I need to learn about college campus normie music

So that when people ask me about it I can pretend like I know anything about it, what do they listen to? What's popular with millennials in 2016?

Depends what state

Tame Impala


Level 1:look up top 40 music
Level 2: Mainstream hip hop/trap
Level 3: "Indie bands".

21 pilots, panic at the disco, fallout boy

Whatever she big on the country stations and whatnot. To be honest it's going to differ wildly from person to person in VA. But when it comes to people who aren't really that into music they it's going to be the big Country stars and

No I'm talking about at VCU in Richmond, filled with tons of hipsters and sjw's

future and drake

anything else?

21 Pilots, Tame Impala, Halsey, Chvches
I live in VA too

i go to vcu and everyone listens to future, drake and other rap. if you want to impress some hipster chicks just listen to the smiths or popular indie bands

so there are different strands of normie at vcu?

>not everyone is exactly the same and listens to things besides the artists Sup Forums shit on??

yes fucking idiot, there are "different strands of normie". your best bet is to stick with what you actually like and just be confident, act normal and tell someone you like weird music and sorry but you havent heard much pop stuff. it's a university, you'll find kids that like your special snowflake music too, i promise, and you wont find them by being demeaning about music thats more mainstream

First off, rap, pop, and hip hop are all objectively shit tier, millenials themselves are shit tier
Secondly, I'm only going to learn about this music so that I can blend in easier with them to get them to like me
Third, its a really bad idea to tell them that I dont like basically anything from 2000+

>What are your favorite genres, user?
>... uhm

user, learning about their music won't help them like you when you have a personality like that.

go to spotify and listen to top 50.

I know that's why I'm learning how to fake literally everything, I'm basically creating a persona

absolutely this

get a psychologist and some friends instead

That's literally it. Throw in some EDM and you've got it.

I don't need a psychologist and I'm working on making friends
Also this isn't the point of this thread

whats edm

>rap, hip hop is shit tier

And you wonder why you can't get bitches.

fuck off normie
also I can pretend to like them even though they are shit

>whats edm
Electronic/Dance Music.

>I don't need a psychologist and I'm working on making friends
Pretty sure you do. I manage to have a variety of friends and I talk about music with two, maybe three of them.

>First off, rap, pop, and hip hop are all objectively shit tier, millenials themselves are shit tier
I used to think the same until I gave it a go. Granted 98% of it is shit, 1% is okay, but unless you plan to download entire band discographies, just only listening to that 1% that is good isn't that hard to do.

>Top 40
>Top 40 Country for SoVA

Remember these and you're set to infiltrate normie society.

win friends and influence people, the definitive book of body language, talk language, and a billion wicked thoughts are teaching me more about how to get normies to like me than any psychologist ever could


Pitchfork BNMs
Rolling Stone cover artists
Youtube videos of deep house mixes and beach models

Millennial normie music is EDM and hip-hop. That's it.

I'd throw in trap as well. And country pop depending on where you live.

so you are in a "fake it until you make it/become one" approach? Are you just macchiavelian and want to go full sociopath mode? or do you just want "normie" friends because you are feeling lonely?

im just curious about your "endgame"

endgame is get laid man simple as that
I know that by default I am a total outsider, was definitely born into the wrong country/time period/ maybe both

But with enough practice I can learn all the shit that normies say, all their body language, their clothes, hair, music, everything, and model myself off all of it so that I blend right in and they accept me as one of them

I don't know if thats classified as fake it till you make it or machiavellian or what

I want normie "friends" because the only way to have a sex life is to have a good social life underneath it

Being an internet cave dweller doesn't earn companionship, and while we may all sit around and enjoy our little in-jokes, it's not something really to be shared with normal people.

>im just curious about your "endgame"
To expose himself to enough of the media so that he has common talking points with his peers, and begin to form extra-internet relationships. In time, he will readjust to being more of a normie himself, and while he may not be as much a part of le internet subculture, he'll at least have more friends.

Sounds fair.

By "fake it until you make it" i meant that sometimes lonely people with "special tastes" and personal "extravagancies" end up wanting to be a normie and go through the process you describe but with that particular objective of actually changing.

By "macchiavelian" i meant that you might have a construed sociopathic plan of revenge or whatever that involved you blending with normies.

I just made more of it than it really was, sorry.

My actual advice is, get familiar with the music and pick the things you enjoy the most... that way your ruse will be half honest and not seen through as easily.

Sup Forums harbours people with far more twisted plans, i understand the points you expose and see them as a noble enterprise.

So what do you think I am, fake it, mach, socio, or something else?

My le ebin master ruse wont be seen through if I actually do it right

>becoming a fake normalfag
>when you can become part of the Übermensch

Not going to make it.


Not him, but I think you're a kid that just wants to feel normal and included.

You've got some growing to do, m8.

