ITT: Guilty pleasures

feel free to let it out

anna sun as well

And on a general note shemale pornography

DAE stressed out?xD


aaaand filtered

>21 pilots fag
I don't even need to filter you, you will be gone when summer ends :)

It's basically just Jessie's Girl and that song is objectively good

nah I just don't tolerate shitposting ;)



nice job filtering him

Oh hey, the shame of my home city

At least I can still claim The National tho....and Guided By Voices as well because fuck Dayton


You are an honest man, I'll give you that.

same desu

pic related is my guilty pleasure not because I think it's bad but because I fit the stereotype of "person who doesn't listen to any country except kacey musgraves"

I want the Gambler to play at my funeral

>Announcing that you're going to filter someone
>Complaining about shitposting on Sup Forums of all places


Why feel guilty. This is a good album.

I thought Sup Forums hated anything mainstream? can't get much more mainstream than fun.

Some Nights is hated a lot on here, but Sup Forumstants generally seem to like Aim and Ignite

Sup Forums doesnt hate mainstream, Sup Forums hates the intolerable mainstream. so i guess Sup Forums hates 99% of mainstream music.

I can relate. I have a crippling addiction to Futanari porn. Also, I like Linkin Park.

I'm with both of you