
yeah, in that he sucks

Other urls found in this thread:


Get a real job... dude sounds like shit and looks like he's having a seizure when he "performs". Actually makes that idiot Kanye seem talented in comparison..... I'm guessing Kayne is the OP.

Oh, and sage.

>I'm guessing Kayne is the OP.

in a very macro sense, you're right

this guy is an industry plant who is being groomed

Why does he fall down at the end?

Doesn't this guy have one song

>timmy turner looking for a burner

>people will defend this.

Stupid, yes. For some reason I like it though.

jeez for a second i thought i was going to get sucked into one of his nostrils

Littterally memerap

ya hes almost already as bad at freestyling as kanye is

>He thinks hip hop is about rhyming/lyrics anymore
Kek. When will old bland people leave?

>it's a white suburban nu-male liberal thinks his rap opinions are valid episode

But then again, if I say I'm black from the hood you'd just call me a nigger.

There's no helping you.

Your backpacks are showing.

Even though he's not dropping "Hot baaaars" doesn't mean he's not making interesting music. I didn't know what to expect when I saw it and I was presently surprised when I heard him sing instead.
When he came out he was pretty much destined to be the "Hook Guy". His friends even called him the hook guy before he blew up. And from a strictly musical sound point it just SOUNDS GOOD.

It's not 2003 anymore.
But that's ok. White people have no concept of melody :^)

Llow it man, it just sounds good when a girl grinding on me at a party. That's it

Desiigner is saying something here. I think he’s juxtaposing two bad parts of two different cultures (Timmy Turner with the burner to kill everybody – a white kid that’s a mass shooter/Fine bitch on BET, fucking on BET, wylin for wallet – a chick doing anything for the money) Both decisions, though one way more egregious than the other, end in the same result (You know that is soul is on the furnace). Both people will go to hell.

>Llow it man
Where are you from my nigga

I'm from ends


Allow it man, we going off topic

Point is, it's a dead track that only sounds good at a party or suttin

you cna't win on this website

no, he doesnt make beats.

but it sounds just like future, who already does it better. i guess if u want a younger dumber version of future thats fine

>giving the worst beat to a freestyle
thats like half the shit if he cant groove to the beat than he cant really do anything

Have you heard an unautotuned version of Future? He sounds like Ass. Desiigner can actually sing. The future sound biting is only to get attention, and eventually he'll develop his own lane (a la Young Thug via Lil Wayne's style)

What does this mean? I don't listen to hiphop so I don't understand your memes

People use it now as a derogatory term for nerd-rappers, hippy-hoppers, and other fringe hip-hop followers, referencing the fact most of the listeners are suburbanites buying or co-opting into a certain style.

have you heard an unautotuned version of anyone? whats your point. thats not the product theyre putting out thats an unfinished thing you heard.

hey have you seen an unpainted car? looks like shit! what were they thinking!

new album just dropped on tidal. leak where?

frfr (300) senpai, dis nigga on some fse tip lmao. brodie dont even no rap about emoji game


I'm not even sure what you're trying to argue. Also that comparison was ass

>posts a buncha random ass rappers
>no longer talking about desiigner sounding exactly like future

i dont know the point youre making either. this threads gay now im out.

>have you heard an unautotuned version of anyone?
>post unautotuned rappers but isn't happy

>keeps posting in a shit thread


looking for link please not even what can deliver



But user young thug is shit, the only good song he has is not even his

TY champagne papi. For other anons, this link looks good. Only on 2nd song but the song lengths match the version on tidal so far

its real, but this album sucks. jesus christ. beats are boring. and id rather listen to future if i wanted stuff like future.

It's really bad. His songs don't feel fleshed out at all, and the production is ear bleeding with that gain.

It's legit


>Second longest song is Panda
It's going to be garbage desu.

>that idiot kanye
boy do you even fucking listen to hip hop?
I'm guessing your playlist is eminem and drake/ g-eazy
fuck off

like half of this album could be mistaken for future

Future wishes he could brprprprprp yeeeaaaaaa~~ like Desiigner does

desiigner even copies the "GIH GIH" in some future tracks


This can't be real

It's real, user turned the filename into a recycled joke.

they took it off tidal

This album is a banger so far.

