Final Sup Forumscore list

And finally, here it is: the final Sup Forumscore and sub-Sup Forumscore list. It looks pretty nice. What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Final Sup Forumscore list
fuck off holy shit we have had like 35 of these threads in the past 2 weeks alone
what don't you retards understand
you fucking retards

Why is Gomogenic on there?
I say this as a björkfag but i rarely see Homogenic talked about enough on here for it to be considered Sup Forumscore

this, please fucking go away

The "rest of the board" created the list desu senpai

Close to the Edge is discussed more than a lot of the albums in sub Sup Forumscore.

>only one death grips album


>the rest of the board
you mean the people in ONE thread? this chart will never be used outside of this thread and further inevitable (and futile mind you) discussion of the Sup Forumscore chart

true story, i see it on a daily basis easily

I guess board has many björkfags and they consider it to be her best?

>Trout Mask Replica
>sub-Sup Forumscore
And you are a subcephalic idiot

Seems fair

No, I mean people from ALL OVER the board since the poll was posted to many threads (and the main thread was alive for more than 10 hours) and it shows the general opinion of Sup Forumstants since 200 people voted on it, contrarian idiot. You may not like the final chart, but it's no reason to diminish its value.

wtf is david bowie doing on that list


>one of the most discussed artists on the board
>wtf is he doing on that list

>having a sub/mu/core section
cmon man, well over half of those albums are Sup Forumscore already, there is no point of this.

this, I never saw the point of having a sub-Sup Forumscore list

gl with your chart that 1. has albums that are far from Sup Forumscore and 2. will never be posted anyways
i mean if so many people voted, it has to live on... right....?

>1. has albums that are far from Sup Forumscore
Sup Forumscore is decided by the people on the board and the people have decided that albums on the chart are Sup Forumscore albums -- how can you then say that albums on the chart are far from Sup Forumscore? They ARE Sup Forumscore, not far from it.

>i mean if so many people voted, it has to live on... right....?
You are a big fan of North Korea, I assume?

>gl with your chart
How is this my chart? This chart is far from my personal preference or my list of favorite albums or anything, so I don't understand why you are calling it my chart. I didn't decide what goes on the chart, Sup Forums decided.

ITCOTCK is much better though

Sup Forumscore is decided by Sup Forums, but Sup Forumscore isnt what Sup Forums likes the most
Sup Forumscore is and always has been what is discussed the most frequently here
i can think of much more fitting replacements for homogenic, emergency & i (this is also one of my favorite albums btw), the sigur ros album, ziggy stardust, and there are also several albums that are definitely debatable as to whether or not they are posted frequently, specifically remain in light although i suppose it makes some amount of sense to leave it on just due to the fact that at one point in time it was discussed quite a bit
>You are a big fan of North Korea, I assume?
i am saying that nobody is going to post this chart. anywhere. in any actual discussion. ever. there are literally hundreds of other Sup Forumscore charts to choose from

>Sup Forumscore is and always has been what is discussed the most frequently here
That is true and I think that voters did have that in mind because on the original thread there were people writing things like "Why does Blonde on Blonde only have 6 votes, kill yourselves" and the people responded "It's a good album but definitely not Sup Forumscore" and Sup Forums is aware of that fact.

Also, the important thing is that proponents of some albums really spam them to death and they are spammed by the same people all the time (like 10 same people always posting the same album). It's like saying that Evanescence - Fallen should be Sup Forumscore because that one idiot comes every day and posts a thread about it - but it's just one guy, not many people on the board. But if 79 people read the term "Sup Forumscore" and voted for Emergency & I, that album obviously associates those 79 people to Sup Forumscore and I only respected their opinion, same goes for Homogenic (Björk is probably THE most discussed female artist in the history of the board), Ziggy Stardust (Bowie has been really discussed a lot here, especially in the last year (even when he was alive)), but that Sigur Ros surprised me too. Remain In Light finished in top 10 in two polls and definitely deserves to be there.

