Assholes make the best music


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you mean like when you fart?

Well he made Zwan and Zeitgeist so that's not always true

He's literally never hurt anyone.
>wahh but he disagrees with me a couple of subjects
Grow the fuck up

Billy's just autistic. Dead serious.

wow billy must be really nice

you mean narcissists. narcissists make the best music. they aren't always assholes necessarily, even though deep down they don't really give a shit about you unless they have something to gain from you.

Does Billy have at least one good album left in him? The modern Pumpkins stuff just sounds like he is trying to imitate fucking Coldplay or something. I hope he pulls a Bowie where he is able to release one more great album before he goes.


In 10 years, we'll look back on Brexit as the best thing to happen to the UK since its inception

No. Clearly he's had enough tries by now, let's be honest.

"Siamese Dreams has been praised by lots of critics for many years. I have personally listened to it over 50 times for sure, probably much more. And while it does have truly amazing sound and production, it does lack in some departments.

While Cherub Rock, the album's grand opener, presents an interesting symphony-like arrangement, Quiet immediately surprises with its rather basic chord progression. This underlying simplicity, lack of proficiency goes through Corgan's songwriting on this record, making it feel like Gish with better production—or even simpler than that. True, every strum does sound thunderous here—Corgan did put up one hell of a rig with amps turned to 11, and Butch Vig helped do the rest; but where Loveless, for example, had great pop songs with interesting chord changes underneath its guitar textures, Siamese Dreams has pretty ordinary melodies, not really inspiring or outstanding in any way. Another example is Geek USA: its solo, despite being played at an impressive speed, is just the same 4 notes repeated faster and faster.

Perhaps my favorite aspect of the record, aside from the sound, is the drumming. It's not that high in the mix, and not as lavishly produced as the guitars; but after listening closely to the record it became apparent to me just how important Chamberlin's work was to the record, giving it so much power and energy.

Otherwise, this record probably was important in 1993. But despite having near-perfect execution, it just lacks proficiency. I think Corgan attempted too much at the same time with Siamese Dream, not having enough to pull it off at once. His grand ambitions were realized in the sound, but in the songwriting he falls short of sounding as great as he promises".

No, you need to grow up, and start supporting artists that do not have such full-of-shit views (anti-vaccine, believes chemtrails, gives regular interviews for Alex Jones, treats fans like shit).

For example, John Lennon was a douchebag too, but unlike Billy Corgan, he actually held a very sensible worldview.

What a close-minded post.

> he tells others to "support" artists based on their views
Here's your daily reminder that you're a leftist cuck

I know that it can be hard sometimes to defend someone who is not worth defending in the first place.

>John Lennon
>held a very sensible worldview

he did

in the music

Billy Corgan has not been overly secretive about these things, so obviously ignoring that factor and labeling me with some alt-right jargon is an act of denial.

You need to seperate the art from the artist
Not appreciating someone's art because of what they believe in or because of who they are is extremely closed-minded and biased

No ones ignoring his opinions, he just has a right to hold them. There is nothing inherently wrong with them and they don't hurt anyone.
Calling him an asshole because you disagree with him is just a pathetic and childish thing to do.

Agreed. His conspiracy theory shit gets really cringe but he means well and is generally a good guy. I've heard so many stories of people who've met him and how nice he was. Honestly dude just seems kind of misunderstood.

No, retard, we know his political views, we're just TOLERANT. You are a bigot.

He thought staying in bed for a week would end war.

no , pro tip this is shit music.


Outside the conspiracy theory stuff his views are rational and he presents them intelligently.
He's a pretty cool guy

I want this shirt. Sadly Billy discontinued it very quickly explaining that he decided he didn't want to risk bringing negativity to PAWS, the shelter organization Anderson Cooper made fun of him for promoting.


The sleep in his and his wife did was in documentaries and shit, if you've never heard about Lennons stupid wanking fagotry, you've never looked into anything Beatles. John and Yoko were insufferable SJWs before the internet was even a thing.

Underrated desu
Childish, but underrated


I'm very socially liberal and fiscally conservative, and I am dismayed at how intolerant and closed minded liberals are despite all their bleeding heart rhetoric. It's like I expect intolerance from the far right, but the far left paint themselves as progressives and liberal and accepting and they absolutely are fucking failing at being all those things just as badly as the far right Christfags fail at being Christ-like.

Anderson Cooper was unnecessarily mean to Billy for that. Like I could understand making fun of him because it was a funny picture, but saying that doing it was uncool and wrong and such was uncalled for. It's not like he was doing some huge weird public thing on the news, he was posing with his cats for charity.

