Lana Del Rey Thread

Worst song?
Best song?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lana Del Rey? More like Lana Del GAY!

>Worst song?
all of them
>Best song?
none of them

Yer Led Anal

Kill yourself

She has a song called West Coast that has a nice instrumental, I like listening to it because it's a good beat and I don't have to her her stupid voice

best songs are lucky ones and without you, haven't listened to the other two albums enough to have much of an opinion on them

>Worst song?
idk there's a few of them

>Best song?
Diet Mountain Dew

I like summertime sadness and the one about "this is what makes us girls" or whatever is okay too even though I'm not a grill I thought it was cool

Didn't like her enough to listen to the rest as they seemed to all suck

Brooklyn Baby is gud.

Best song?
Shades of cool
High by the beach. High school sound cloud kids can produce better trap. And just the whole song is so forced.

>most of the people posting here are too new to remember the ridiculous internet hype train shilling "queen of indie" lana before born to die came out

i like young and beautiful am i a pleb?

>taking this thread seriously
>unironically enjoying tumblr-core
please suicide

i know i can't be the only one who thinks she looks like she has downs

Are you fucking serious it's the reason I cringe every time I see chicks with the flower crown
That shit was traumatizing

You mad that I can enjoy more things than you?

Ultraviolence is easily top 10 of 2014

it's ok to be gay

there's a bunch of people who listen to joy division and grimes on here though

i'm not even mad and I enjoy a lot of things. just not painfully boring melodramatic indie pop that high school girls slit their wrists to.

>that high school girls slit their wrists to
speaking from experience there, bud?
remember next time to go with your forearm, not against it

i'd rather be t.b.h.

Sure thing, that's why you're doing those things you enjoy and not shitting up this thread with your melodramatic whining

>speaking from experience there, bud?
no, just stating facts desu

omg lololol

but I am enjoying this. it's honestly funny seeing what are more than likely grown males defend lana del rey.

off to the races is my jam

[citation needed]

off to the races
brooklyn baby, florida kilos, blackest day, ride, videogames, old money, sad girl, 24

>trying this hard

>high school girls slit their wrists to
Now here's someone who never talked to or saw a girl in high school

>judging the artist by her label's shitty marketing campaign and not her music
That's the real cringe

my favorite Lana song? why, the sound of her fat asshole of course

What kind of music do you enjoy?

Isn't this Sup Forums's way of asking the most loaded question ever

Metallica, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, want more ?

~~~ l - lewd


It's a legitimate question it's often people far removed from the type of music talked about in the thread shitting on it.

Yeah so just because it is old it is bad ?
Go and listen to your Kanye West shit.

Dude that shit is some of the memest most awful music. You're kidding right?

There's nothing original or creative about your taste. There's much better alternatives in from that era. It's worst than the people you make fun of it's all surface level music defender bullshit. Congrats.

Nice meme desu

I agree that Lana is pure shit, but you need to go back to Sup Forums. Your taste is probably more narrow and worthless than most people even in this thread.

Seems like a cool person

Also what's her best album?

Lana del rey is a fucking Marina and the diamonds ripoff

I don't really like any of her songs, but born to die has a nice melody and instrumental

This is actually true, and it's sad because M&tD is not very original herself.