>My actual advice is, get familiar with the music and pick the things you enjoy the most... that way your ruse will be half honest and not seen through as easily.
Seriously do this. What you are trying to do is either one of two things: 1) you are a sociopath who wants to make women more comfortable around you so you can have sex with them, 2) you are a not-normal person who wants to become more normal so you can blend in more. Only you know which one you are, but from what I'm reading, you have a bit more to worry about than just looking up a top 40 chart and memorizing a few names.

also top hits like someone else said
just go to google and look at their music section or type popular music??? pretty easy.
pretty sure most people around college age are going to be listening to the same shit.

popular hip hop/edm/etc. not that hard

True. I like to think trap is associated with hip-hop, but I hear normies reference it as its own genre when it's usually house with hi hats and 808s

I just wanna get laid and I am willing to sacrifice everything for it, I dont think that makes me a sociopath

Don't conform to other people's taste just to fit in. Normies can smell fakeness and insecurity from a mile away, ESPECIALLY women. You will just come across as painfully awkward.

If you're an autist, you're an autist for life. There is no getting around it. You're just gonna have to live with it, user.

Really ask yourself this.

Why do you want to get laid?


pretty sure this belongs in /adv/ if you want advice on how to get laid

I'm cyborg, maybe borderline-robot at uni but music taste is absolutely nothing compared to having a sense of humor. That should be number 1, next is to work out and be comfortable playing/watching one sport (football's your best bet). After that literally just be yourself, joke around, and compliment people's tastes most of the time. You don't need to actually like what they like outside of a sport or two.

Don't forget, have good hygiene.

Autist tend to forget that part.

Why do people overthink this shit? Just be confident and positive, you'll find there are things in the cultural climate around you that you'll like and take in, and you'll also find that you can still like and mix in your own personal culture. People don't like robotic clones, that's a recipe for being boring, bring something unique to the table, but without the pretension of being anti conformist for the sake of not conforming

Just find someone autistic as you, fuck. sex isn't gonna fix your loneliness. my gf likes punk shit mostly but also likes the more plaid style of idm and can dig most of the shit I like, the key is to not try to fit in when you don't and just find someone else who doesn't fit in.

nah dude... you will end up hating yourself and your life if you fake it all just for pussy... If all you want is sex get a nice hooker to pop your cherry.

If you want an actual relationship you will need to change certain things about yourself and im gonna imply some shit below.

1) be more open to normie music, instead of going full fake mode find the good things in those songs that you like even if its just one dumb bass line or a goddamn cowbell. Do not deny your actual taste in music, just dont disregard the shit normies like

2) a e s t h e t h i c s : Women loev men who have their shit together clothing wise and they despise people that dress shittily... visit /fa/ and acquire taste. But it has to be your own brand of taste, applyable to your personality

3) those body language and communication things you have been reading will help get the awkward out of you so keep learning from them but also watch people interact and observe how its applied... if you dont it will be obvious that its not natural to you and seem even more awkward.

4) as another user said, Hygiene Hygiene Hygiene. Shower every goddamn day, brush your fucking teeths after every meal, keep those nails short under any circumstances, do what you want with your hair as long as it doesnt look greasy.

5) Excercise will take you a long way aswell. A) you will look great. B) your posture will improve (and as you might have read its vital to convey muh alpha assertive persona). C) your sex game improves greatly, it helps you last longer and perform overall better.

Its nothing you didnt know but the main key is to keep who you are in the mix, your taste in music is nothing to be ashamed of and will help lure in someone you have a greater connection than "heard that 21 pilots song? my benis feels good in your bussy! i am of came!!!!"

Bitch you're a millennial

emergency bump will respond in a sec

I dont want to get into it ITT and honestly Im tired of people always asking me

Yeah I gotta learn some practical jokes and other normie humor, also learning sports trivia is on my to do list
>bee urself
Is a recipe for disaster

Sex isn't about loneliness if someone wants sex because of that they are missing the point big time

Hookers cost a fuck ton of money, you risk getting v&nned, and you cant do it raw

The final solution is basically getting a girlfriend and getting her on pills

2) Definitely, already on it
3) Yep
4) Already do that literally the very first thing I do when I wake up
5) I go to the gym and lift 3 times a week

>will help lure in someone you have a greater connection than "heard that 21 pilots song? my benis feels good in your bussy! i am of came!!!!"

As long as the girl is on pills and is clean I dont give a fuck about anything else

Not culturally I'm not




i thought the only tame impala song normies know about is feels like were only going backwards although i heard new person same old mistakes in a commercial for a new show

>But with enough practice I can learn all the shit that normies say, all their body language, their clothes, hair, music, everything, and model myself off all of it so that I blend right in and they accept me as one of them

this is like being racist when you know that racism is wrong

Top tier thread. Thanks OP

Mah nigga

Just want to throw in that if you're going to a big college like VT, JMU or UVA and want to go normie and get laid I'd suggest looking into rushing social frats, that's the easiest way to get normie girls. Otherwise you're at an uphill battle trying to get friends and become normie at the same time.