/daily/ - Twin Peaks Edition

It's February 24th, 1989

Listen to your library, show off your backlog, babble about new music, tell us what you have been listening to today and what you will listen to in the following month, continue Jangle's Thrift Tourney (don't actually haha), just let the good times flow.

>the new topsters
topsters.net/ (doesn't work)
>haha thanks for linking it then

>new plug.dj room now that it appears to work again

>fifth dimension of bad choices and silent regret (aka "taste")

>Site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff

Ask about our Skype group if you're interested.
>ha skype oh wow

Most importantly, the owls are not what they seem.

Previously on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


for me

First for essential listen

meme the pain away

for the girlz

post your favorite plug moments

I started watching twin peaks for the first time yesterday, on episode 3 now


>Unknown Eskimo DJs - She Be She Strike >Radio Plays, Inuit Vocal Games, Field Recordings, Classic Rock

This is pretty bizarre. This is a 30 minute recording of anonymous Inuit janitors who hijacked a radio station during a strike. Most of it is just them talking or eating food, but they occasionally play a song - either by singing along to some old songs they find or by picking up a guitar off the floor and improvising something (or they might be playing an old Inuit song I don't know, I don't know what they're saying). Some of the covers are very pretty, but most of them are more of a novelty than anything.

I honestly don't know how to rate this. I've never heard anything quite like it.

This is apparently was the holy grail for fans of Inuit radio plays, but I'm not entirely sure how many of those exist.

does sync count?

What an Eric day

damn i just started twin peaks a few days ago too
i'm binging it because that's the madman that i am, but its's been fucking top notch so far
you know a thing that makes me sperg? how evrrytime somebody orders coffe or doughnuts or whatever they just take a bite and then leave, like what the shit is that lol
at this rate I'll finish it in two days but it's not like i have anything better to do with my time

Boku no die


Go back to /r9k/.


Steve Reich - Drumming (1st impressions)
Pretty disappointed with this one 2bh.
Worth a single listen. No replayability, no high points in this entire 2xLP, pretty monotonous and boring (but that's the point huehuehuehheu)

oh gee... plug being lewd, rude and degenerate again.. what a surprise

oh wow, shamepai is pining for attention by spouting shitty forced copypastas
what's new?

my nerves have been shot for the past 3 days
please recc me relaxing american folk/primitivism to help destress

does it have to be american?

daniel bachman - orange co serenade
sir richard bishop - while my guitar violently bleeds



american is preferred, I want something to remind me of rolling hills and green pastures

but I'll take any relaxing folk if you got it

heard Daniel, that bishop album has been in my backlog for a while so I'll check it out
listening to basho atm actually :)

well, it's non American, but Ichiko Aoba's 0 is some of the most relaxing shit i've ever heard.
James Blackshaw - The Glass Bead Game is more american, and is just as relaxing.

forever in my heart

I will look into both, thanks

What happened? Was it because you started work?

Bert Jansch - s/t
Not American, but I think you might like him
Feel better soon :(

Floating Into The Night might legit be my favorite album of all time
>jazzy dream pop composed by Badalamenti, Cruise's voice coupled with Lynch's lyrics
Yes please, I hope they make another album for the new season

5got trip

Boces has some a few good songs, but it's a long way down from Yerself. Listening to Metal Fingers' (aka MF DOOM) Special Herbs, Vol 1-2.

[spoiler]La passion de Jeanne d'Arc was quite an experience, I agree with the RYM hivemind who wants to ejaculate onto Falconetti's face. I found it to be a bit monotonous at times.[/spoiler]

started summer school and work load has been a lot. Scrambling to finish assignments rn.
on top of that to see the Tim show I had to drive 5 hours both ways with one of my exes and her friends and it was so energy draining.
They all talked drama and who they were fucking and I just sat in silence.
Can't do that shit, stresses me the fuck out, it was worth it for tim tho.
Thanks dam, never heard of him but I'll check it out

where were you when this is actually a 10/10

it's surprisingly great.

>started summer school and work load has been a lot. Scrambling to finish assignments rn.
can you read a book tho

Jackie McLean - Destination Out! (1964)

Ultra-sparse and ultra-cool jazz. The brunt of the praise here should honestly go to Grachan Moncur, who composed 3 of the 4 tracks here, and pulls off a great performance on the trombone. But of course, McLean's sax is absolutely incredible, and so are the vibes, jesus christ Bobby Hutcherson is becoming my favorite jazz musician, every single record he's on he just adds so much to, and of course the drumming and bass playing is great. The main issue here is that the longest track here is the weakest by such an insane margin, which definitely proves that Moncur is a superior compser to McLean. "Kahlil the Prophet" is just a generic post-bop track, the other three tracks are interesting in their sparsity and slow pace, this track is just kinda boring. But overall, very good stuff.


