ITT: post albums you have never heard criticized, then others criticize it like the edgy contrarians they are

ITT: post albums you have never heard criticized, then others criticize it like the edgy contrarians they are.

His voice is shit and music is boring. It was fucking hell to sit through all this bullshit.

Shitty music.


Are you serious

Have you not been here for more than one day


I bet you also hate ITAOTS

Go on.


ur kidding right? Boring portrayal of egomania by a tryhard rapper with no understanding of how to make a beat. Also muh RZA shouting FUKKIN REDICKALOUS

learn how to play the guitar, asshole

i cant user it's a really good album


That's right, bitch.

i dare you

what a great idea it was to take a perfect jazz album and add ridiculously slow and boring lulls between all the good parts


I like it
i know. never listen to.
know. not heard
know. not heard
who who?

what was the point of this post

>ITT: post albums you have never heard criticized, then others criticize it like the edgy contrarians they are.

what was the point of this post

Album has a lot of worthless tracks.

>ITT: post albums you have never heard criticized, then others criticize it like the edgy contrarians they are.

Come on you faggots try me

well since you've only been here a week apparently,
>muh white guilt we wuz kangz
but in actuality it's not that good and GKMC is way fucking better, but since this is more artsy, people pretend this is better.

Overrated ego wankfest

This album is the tits

You didn't criticize anything, summerfag.

you didnt offer a single criticism

, summerfag


STOP. seirouly.

ooooh so you're saying you haven't actually listened to it?

No fag


All lives matter, libtard

Boring, run of the mill electric guitar, drums, and vocals

cop, businessman, politician, boss, fascist lives don't matter the list could go on


It's too short.

It's underdeveloped compared to Doolittle and gets a lot of extra praise for that Albini mic'd room production, but it has some just ok songs.

yeah but it's true

>worthless neato ear-candy made by a pathetic psychopath

Smiley Smile is better


I don't think this is necessarily bad - Albini's production is nice, Something Against You has a cool-ass gimmick and Where Is My Mind is a fine tune - but I can't see why it's so praised when acts like MBV, Dinosaur Jr., Sonic Youth, and The Jesus and Mary Chain were doing similar but better stuff around the same time.

I've never heard anyone insult this masterpiece

It's not HoLV or BBK
That's the best I can do.

I never noticed the hair on his chest.

d r o p p e d