This shit can't be real 320

This is just all energy

Everything shows up as 320 for me on Google Play.


How doesn't iTunes detect pirated music yet?
Off topic I know but i'm curious when we'll reach that point

I'm liking Lil Uzi more than this so far.

What's with those joker/chuckie-esque laugh samples on Roll Wit Me that shit's just weird famlam

Even if you dislike Desiigner can we all agree that Overnight is an absolutely beautiful song?

This may be one of the best albums of the year so far. Future just doesn't have this energy. The whole album is nothing but neck breaking bangers.

That second beat in Da Day was a fucking beast.


the madman actually lived up to the hype

>Interlude 2
Holy fuck I'm in love with this tone setting

so it's shit

Why would it ever? What if I buy digitally from elsewhere or rip CDs?

>bangers are bad by default
>swimming pools


Try Overnight.

Overnight should have been a Travis Scott track or at least featured him. Favourite of the tape though.

What did you expect from him? Soul samples and a feature from Frank Ocean?

Listening now lads. I'll see you on the other side.

>Those flat 808s on Jet
>That horrible Pusha verse simply because he can't flow on this bpm

i expected more creativity. Rae Sremmurd, Travis Scott, and even Makonnen make better shit than this one trick pony

Not that guy, but while I love Young Thug and enjoy Future here and there, I feel as though Desiigner really could be above all of these loud trap beats.

That Timmy Turner freestyle deserves a non trap beat for Desiigner to style over, imagine if he came out with more inventive melodies, production, and improved lyrics along with more raps along the lines of Zombie Walk?

it's all him bro

Why is everyone so ready to make such harsh criticisms on their FIRST listen?

Give it a week or two. Listen to it some more and then see how you feel about it after it's all settled down.

>a non trap beat for Desiigner to style over, imagine if he came out with more inventive melodies, production
So you want him to be Lil Yachty

Agreed. He has a pretty dope voice and his flow is on point.

I hope he eventually does something more introspective. If he hangs around Pusha and Kanye maybe they'll mentor him into a great album.

everyone seems to be praising it though? I think it's a solid 8/10

I've seen heaps of people in here trashing it. I am literally on my first listen. On "Shooters" right now. Enjoying it so far but it's kind of feeling like "Panda 2.0". I really hope it's not.

I expected absolute shit
it's actually listenable and has a banger or two here and there


>I expected absolute shit
Dunno why people had such low expectations in general. One single like Panda doesn't showcase anything about him as an artist.

Panda was pretty decent but overhyped, a good banger, but shit like his freestyle put me off hugely.


Desiigner had God Level flow/cadence on Panda.
He channeled something there.

I loved Panda, but the hook was pretty over done and he kept recycling lyrics. Ah well, can't expect much more from a new artist.

Off topic though, anyone feel like Kanye is gonna release something great soon? After that Famous music video yesterday and Champions it feels like he's on a roll right now.

I'm a Ye stan through and through but I can't help but feel a little disappointed at a lot of the aspects in TLOP even though it had such great potential.

Yeah but people had low expectations because it was pretty basic in terms of lyrical content and it was just your run of the mill banger trap song. That's not a criticism at all. It was just nothing special and I think people thought he'd be a puff of smoke and disappear.

I feel like Kanye is holding on to the new Frank tape. We'll see it after we get Turbo Grafix

wait is this a mixtape leak or a new album? life of desiigner isnt out yet or some shit this doesnt seem like album

Supposedly mixtape, but feels more like an album, put on tidal then brought down quickly after.

>implying anyone can be whiter than Will Smith's nepotism-bequeathed son

>new frank tape
Never been into R&B that much. Still only listened to Channel Orange once or twice through. He is great though.

I don't know what to expect of TurboGrafx if he's got Cruel Winter incoming. I wonder if he has the lyrical content. I really hope so.

That's was pretty cool, but yezus bro.

i think i already heard this shit before.

It got released like an hour or two ago, how the fuck did you listen to it?

uh oh bud it was released last year

Witty, original, unique joke friend.

he's clearly just havin a laff


I love a good freestyle, but I don't really care the Ye sucked on this. I don't think they're overall that important. The final product of his albums is what I give a shit about.