TFW Sup Forums is actually being unbiased for once

>the far left paint themselves as progressives and liberal and accepting and they absolutely are fucking failing at being all those things

Yeah, people getting their head split open by tolerant liberals just for going to see Trump speak isn't really what I would consider accepting. Then they have the gall to pretend as if they're 'anti facist' or whatever. They think they have the moral high ground because the media agrees with them, and therefore the law doesn't apply to them. It's fucking insane. I feel that they're losing power though, and they'll have to put up with living under the "hateful oppressive rule" of Trump. How things could get more hateful and oppressive than beating a person for listening to a candidate or expressing an opinion I don't know.

The Smashing Pumpkims may very well be the closest thing I have to a favorite band but yeah
Billy Corgan is a fucking prick
he's overly opinionated, transphobic, and self-centered
James Iha once said he'd never reunite with Billy because of how egotistical he is. Even if you disagree or agree with his views; he's still a prick.

that being said, Siamese Dream is gold


this desu
every artistic type i've ever met has been at least somewhat narcissistic


you need to separate the person from the argument

dictating how someone else should or shouldn't experience or modulate any piece of art is extremely closed-minded and biased

I hate Trump, but I agree with you on this completely. I was supporting Sanders and it's really fucking dismaying to see SJW twats ruining what could have been an effective movement. That and Sanders not having a fucking spine, and saying if he looses he'll vote for Hillary. That fucking killed it.

But Trump followers are idiots, too, because he's a long time Democrat and previously campaigned for Hillary. I'm beginning to think the conspiracy that our presidents are picked for us years in advance and that the elections are merely theater are true. Hillary and Trump were pushed so hard by the media while other candidates were minimized or blacked out all together, and Trump makes a fine foil for Hillary. Both Trump and Hillary have done illegal shit so far and yet nether is arrested or indicted.

At this point I'm examining my third party options. The public does seem frustrated with the system more than usual, and a bit more aware of the corruption and fixing that is going on. If enough people don't cooperate maybe something interesting will happen. But at this point I'd even rather Trump win than Hillary, just to see the wildcard hated by both parties get in instead of Ms. Presumptive. Maybe I just want to watch the world burn at this point, I don't know. The far left and far right can exterminate each other for all I care. Chaos is sometimes necessary. Let them oppress each other.

If ever there was an election that illustrated how the parties are two sides of the same coin, this is it. How much more of it can the moderate middle put up with? That's where the numbers are growing, while political discourse is controlled by the fringe.

I guess it's because an artist of any type has to spend an awful lot of time inside their own heads building inner worlds. A good artist is selling their hearts and souls. An artist can't sell someone else's.

They did play together just recently though.

> transphobic

The fuck you talkn' bout?

Damn... fucking savage. Sounds like she deserved it.

You reap what you sow. Hate breeds more hate, my friend. Why does anyone expect something different? Trump's an asshole and his supporters are assholes. I'm honestly surprised when other people are surprised when they get called out on it. People are allowed to be assholes, but they should expect repercussions, it's the way of the world, push and get pushed back. Sorry if you don't like it, Princess.

>That and Sanders not having a fucking spine, and saying if he looses he'll vote for Hillary.
lol yeah. I don't agree with sanders but I respected him for not being a total shill. Then he just went ahead and threw his entire ideology down the toilet to suck up to the most corrupt cunt on earth.
>Trump followers are idiots, too, because he's a long time Democrat and previously campaigned for Hillary
Nobody's supporting Trump because he's running Republican, they support him in spite of it. His past ties to the democrats mean nothing, since this isn't really a partisan race, it's establishment v anti-establishment.
Everyone probably supported Hilary at one time or another, since she flip flops so much. Hillary supported the border Wall ten years ago, now she pretends it's racist.

lmao, based billy

lol, nice parody of a tumblr tard.

I'm totally serious.

The funny thing about Trump is that he's trying to be a tough guy when he's the polar opposite of a tough guy. He's a trust fund narcissist, a whiny, thin skinned cry baby masquerading as a tough guy.

That's a shame.

That's really disappointing. If they wronged him then I understand his anger and disrespect, but his reaction is incredibly childish and full of impotent threats. Really dismays me to see this side of him.

I don't expect any famous person to be perfect, but it saddens me when I see them sort of falling apart or falling into destructive behavioral patterns instead of growing with age and experience. He strikes me as a rather desperate person who's kind of flailing lately. I hope he gets help.

Not for me it isn't. Sorry about all your coping issues and stuff.

Physically attacking people because you think they are assholes is not 'calling them out', it's becoming the very thing you fucking sjws hate... bullies and oppressors.

