Who would win in a fight

Grimes or Björk?

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Bjork would just sing Lionsong and make her appendix explode

Is it even really a question?

probably bjork

damn that is spooky

>be young bork
>drop acid tab at the airport
>walking around tripping balls
>suddenly see some motherfucker bazooka pointed at me
i don't blame her

Do you think she thinks about that when she wanks?

really makes you think

grimes only has the putrid odor of shit from her crusty anus as a defense mechanism + she'd be all smacked out on crystal meth or something and wouldn't be able to fight back

byerk squashes this hobgoblin flawless victory

5 times a week, user. 5 times a week.

is this a fucking joke


Solid b8 thread

inb4 waifufaggotry



I don't know. The best outcome for said fight would be both artists hands crippled and vocal cords severed but not dead to avoid the outpouring of sympathy and non stop playing of their music



why did they delete last th ffs

Aaaaand discussion over.

I seen bjork fight paparazzi once. she'd win

Bjork has chaotic fighting style. Grimes has the right moves.


Was just about to mention this.

You don't fuck with Björk.

OK, maybe it wouldn't be like a 5 second KO like I initially thought

But Bjork still WAAAAAY crazier, it's still not even close lol

I can't stop laughing. She's so violent.

Grimes is precise.

god that hairstyle is so awful
what was grimeth thinking


What about this? Bjork is old now, so she will probably lose the fight.

She was channeling her inner Vlad - same for the red cape earlier in the vid.

i think bjork could break grimes, like a twig

She almost looks like a fucking Japanese horror movie girl in the first gif ITT, I swear to god on my phone it looks like she fucking shape shifts for a split second in it or teleports or some shit lmao

>underestimating grimes
Yeah, she's thin but has a lot of power.

she also smokes crack cocaine and has fetal alcohol syndrome

Also, amphetamine strength ain't no joke

But I'm not dismissing the fact that Bjork might not have that on her side as well so that might be a wash there lmao

Bjork weight: 55kg

Grimes weight: 55kg

They're fighting on the same category. Grimes is younger, was a former ballet dancer and she's more agile: more chances to win.

why are you motherfuckers all saying BUT CRACK METH LOL like that's something working *against* her favor, lmao

spped-strength will turn you into a fucking face-ripping gorilla strength crazy person

Bjork did some karate training, not even a chance for grimeth.

plus she's literally levitating in that pic so she's got that going for her as well

grimes will be too busy hitting the pipe and picking her open sores to do anything
either that or sucking a d for the next hit
delusional waifufag your precious hobgoblin would get her head stomped in

She is old now. Grimes will beat her ass. Bjork has the brute force, Grimes has the intelligence. It's Goliath vs David; you know who won.

Bjork's karate will pale next to these moves:

Grimes is demented, she wouldn't win a fight even with a baby. Bjork has metaphysical properties which make her literally a god.

While Grimeth pothetheth black and white magic skillth, she is no match for the Bjork Blitz


great music thread guys

I don't know who they are but the one on the right looks more powerful.

they're literally the same person

>pay per view event
>Grimeth getting btfo by the waifu camp
>referee gets knocked out
>smashes bjork with a steel chair
>the GrimeGrime finisher
>pin 1-2-3-
new Sup Forums queen

Holy kek

because Gross has a sword, Bjork has magic + she is fast and silent

it's true. powers not of this world

thats a vulva right

this made me kek out loud. imagine this bork running towards you in the middle of the night at 70 mph.

imagine army of bork robots running after you

fuck you, I just coughed water all over my monitor and keyboard

fucking lol

hey I'm the one saying Bjork would take her no problem lol!

just that meth is *not* a disadvantage in this scenario

>Bjork has chaotic fighting style. Grimes has the right moves

Have you fuckers been into a fight before?

Probably, or something equally retarded.

Probably wondering how should could make herself look ugly and weird today.

She attacked the reporter because she talked to Bjork's son