ITT: Controversial opinions that upon closer examination are revealed to be objective truths

ITT: Controversial opinions that upon closer examination are revealed to be objective truths

I'll start.

>Pic Related was the last 'great' rock album, and the genre has been irrelevant ever since


green day is shit, through and through. but the time frame of 95-05 is accurate. imho rock peaked in the sixties and has been on the decline since. doesnt really matter though, its dead and thats all that matters.

Kind of.

The last great rock album was Loveless or maybe, just MAYBE Soundtracks for the Blind. But nice bait, you made me reply.

By "great" do you mean last quality rock album or last culturally relevant rock album?


Cant be counted as great in the annals of history if its a band that only had a niche following in its time

This wasnt any of these op
But ti was the last culturally big protest song and album

Both. An album that was loved by critics and consumers, and was culturally relevant. I'm not sure if In Rainbows would be considered culturally relevant.

American Idiot [Reprise, 2004]

If you're wondering what this concept album means, don't labor over the lyric booklet. As Billie Joe knows even if he doesn't come out and say it--he doesn't come out and say lots of obvious stuff--this is a visual culture. So examine the cover. That red grenade in the upraised fist? It's also a heart--a bleeding heart. Which he heaves as if it'll explode, only it won't, because he doesn't have what it takes to pull the pin. The emotional travails of two clueless punks--one passive, one aggressive, both projections of the auteur--stand in for the sociopolitical content that the vague references to Bush, Schwarzenegger, and war (not any special war, just war) are thought to indicate. There's no economics, no race, hardly any compassion. Joe name-checks America as if his hometown of Berkeley was in the middle of it, then name-checks Jesus as if he's never met anyone who's attended church. And to lend his maunderings rock grandeur, he ties them together with devices that sunk under their own weight back when the Who invented them. Sole rhetorical coup: makes being called a "faggot" something to aspire to, which in this terrible time it is. C+

>Sole rhetorical coup: makes being called a "faggot" something to aspire to, which in this terrible time it is

what did he mean by this

>There is no economics, no race
>no race

Why the fuck does there need to be race? Its three dudes from California making punk rock and venting frustration. If they touched on race it would be criticized as 'whitesplaining' or some other nonsense. There's no way to win with cunts like this.

Well In Rainbows hit #1 in both US and UK's charts on release and is generally considered among fans to be one of their best albums and also one of their more accessible albums. Nude became their most successful song since Creep.

Anyway, I would argue Viva La Vida is of similar quality to American Idiot and has way more cultural relevance now.



>the last great rock album was turned into a fucking bullshit musical
This is why people believe in shills.

>Objective truth.

If you consider it Rock, maybe, but this is utterly and verifiably false in terms of both Pop Punk and Punk in general.

Coldplay is terrible. They only have two decent songs, and that's not saying much.

I love this album, not even ashamed to admit it on here. Some fantastic tracks.

>They only have two decent songs
So does Green Day

Yeah because you'd shill a 12 year old album right? Fucking retard.

No because you'd shill that Green Day is still relevant. Fucking fag.

This album alone has Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Jesus of Suburbia, Wake me up when September Ends, and more

Then theres Good Riddance which is an undeniably great song, and a few from Dookie like When I Come Around and Basket Case

>fucking fag
Kek, are you literally a kid?


Imagine Dragons would probably meet those criteria

Contrarians gonna shit post. Even there first few albums are pretty highly acclaimed and considered punk classics.

Also Novacaine is amazing.
Three Cheers is my personal favourite. God tier albums though both of them.

Is This It by The Strokes was the last good rock album.

Just my pleb opinion

Like half of those are good and the other half are mediocre. You just like them because they were your childhood huh

There are still great "rock" albums being released every year. Depends how obsessive you want to get with genres and sub genres.

My rock album of the year last year I guess.

Please exterminate yourself.

Kek, do you actually have some kind of point about the quality of this album or are you just bored late night shitposting?

I dunno user, right now it seems like you're trying to say that YOUR opinion is fact and that there is no way around it.

You didn't have an opinion. You were babbling on about shills.

I on the other hand enjoyed the album. I don't really listen to it anymore but it's probably the only one I really enjoy by them.

In fact, you say right in your opening post that your opinion is fact and that there's no way around it.

It's ok, we can joint suicide.

>review makes multiple points that adress various angles of the album
>the single appearance of the word "race" is all that user see

lmao daily reminder Sup Forumstards DO NOT have a victimization complex guys !

He's been reviewing albums since before your grandma shat your dad out of her crusty vagina.


Pop Punk as a whole is pretty awful.

>Blvd of Broken Dreams
>Jesus of Suburbia
Decent, but Homecoming is better
>Wake Me Up

Letterbomb, Whatsername and Homecoming are all muuuuch better choices when suggesting "great" songs when trying to make a point. You like those songs for nostalgia's sake.

