If you don't think she's 10/10, you are gay

If you don't think she's 10/10, you are gay.

grimes was a mistake

she isn't, objectively.

she's like a 4-5

I'm gay

not 10/10 in my opinion, but still very pretty and cute

or else not into guro scat bitches
seriously I think grimesfags are exclusively from india cause this bitch is fucking gross

If you think she's 10/10, you need your eyes checked.

Does she draw on extra eyebrow? No normal woman has that much eyebrow.

>flat assed white girl with an ogre face is a 10/10


I'll rather be gay tbqhfam

>literal hobgoblin

I'm a huge faggot

originality out of 10

Grimes is not normal

literal perfection

>If you think she's gay, you are 10/10.


Pls stop

7.5/10 pretty qt.

I think it is the fact that she has such a masculine face. This is why the men don't like her

looks like a goddamn failed drag queen

back to

she looks like she's gay tho

she's a legit 6/10 at best, especially when she's next to actually pretty girls

She is disgusting on every level.

Can you show a picture with her next to a pretty girl

That's some Planet of the Apes shit right there son

This. I'd say 4 or below, especially after seeing live video of her.

if u don't think she 10/10 ur gay

i use my hair to express myself


mmmh Alba's Duchess sexy bitch

rest in peace, INRI

im gay and she's my mom

Her voice is annoying.

Dear god she makes me wanna shave my face. I'm a man. Thanks, Grimes; I won't be listening to your music legally anytime soon

So you can be smooth skinned for kissing her?

kek grimeth b t f o

I'd tell her I have a shaving cream fetish, and to lather shaving cream all over her face. Then, razor secretly in hand, I'd lean in to kiss her, only to lean back and shave her mustache quicker than she can say "Art Angelth".

She'd either laugh uncontrollably, or slap me and call me a mithogynitht pig.

And I couldn't give a shit less.

If only OP was right, it would really expand the gay dating pool if 99.9% of men were gay

shes like an unattractive cherry crush

not even close, you got the unattractive part right though

Thank God I'm gay.

I fap to traps and i'm still less gay than anyone who is attracted to that sub species of a woman.