Aix Em Klemm - Aix Em Klemm (2000)
>ambient, drone

I love me some Stars of the Lid, and I don't know anything about Labradford, so I'll just talk about how much this disappointed me as a SotL fan. This is definitely a very pleasant ambient album, but it just doesn't do much interesting with it's textures and sounds. A major part of most ambient that I like are the melodies, however long and drawn-out they may be, and this record definitely lacks in that department. But I mean, it's earth-shatteringly pretty at times, and I certainly enjoyed myself at least a bit listening to it.


Fennesz - Live in Japan (2003)
>glitch, ambient

Immediately you're thrown in to a lovely world of fuzzy glitch and busy ambient, and Fennesz doesn't let up til the performance is over. Honestly I could do without most of the straight up noisy moments, I've never thought Fennesz does noise all too well, but the serene moments are wonderful, and luckily it stays in that territory most of the time.


yes, but why would I want to lol amirite?

exactly, books are for nerds

>tfw realise I haven't written anything for /daily/ in a while
Anyone else know this feel right now

>tfw realise I haven't written anything for /daily/ in half a year

James Ferraro time!
> Marble Surf
Ambient drone music is boring. Literally the laziest genre of all time. This is basically Disintegration Loops minus 911. Well a little better, but still not great.
> Rerex 1
This one was playful and nostalgic, it reminds me of watching PBS and science tv shows as a kid. Definitely some early vaporwave vibes happening here. The album is similar to Last American Hero or Marble Surf in the sense that it's sort of ambient and that there's a lot of repetition, but the songs evolve so it's more hypnotic and fun to listen to.
> Condo Pets
This was the EP released to build hype for FSV, so it has a similar sound. It's a little more stripped down and seems more focused on rhythm than atmosphere. I'm going to guess that these are FSV outtakes.

Okay I'm losing my mind, I should take a break from Ferraro.

I know that feel. These are the first reviews I've done since many threads ago.

When I was 14 and my brother moved out and left me a large portion of his CD collection.

That's a pretty damn long time, Jim. I feel for ya.
At least you've got something now though, right?

the mood that I would have to be in to fully enjoy and understand this is one that I don't think I will ever be able to hold constant. I'd imagine my opinion would change if that did happen.

It was still a good listen but I don't think I'll be trying it out in the near future again.

i'm feeling this but with my rym lists


I still haven't made any desu. I haven't even written any reviews on RYM. I should probably do more on RYM sometime.


Sometimes I feel this way, but I've never felt like it'd be worth the time :P

/daily/ lmao more like /lazy/

>/daily/ lmao more like /lazy/
Sadly correct for me at least

God i hate every single aspect of myself. Some good albums for this feel?

Doopees - Doopee Time

Glad you enjoyed it to some extent!

Anything by Elliott Smith honestly. His last album is the most depressing.


Anything by Wavves, especially if you're feeling teen angst.

Something by I Hate Myself maybe. Also, what happened to your last.fm?


Xiu Xiu - Dear God I Hate Myself

Isn't that a super cheerful album?
Will check him out. Anything special?
It's not teen angst. It's different . Think RHP, even tho Kozelek isn't doing the trick.
Have to close it for a few days. No real reason just not feeling like scrobbling
He is kind of right. I'm cringey, although what i say comes out naturally, and i don't do it to become the latest copypasta maker
I don't like Xiu Xiu but thanks anyway

Kinda surprised you never heard of the dude. I would say start with Either/Or. If you want something more raw with pretty much just guitar/vocals go backwards in his discog. If you want something with more variation/instrumetns go forward. Pretty sad shit.

Here you go. I gotta go to bed early so I'm just gonna post these w/ no reviews. Sure no one will mind.

nice dubs Fish


New account when? A-also where you drunk when you posted that last s-shout?
Good Fedorov score.

I mind you cunt
good Cilio score

Times you realized your music obsession is too much:
>Me just now
>Using popular dating app
>App uses Facebook likes to show mutual interests
> moderately attractive, yet somewhat "basic" looking girl crops up
>1 mutual interest
>Modest mouse
>look at her picture again
>Feel annoyed
> think "she's never listened to sad sappy sucker"
>swipe left
And I wonder why I have no gf

The harmonys- cats are my friends
Or have I recommended that to you before?
Not American or primitivism, but the Motifs- cross paths always (and presently) calms me.

Sorry I never got to the reviews, guys. I've been playing Overwatch. Here are some lazy quick reviews.

>Django Reinhardt
I had those whole spiel written out for Django, but it just amounted to describing a few dozen tracks I particularly enjoyed. Not worth reading or writing at all. Just know that this is consistently god-tier swing and jazz guitar for all 6 hours (with surprisingly amazing violin work that is never mentioned).

>Close Lobsters - Foxheads Stalk This Land
Decent jangle pop, kind of sound like ever jangle pop act ever but without any notable singles.

