Enter bedroom

>Enter bedroom
>See this

>Turn 360 degrees
>Walk away
>Got shot with a shotgun
>All my albums sell really well and become pop culture icon

Commit "suicide"

is that a dildo? what the fuck


pls don't kill me, i don't have any money


who took the picture?

Its just ornamentation on the mirror

Excuse me m'lady may I eat your pussy?

Are you retarded?

why would you turn 360 degrees?

>waiting for my man

>tfw she isn't talking about whoever she is fucking right now
>tfw she is waiting for Kurt
>tfw she cries at night because he never comes

>not """""suicide"""""
Yu had one job.

I know I'm taking the bait but

>All of those hashtags
>That entire post

Gee, I knew Courtney Love was a piece of murderous human filth, but I had NO clue she could possibly wrap up everything I despise about the modern day in one neat little infuriating package, down to the last detail. Fucking hell.

I'm actually kind of impressed.

>waiting for my man
Then who was camera???

No man, shes about to score some H.

To walk away???

thats what Im asking

if she's waiting for her man, then she's probably got 26 dollars in her hand

except if you turned 360 degrees you would be in the same direction retard

I mean, he came once


No I wouldn't? Because you turn around 180 which is half way around and then another 180 which is all the way around so you'd have your back to her????

how fucking new are you lmao

>Billy comes in wearing a blonde wig and torn up flannel

She's waiting for the man she killed?

I don't get it

lol you're retarded

are people on Sup Forums this fucking stupid? you do a 180 to walk away from someone you goddamn shit for brains

Disgusting newness ITT
Fuck off Summer.


People who weren't here when the 360 was coming out.

Also I would ask her why she interrupted Madonna's VMA's interview in 95........tasteless. Also "why did you kill him?"

There's a door right behind her, if you turned 360 you would still be able to walk away from her

>lrn 2 feng shui

Would you rather "fuck' her or Lydia Lunch?

Sums it all up doesn't it


I want to get fucked by young Billy Corgan

It was hilarious. Madonna was so uptight and arrogant, Courtney brought some fun to the show.
And you don't think she's been asked that enough?

Madonna please, you are way past your prime and your vagoo's all stinky