Why does Sup Forums hate Justin Bieber but love the 70's boy band The Beatles?

Why does Sup Forums hate Justin Bieber but love the 70's boy band The Beatles?

This is literally lewronggeneration shit as both targeted 12 year old girls

Justin Bieber is objectively more talented than every individual Beatle except for George

Search your heart, I'm right

>boy band


Beatles wrote songs, so im going to say they are more talented.

Nice rockism.

Biebs writes too

>1 album

they were a boy band though

scaruffi please leave

unironically agreed


He looks like a drag queen.

Post-humous, the Beatles broke up in 69, they never existed in the 70s.

>Sup Forums loves The Beatles
since when?

but a cute one so its okay

we don't like scaruffi anymore

since always you turd

Since the scaruffidrones stopped spamming him everyday

How many boy bands play their own instruments and write their own songs? Zero? Then you're wrong.


How many boy bands had as much creative control as the Beatles?


no bait

well you could argue for Lennon but he'll surpass him soon enough

Go on....

So did Lil B

What instument does Little B play?

Check m8 fgt

the synthesizer



The difference is, The Beatles had the time to mature as artists, and started writing music that had real meaning (especially after they started doing acid). Wheres justin Bieber is an adult who still writes songs for tween girls.

Show me Justin Bieber's A day in the Life

or his Tomorrow Never Knows

or his Penny Lane

or his Long, Long Long

or his medley

Because Mic was queerer & sang better blues.

No what?

>Trying this hard