Don't you mean Reliant K?


So is this entire board

Don't spout angry opinions like fact

the first 3 my chemical romance albums are all pretty good desu senpai

You also need to work on not spouting opinions like fact, hunnybun.

>Cant be counted as great in the annals of history if its a band that only had a niche following in its time

Are you fucking joking? All great bands are like this:

Red House Painters
Neutral Milk Hotel
My Bloody Valentine
Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
Frank Zappa

I didn't. I said I enjoyed the album.

of course but by op's definition, counting mainstream appeal, not so much

SJW's didn't exist when this album came out, it was a good time.

>he doesn't follow the Texas/Tennessee scenes

Green day lmao.
Rock is in decline massively, I'm surprised how good this album was though.


Im pretty sure it was pitchfork who said that Homecoming is pretty much all of their bad song ideas put into one. Your pleb taste is showing


>being surprised by Homme's genius.

>there are people who actually think Green Day made good music


stop mate. Nostalgia does not mean it is good.

Swans: repetitive edgy drone bullshit
Slint: actually good
Red House Painters: white guy whining over slow music
Minutemen: sounds like porn music
Neutral Milk Hotel: nasally weirdo wanting to fuck Anne Frank
My Bloody Valentine: every song sounds the same
Captain Beefheart: bait

Green Day is far better than anything mentioned itt so far.
Slow and boring

This is GD's last good album, no really.

It's pretty good. It's told like a rock opera and he points out things "wrong" in America like every libtard band does when they release their politically edgy album. All in all, for me, the album is an 7/10

sometimes i wonder if you people actually enjoy music

Swans is one of the shittiest bands to come out of the 90s and Michael Gira is an edgelord. Not even memeing.

true, also an alcoholic manipulative asshole
do explain


not even the best punk opera from the last 12 years

Holiday and Good Riddance are great. The others are meh->good at best.

Although OP was correct about American Idiot being the last rock album to have a lasting impact on the American collective conscience.

wake me up when the summer ends desu

if this is Sup Forums now im not interested

Yeah this is definitely bait

This is not only the best Gorillaz album but also an amazing record


Explain to me why they aren't good then

at least they're better than green day desu

It was the last culturally significant rock album, and will likely be a landmark in socio-music studies as the end of rock's reigning era.


>album gets a solid 7/10 from me

Great for loose narrative frustration w/ American Gov and if it were released today it'd still be relevant. I heard that it was actually back on the charts not too long ago.

also this is a pretty good record. I'm excited for the new one. Albarn keeps getting weirder and I'm ready to hear what non-blur shit he's upto nowadays.

Homecoming, Whatsername, Novocaine, Letterbomb, and Holiday were the best songs up there. American Idiot gets an honourable mention.

pop punk is trash and anyone who listens to it is unironically retarded

American idiot is way better

Wew lad you couldn't be more wrong even if you tried.

I like Coldplay's first two albums, but everything they've done since has ranged to meh to complete garbage. Their last few albums were abysmal.

Rock was still pretty relevant up to the end of the 2000s but in this decade record labels abruptly stopped funding it. In fact, guitar music in general--for a while, country was the last place you could still hear it on the radio, but most new stuff doesn't have it anymore.

>It's pretty good. It's told like a rock opera and he points out things "wrong" in America like every libtard band does when they release their politically edgy album
Then again, as Christgau noted, very little actual political content is found in that album aside from the title track.

>It was the last culturally significant rock album
Along with maybe Stadium Arcadium.

We don't. We just love being contrarian faggots.

Last mega huge rock album, not as culturally significant as AI.

I like to joke that 2005 was the year rock-and-roll died.

>AI the last blockbuster rock album is ruling the charts/airwaves
>one of the pioneers of the genre (Rolling Stones) puts out their last album that year as well

I don't think TBA was that culturally significant. Unless you were a 13 year old girl, you probably never heard of that album while Green Day were almost inescapable in the mid-2000s and everyone and their mother knew WSE.

I could speculate on the reasons for that and I have some ideas why it happened but that would turn this thread into Sup Forums and I don't want to do it.

Who the fucking fuck cared about A Bigger Bang anyway?

Judas Priest is overall more interesting band than Black Sabbath

No shit they came later and had two lead guitarists and a far, far more capable singer.

Just Saiyan, it's a funny coincidence that one of the pioneers of the genre puts out their last album in the year rock died.

elephant and nirvana

AM - Arctic Monkeys.

I'm from Latin America, some years ago every "rock fan teenager" used to listen to Green Day, but now they have become completely irrelevant, being replaced by TOP, Foals, Tame Impala, AM, The Strokes, etc.

so if mark kozelek was a nigger, but everything else stayed the same, then red house painters would have been great?