>Aphex Twin discography
Aphex Twin was cool. 85-92 was kind of lazy-seeming, but had a chill af atmosphere. Richard D. James album was a big step up technically, but not quite as cohesive or atmospheric. Come to Daddy tried way too hard to be edgy. Windowlicker was implementing the RDJ album aesthetic with actually good songwriting and particularly cool sounds. Drukqs was a massive, wild, and surprisingly personal statement. The prepared piano bits were very Erik Satie-esque so I'm glad I just listened to that for proper reference. Syro was a surprisingly warm-sounding album, far from Aphex's usual cold metallic sound, and had an excellent piano piece at the end.

>Slowdive - Soulvaki
Souvlaki was a very nuanced approach to Shoegaze, and worked with a lot of different sounds. All fairly unassuming on their own, but piled together formed a textured, hazy sound. Decent songwriting, but the style was way more interesting.

>Tetsu Saitoh - Stone Out
I have never heard an album so ruthless, so indiscriminating in its pursuit of good music. It incorporates elements of jazz, rock, free improv, chamber folk, western classical, and even what sounds like Chinese classical. It reaches incredible, loudly rocking highs and near-lowercase lows. It's bizarre that this isn't more popular here.

>/daily/ lmao more like /lazy/
This is me rn

>Suicide - s/t

>Hawaii pt II

Can we talk about this for a second? Why is this album art so fucking LOOOONG?? Is this allowed?

it sounded like Owl City my man

what a mustard sandwich thing to do

Guys I'm freaking out how are they able to do this???

>It incorporates elements of jazz, rock, free improv, chamber folk, western classical, and even what sounds like Chinese classical


Great joke Co
Yes i was. I don't remember what i said tho.
I normally don't check on songwriters.

if it's not a square it's not going on my computer

>it sounded like Owl City my man
I haven't been this triggered since transy said Sunn O))) had no good aspects

this month did not feel like it was a month long

who is this qt
herb is this you

I don't even really like Hawaii Pt. 2 but damn. I've gotta say though, Fireflies brings back memories.

Lovely Dolphyns

Hey Kevin, u have good onions. Luv uu

not true btw

thanks for all the twin peaks posting m8

Good night /pig/

Waltz for Debbie tomorrow morning for /coffeereview/!!!! (oh shit new segment!)
(not really it's just a reg 1st impressions while drinking coffee)

On a Side not, what is the cleanest, least painful way to kill yourself? Say you wouldn't like to make a big mess, how should it be

you're already a huge mess why stop now

rude, whoever that is

more albums like desertshore?

Good Morning /daily/!

Flight in like 10 hours. Gonna plan out what to listen to on the way.

ayy literally s/t

Throbbing Gristle cover album of Desertshore
wew lad, chill
Swipe tears like me. You won't have to bother about gfs or anything.

Sondre Lerche- Faces Down
but for real, have you heard Lisa perhacs- parallelogram? I can't really remember desertshore desu but it's similar to colour green which you originally recommended me
>Swipe tears like me

**** Linda perhacs

Top roast


What should I listen to?


I think I'm gonna start doing a review on RYM a day along with my chart starting tomorrow.

> Aoki Takamasa and Tujiko Norko - 28
Man these Glitch Pop albums are just killing it. This one keeps it pretty downtempo throughout but its almost endearing in a way. It kind of feels like if an intimate conversation with your best friend was turned into an amazing glitchy electronic album. Noriko sounds vaguely like Bjork here and overall its all just great. Alien has this motif that sounds like it could fit right into the decade's best hypothetical pop song. Vinyl Words and 26th Floor are both gorgeous from beginning to end.

>I think I'm gonna start doing a review on RYM a day along with my chart starting tomorrow.
I think I might try doing that too. Hope it works out. Also, that is some high praise for 28. Looks cool. I should check it out sometime.

shamepai you're a fun guy don't off yourself you silly

Your parents



So uh what are you guys listening to? I'm giving Tallis' Spem in Alium a relisten and it's still the most beautiful music I've heard in a while.

gotta do that tourney thing ay

probably going to finish the first round heats tonight

Decibelles - Sleep Sleep
very enjoyable punk, sounds a bit like Wire now that I have that knowledge
They pull off a big stupid power metal breakdown in the middle of a song and it doesn't feel cheesy or 'bad'
kinda cool

long long johnson

Neil Young - Harvest Moon (dad's chart)
The title track was good, but otherwise kind of meh-tier. this shouldn't really come as a surprise because i was always a fan of his work with Crazy Horse [and After the Gold Rush.]


meme as anymeme is next.

Go back to being banned, ya weeb

Ayy for once, p4k is right

>I'm giving Tallis' Spem in Alium a relisten and it's still the most beautiful music
Good taste

The Monitor

that's true only for one track and
>something done in the style of something else which i consider bad cant be done well

funeral doom at least has riffs that give it direction

>tfw haven't even finished my tourney and can't start trad tourney without finishing first one
I should hurry up
>Good taste
I think I oughta drone you sometime.

no ragrets