>i am saying that nobody is going to post this chart. anywhere. in any actual discussion. ever. there are literally hundreds of other Sup Forumscore charts to choose from
But if everybody has the same opinion like you about these charts, then all Sup Forumscore charts can be just thrown away and forgotten because there will always be people that will react with "Fuck you and your chart, what does it have to do with Sup Forums, we don't discuss these albums you faggot". There WILL be people writing this. Every. Single. Time. A chart is posted. But that's the problem of those negative people, not of Sup Forums.

can you stop sucking each other's cock pls?

itaots 9/10
kid a 7/10
mbv 8/10
pet sounds 7/10
mpp 7/10
money store 6.5/10
remain in light 8/10
glow pt2 6/10
tvu&n 7/10
okc 5/10

no one cares

hi scaruffi

>pet sounds 7/10
>kid a 7/10
>glow pt2 6/10

I think there's still no representation for the /genre general/ threads that make up like 40% of the boards user base.

You might want to go look over your Scaruffi lore user.
His ratings aren't that similar.

This is a supposed to be a list of albums discussed frequently on Sup Forums. CTTE is discussed much more than Sigur Rós, The Dismemberment Plan and Homogenic.

But no mucore album is a 10/10 by his system


no album is a 10/10

Where's Nick Drake? Daft Punk?
Bjork isn't actually listened to by anyone here, it's just the same four people spamming her pictures. They're almost as bad as kpop posters

ITAOTS: 7/10
Loveless: 7/10
spiderland: 5/10
LYSF: 7/10
Kid A: 7/10
MPP: 6/10
Pet sounds: 6/10
OKC: 7/10
RIL: 8/10
TMS: 8/10
TVU&N: 8/10
TGpt2: 7/10
TMR: 7/10
Madvillainy: 9/10
crimson meme: 7/10
SILY: 10/10
SFTB: 8/10
MBDTF: 5/10
American football: 3/10
FAI: 8/10
SAW: 8/10
Illinois: 7/10
Tago Mago: 8/10
Pinkerton - 4/10
Emergency & !: not listened yet
Untrue: 9/10
homogenic: 8/10
TPAB: 5/10
Hospice: 6/10
Ziggy Stardust: 8/10
TBK: 8/10
AB: 7/10

>no Laughing Stock
>no Laughing Stock
>no Laughing Stock
>no Laughing Stock


>sub Sup Forumscore instead of main Sup Forumscore
How about no

does anyone else think LIE: The Love and Terror cult should be on here? or Jackson C. Frank perhaps? We need to at least introduce newfags to some decent folk. Right? (besides the Glow pt. 2 which isn't TRVE FOLK)


>no person pitch

LOL in the trash you go

STGSTV is more Sup Forumscore than MPP.

Also, why the fuck is Pinkerton there. Not liked, never talked about.


literally no album is perfect, especially not people's 10/10s here

really needs some entry-level noise/drone, since those get a fair amount of discussion/memeage here. Earth 2 at least should be on there

alright im convinced this kid is responsible for this thread
nobody here likes sigur ros besides the underage

>bottomless pit a 10/10

>he thinks 10/10 means perfect
How does it feel being this elitist


what else would 10/10 mean

See (the most bottom name)

his 10/10s make me want to kill myself
but how do you know this faggot is OP

Here's one that's actually good that we made like a week ago

It's 95% as OP's

emergency and i, animals, blonde on blonde, and kind of blue aren't posted here enough to be mu core IMO

because it's him and his friends spamming the votes.

Sup Forums has alot of sub-groups
there's montieboys
the facebook Sup Forums group
and this fag

It's literally just a round-up from 9.5 because if you put 9.5 you'll get even more autism thrown at you than if you put 10/10
Get over yourself, kid.

I feel bad for having 2 of the same 10s as him jesus christ

tomatodole telling it like it is

is there a dronier chart? holy shit

well okay. you didn't have to get so triggered

>Get over yourself, kid.

Kek, sounds like a mutant

What's the point of rounding up?

Why is your mom desu not on the chart? this is top tier cringe

good question and nice trips

Replace Emergency and I with Velocity Design Comfort

Swap Avalanches with Velvet Underground

whos retarded enough to call themselves montieboys

I thought that we finished this a few days ago?

Are we doing the "new official chart" meme?

So is it 2013 right now

>pic related

>Kendrick Lamar