.

heroes should be between ziggy and blackstar

Oh god you're right. I completely forgot about Heroes.

post rare bowies

>Let's Dance

hesitant alien was actually a good album

why did u die tho?


The Man Who Sold the World is an underrated album, much darker and heavier then his other stuff.

hell be fine

Low > Hunky Dory > Heroes > Station to Station > Blackstar > Man who sold the world > Scary Monsters > Aladdin Sane > Lodger > Ziggy > The Next Day > Young Americans > Diamond Dogs > Outside > Heathen > Earthling

Rest is jank desu


>still pretending to like memewie

>david bowmeme

You really opened up my eyes, currently burning all my bowie records. I don't want people to think I listen to meme music.

Diamond dogs should be higher and scary monsters should be in there for sure

It's kinda said how "diehard" Bowie fans can shit all over Let's Dance. It's easily his most accessible and last good album.

>last good album

Let's Dance is horseshit lmao

Blackstar, Next Day, Outside shit all over it. Outside of Scary Monsters 80s Bowie is actually tragic to listen to

Let's dance has three excellent songs in the beginning and filler for the rest

But calling it his last good one sorta devalues your opinion anyways so idek why I'm arguing it, ya shot yourself in the foot there

>let's dance
>last good album

Modern Love and China Girl are good, the rest is pretty weak. Bowie himself hated the album.

Whatever, I genuinely enjoy it unlike you P4K drones that build your lists from opinions of others on the internet in a vain attempt to seem "cultured and sophisticated."

Put station to station behind low and you're on the money

Let's Dance is Bowie's sell-out album. After his run of more experimental albums with Eno, they weren't selling as well and weren't as successful as his Ziggy era stuff, so he decided to make a more commercial sounding pop album because he needed some radio hits. Bowie didn't even play any instruments on the album himself, he just sang. Which was a first for him.

Diehard bowie fan here, while it is his most accessible, it definitely isnt his last good album.

But it is good.

>calling people who disagree with you "pitchfork" drones

Yep confirmation you're full of shit m8

what's his best movie?

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, tho Labyrinth is really comfy

The Man Who Fell To Earth is my favorite role for him
probably Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence or The Prestige

>Bowie himself hated the album.
lets dance is not my favorite either but i doubt he said this

in an interview i saw with him he was talking about his mainstream phase and he said he hated every album but lets dance

He didn't hate the album, he hated most the stuff that came after. The success of it kind of ruined his following albums because he couldn't do the creative stuff of his original days anymore because everyone wanted more dancey pop hits and that's what his label made him do.

It's not a bad album compared to the ones after. His 2000's stuff is pretty good though.

Man Who Fell to Earth is the most underrated movie ever, it's fucking fantastic

I thought the movie was pretty awful, the girl in it was really obnoxious and bad at acting. But Bowie was sexy in it and made it worth watching.

everything just fell together for me, it's a movie with no real plot, some alien just falls to earth with a mission, and we watch his journey, but it also feels kinda surreal. I dunno it's hard to explain

OP you silly goose that's Thurston Moore

I gotta agree with here, the movie was meh, but it's worth seeing it for Bowie being handsome and charming.

>Can we have a David Bowie thread?


taking requests from my bowie folder

actually nvm