And it's not helping the movement, ether, as he can now claim to be the victim. You are stupid stupid shits.

>coping issues
Says the one who can't cope with a candidate saying words.

>Then he just went ahead and threw his entire ideology down the toilet to suck up to the most corrupt cunt on earth.
This is dumb. Of course, he would say that if he lost, he would vote for Hillary. He may be largely against what Hillary stands for, but he has said for a long time now that he thinks Trump is the worse of the two and is least aligned with his principles. Bernie is fully aware that Hillary is bought and paid for, and that she only pays lip service to 'progressive politics'. He, and many of his supporters, are simply saying that if it is impossible for Bernie to win, then they will pick the least dangerous remaining option. In their view, that's Hillary, as disgusting as she may be. This isn't capitulating ideology, it's just awareness that Bernie likely won't win and that they'll have to pick either Trump/Hillary (whoever they think will be better for the American people).

What did they mean by this?
(Overall GOAT albums chart)

As I said, you get what you give. Trump supporters are attacking dissenters as well. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's to be expected. Given Trump's hateful rhetoric and his slope headed, yokel followers, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

Billy Corgan is the best

>liberals/sjws are doing the far left's No Platforming work for us
Feels good man.

He can say whatever he wants. And he usually does.
>wah, megan kelley doesn't like me
>wah, stop saying i have a small peen
>wah, a judge doesn't like me
>wah, i think i'll shoot off an angry tweet

>lol yeah. I don't agree with sanders but I respected him for not being a total shill. Then he just went ahead and threw his entire ideology down the toilet to suck up to the most corrupt cunt on earth.

It wasn't so much sucking up to her as trying to placate ardent Democrats by going easy on her, and then he fell for the Trump scare and folded completely into the mindset of voting the lesser evil, which for many Independent voters like myself was the whole point of rebelling against the party favorites. He failed us, and $hillary is a fool if she thinks she gets us by getting him.

>Nobody's supporting Trump because he's running Republican, they support him in spite of it. His past ties to the democrats mean nothing, since this isn't really a partisan race, it's establishment v anti-establishment.
Everyone probably supported Hilary at one time or another, since she flip flops so much. Hillary supported the border Wall ten years ago, now she pretends it's racist.

Good points, but thinking he's truly anti-establishment when he always supported the establishment is lunacy. It's like a wealthy donor decided to enter the race in place of their horse. lol Hell, he's racing against one of his horses! The absolute madman! It's entertaining as hell but good god do we really want an entertainer making policy and foreign affair decisions?

It's silly of him to do that before the nominee is officially chosen. He refuses to leave the race, yet endorses his opponent before it's over. He's practically been endorsing her from the beginning really. He has been attacking trump more than her this entire campaign and he's not running against Trump, he's suppose to be running against her yet tells people to stop talking about Hillary's emails. It's probably the weakest, most pathetic, most spineless campaign ever. At least Jeb tried to toughen up once or twice.

Hillary is admittedly terrible, but Trump is 1000 times worse.

It would make sense if protesters were defending themselves when attacked, not becoming the ones instigating the attacks. Your movement will fail because your lot are terrible tacticians.

Hey, life ain't fair, Princess. Be an asshole and get treated like one.

>Trump supporters are attacking dissenters as well
They attack when they get attacked, and it's pretty rare. The only one I can think of is that black Trump supported punching that protester who thought it would be funny to wear a KKK outfit to the Trump rally.
No Trump supporter goes to any other rally to start trouble. That's all liberals.
>you get what you give
All Trump and his supporters do is give words, why isn't that what they're getting back instead of assault?
>hateful rhetoric™
lmao, nice Hillary soundbyte

>Words are bad and when they hurt muh feelings they deserve assault
liberals are fucking insane these days.

>do we really want an entertainer making policy and foreign affair decisions?
That's what republicans said 8 years ago.

Fuck off, Hillary is literally an inept criminal who would sell America to the Saudis if she could.

That is a betrayal of principals. He is letting them use Trump, a former Hillary campaigner, as a foil. He could be filing lawsuits regarding uncounted votes, and bringing out the heavy ammunition against her, and vow to his supporters to run as an Independent if need be, but instead he's pissing himself, just as planned. Do you think he has any chance at a contested convention after showing such weakness? He's thrown away his momentum. The kind old man has quite simply faltered. He's a lame horse.

And I will not vote Hillary. I'm an independent and I am sick of Democrats telling me to get behind their Chosen One, or telling me to tow the party line and unite the party. I want the party to fucking burn! Why would I unite their party when it is integral to the problems that undermine our 'Democracy'?

Bringing it back to music, what will you be listening to when everyone finally has enough of this bullshit political system and the revolution starts?

