
Blink-182 discussion.

Best poppunk band of all time

Other urls found in this thread:

>pop punk
pick one

hahahaha kill yourself

>inb4 some idiot post their self-titled and claim it is GOAT



Not much competition


more like stink-180poo amiriteXDXDXD

I love Blink, but kinda doubt they're the best pop-punk bands ever. MxPx might be the best imo, even though I like Blink more.

I have vivid memories of listening to Dude Ranch the same christmas I got a N64.

Dude Ranch and their s/t were genuinely great albums

Everything else was too radio pop friendly

I never expected to enter a blink-182 thread and find someone with even worse taste than the average poster ITT.

the albums before dude ranch are amazing and not radio pop friendly at all..

blink is best no doubt. especially after 2003 S/T

S/T>Enema>Dude Ranch>TOYPAJ>Neighborhoods>Cheshire


[spoiler]I'M FEELIN THIS[/spoiler]

true GOAT desu

Dogs eating dogs EP was pretty great tho.

That's not Fall Out Boy

Underage detected.

sum 41 and the offspring are both immensely better

this tbqh

At what?

I agree OP. Honestly as far as not just pop-punk but pop music in general they got to a point as a band where they have written a lot of songs that are objectively and aesthetically perfect, with regard to form and melody. Sure they only use a couple chords per song and have pretty basic tonal melodies but as far as writing 2:00-3:30 minute long, easily digestible, lyrically of value (taking into account the equal levels of humor and angst they use), with perfect song structure (even from a classically trained perspective if you break the forms of their songs down), they've gotten it down to a fucking science and not a lot of bands can do that. Couple that with the crystal clear production of Enema and TOYPAJ and it makes for a band who makes music that is genuinely aurally pleasing. That's why I love Blink-182 :) People just like to hate them because of Travis and the fact that they are edgelords who like denying themselves good music cause it makes them look cool.

idts. everything after does this look infected was shit. offspring could be argued but too much of their stuff is so samey. they never even came close to attempting something like blinks S/T.

>he doesn't think Chuck is their best album

But how?

Early Offspring (S/T to Smash) is extremely good, the rest of the stuff ranges from pretty good (Americana, RAFRAG) to just pointless (Conspiracy of One).

>Conspiracy of One
but where would my childhood be without the GOAT american pie theme want you bad


I opened this thread only to write exactly this. Thank you user!

That's one of the worst songs on the album tho.
There were some decent songs, but Conspiracy of One just felt like Americana 2: Without the Social Commentary This Time

Pic related was most likely the REAL best pop-punk band, just on their consistency and their faithfulness to the sneering heart of the pink movement.

But god damn were Dude Ranch and Enema of The State amazing albums.

Nothing encapsulates my 8th grade year quite like The South Park movie, Perfect Dark on the N64, and Enema of The State.

Adam's Song is like a fucking time machine

Early Offspring is a buttrock band trying to make "serious" music, it sucks

Americana/Conspiracy of One is top tier buttrock done right

They suck at being pop because their songs aren't catchy and they aren't edgy enough for punk. Go to sleep 14yr old girl.

opinion discarded

>blink-182 aren't catchy

name 5 catchier rock oriented bands

the descendants were the only good pop punk band

>pop punk

try again user

>The Get Up Kids
>Joyce Manor
>The Undertones
>these plebs talking about Blink 182 as the best pop punk band

nice mems itt

blink 183 more like it

>listen to them
>they're garbage

Enema/Take Off Your Pants are where it's at

Those first two albums fucking suck, sound so generic

I really only listen to Blink-182 for Tom and his "lel so deep" persona.

Go away

they were never good user

Proof that Tom Delonge is objectively the most talented member of the band.

I really wish BCR got bigger and Tom spent more time on it, or at least made more albums.

It was proof that Tom was genuinely talented as a songwriter

Holy shit dude neighborhoods before Cheshire cat?? That is some terrible taste user.

>I really wish BCR got bigger and Tom spent more time on it, or at least made more albums.
He did. It's called Angels and Airwaves.

They were good before Tom left.

>their songs aren't catchy
Nigger say what you want about the band but this is just simply untrue

>Best poppunk band of all time

nah, probably Green Day