Band has a bassist who is almost never audible

>band has a bassist who is almost never audible

Other urls found in this thread:

>band doesn't have a bassist

>band has a bassist that is very audible
>it's a nu-metal group

>bassist is also the lead vocalist

>song features a live drummer and a drum machine

>band has a drummer
>he doesn't drum

>boosting low frequencies

>band has a bassist that is almost always audible
>he slaps

God damn you Patrick Wilson!

>band has a bassist that is almost always audible
>he doesn't slap

thats a cute shoob

>band has


>the band has one black person or woman
>they play bass

>band has a bassist that is inaudible cause I'm retarded and aren't listening for it or understanding that the low end is still there and subtly affecting the sound, were I to listen to a bassless track of the same song I would sit bewildered; wondering why the song sounds so hollow

Thank you!

>modern metal band has such overprocessed, compressed heavy guitars that it crushes the sound of the bass guitar entirely

>band has a second guitarist whose presence doesn't enhance the band in any way

>What are guitar textures

>band has two basses

>band has two vocals

>band has two guitars, two drums, and two basses
>vocalist is named noah