I put in a protest vote that election, user, so you don't have me there. I hated Hillary and thought Obama was naive and inexperienced. On the Republican side I liked McCain until they nominated him and then he became like a different person. That wishy washy half retarded bimbo being selected for running mate was the last nail in that coffin. There was no lesser evil just mutual stupidity.

>have an opinion I disagree with and get beat up on the street

Seems reasonable, Mr. Brown Shirt.

>yet endorses his opponent before it's over.
He isn't endorsing Hillary. He was asked a hypothetical, he answered the question.
>He's practically been endorsing her from the beginning really.
>He has been attacking trump more than her this entire campaign and he's not running against Trump,
I don't agree. I've been watching it all closely, and I think he's been critical of both quite often. Never noticed him preferring to attack Trump of Hilldog.
> he's suppose to be running against her yet tells people to stop talking about Hillary's emails.
It's implicitly understood that he wanted to be running a clean campaign. He could've really shit on her for all the donations and handouts she's gotten from the rich, way more than he has been doing. But he's been basically trying to look like an honest, sincere, and decent person in a political arena that has increasingly become shitflinging and twitter "burns".
>At least Jeb tried to toughen up once or twice.
Jeb was the most spineless, bar none. Bernie's trying to look like a saintly statesman in contrast to "dirty Hillary". Jeb was full of shit and couldn't deal when Trump tore into him.

No, user, they are the same fucking deal, just look at her record instead of believing the media.

Just apply the lyrics to more than California...

>And I will not vote Hillary. I'm an independent and I am sick of Democrats telling me to get behind their Chosen One, or telling me to tow the party line and unite the party. I want the party to fucking burn! Why would I unite their party when it is integral to the problems that undermine our 'Democracy'?
It's true. Hillary isn't as leftist as many Bernie supporters would like. But I think, at the end of the day, Bernie is actually being somewhat leftist here, in the most disappointing way a leftist can be leftist. At the end of the day, I think Bernie cares about real material gains and not symbolic victories. Encouraging people to vote for him, if defeated, would be a waste of a vote. Sad maybe, but true. I think the rationale is, if you genuinely care about the actual well-being of the American public, vote for the candidate who you think will bring about policies (or at least keep policies) that will help the people. I think Bernie and his supporters would rather put up with Hillary, who would continue/keep status quo liberal economic, military, and social policies, than hand it over to Trump, who is often seen as potentially capable of doing real damage to the country. America's been suffering under the status quo for a long time; we can take 4 more years. They just think 4 years of Trump will be worse than 4 more years of the same.

So when I say this isn't a betrayal of principles, I mean that Bernie is still fighting for 'the best possible progressive policies at this time', even if that is someone like Hilldog.

Fuckin' right

Honest campaigning would be calling her out on her actual bullshit. I like the guy user, but there comes a time when you have to stop pulling the punches, especially when your opponent is as crooked as her. He was weak, user, he failed us. I'll still consider him for my vote if he somehow wins a contested convention, but I think it was all over when he didn't do anything about the uncounted votes and said he'd unite behind Hillary out of fear of trump. She has him all but beaten.

Now I'll be researching the Green Party and Libertarian candidates.

>believing anything on a site called Queerty

You misunderstand what a lot of people really want from him. We wanted to break the party with a candidate who has a record and who is not beholden to billionaires and banks. If he can't do that then he is useless to us.

> They just think 4 years of Trump will be worse than 4 more years of the same.

I'm not so sure of that, and what I want is change. Maybe it will get worse before it gets better, because the status quo MUST be broken somehow, and the mindless masses must be shaken out of their comfort zone.

>So when I say this isn't a betrayal of principles, I mean that Bernie is still fighting for 'the best possible progressive policies at this time', even if that is someone like Hilldog.

His principles and mine are less compatible than I had hoped, then. I was never behind him for his progressive ideas, but for his record and his effectiveness as a Mayor in the past. Ideals are worthless if ineffective or unobtainable.

Any vote that is not for the winning candidate is a wasted vote.
I think if people take this to heart and just vote for who they genuinely think the best candidate would be regardless of party affiliations or chance of winning then over time we could possibly break the 2 party system or reign in the fringe positions because the best way to get the most votes would be through more moderate policies and compromise/cooperation.


This. Absolutely.

But it doesn't help that the people who control the parties also control the media, and most Americans are barely sentient consumers who can't tell the difference between sports and politics. They watch what's on, they pick their teams, and they form their rivalries to give their worthless lives the illusion of meaning.

Those of us who are higher minded than that must take it upon ourselves to become better educated and involved in local and state level politics. That is where change can really start.