Hey! Do I have your attention? When the fuck you're going to realize that Grimes is the best artist of the decade? When?

Hey! Do I have your attention? When the fuck you're going to realize that Grimes is the best artist of the decade? When?

Other urls found in this thread:




yass queen slayy that BBC

BBC=BIG BLACK DICK not the british news station right?

cute music for cute people!

Kill vs Meme on BBC


>diminishing grimes to "cute"

I keep staring at this picture but only because I really like how she's wearing her hair

god damn she is beautiful

don't lie it's because it gets you off knowing your fairy princess has been BLACKED

repulsive music for repulsive people!

that's better?

i need some information about her harsh noise record

suck a pen-one-five

She's sounding better than ever. Looks like she's getting the hang of live performance

I love grimmy but her first two records are holding her back from that title

what a pleb

listening to grimes makes me feel so cute :)

honestly it is

but lethe has gloam and gloam makes me so sad. i wish i could understand the lyrics but the tune makes me think it's her calling back to visiting a carnival as a child, thinking back on happy times.

consider the album was made in 2007 aka the dark times and the gravity of that makes my heart sink into the deepest recess of my gut and I want to cry.

it's going to be released in approximately 3 years as her next official release and to wide acclaim.

It will be played on the radio non-stop for 5 months.

>it's going to be released in approximately 3 years
>It will be played on the radio non-stop for 5 months.

awful way to milk post-mortem Claire

delettt thss

>consider the album was made in 2007 aka the dark times

2007 was a high point for people with good taste.

2007 was the peak of grimes' troubles in montreal and when she just went from a loser goth stoner to a disturbed alienated freak who just wanted to get high and be left alone unless she came up to you.

2007 was when all media died, and TBBT aired for the first time

Again, a high point for people with good taste.
Now that's a legitimate argument, but not enough to blast it. Clearly we are living in the dark ages now, and 2007 was merely Nero watching Rome burn.

>glorifying watching a friend OD
>glorifying mental issues
that's not taste, that's literally the opposite of taste. grimes would probably punch you if you said that kind of shit to her face.

these stories always sounds like bullshit to me, or at least they are drastically overdramatized.

1 Grimes was always attractive
2 Her parents were pretty well off
3 if you do amphetamines every day it is very costly habit and won't be covered by minimum wage job that pretty much every non spoiled teenager and young adult do in their lives.
4. No friends, but they still managed to OD.

Mental anguish breeds great music.


i already realized

>grimes would probably punch you if you said that kind of shit to her face.

Like I'm afraid of an addict hipster goblin.

It doesn't exist.

stop being mean to her

I have idea how to improve grimes threads to astonishing excellence.

just stop using that forced meme made by busiest aids victim.


Is it possible that Grimes is a 2000 year old sorceress?

Sorry but only in anime, ~1000 years old something has maturity of 10 years old.

>Grimes was always attractive
and they also had an ED, extremely poor hygiene and had a lisp. attractive people aren't always popular you know.
>her parents were pretty well off
what's the relevance to debunking the story?
>if you do amphetamines every day it is a costly habit
when you are paying $250 a month for rent in a major city you would be surprised at what costly habits you can partake in.
>No friends but they still managed to od
"no friends" doesn't mean neet loser who literally never goes out

it means 1-5 total friends and maybe another 5 people in the total circle.

it's all well documented

if were sixteen still and a creepy virgin who likes generic shitty synthpop music yeah i would realise

debunking what,? So having like ~1 year long depression and drug problem suddenly makes you some sort of martyr? Well maybe for sheltered kids who can get everything with mommy credit card (typical Sup Forumstants). For normal people it is just regular life.

Thy don't you go to weep at burger flippers in your local McD, they already work longer than Claire ever did and on top of that they also need to attend college/university instead of staying home.


Who's this bastard

last time I talked about stuff like that someone started complaining
but it would be really cool if she was made in a lab, or if she was an alien or a demigod of sorts


>"no friends"
>it means 1-5 total friends and maybe another 5 people in the total circle.

how retarded you need to be?and how many friends do you think average person has?

Last year there was some stuff floating around that she was an alien goddess from Saturn. But my favorite theory was about her being a faery thats purifying her fans for transit into another dimension. Weird stuff!

most of that stuff Grimes debunked in interviews herself.
she never got raped
her parrents were strict as "in you need to attend ballet etc", not strict in sense of discipline, morals.
She wasn't kicked from collage, but stopped attending at her own will.

etc. etc. etc.

>ooooh my gosh

>found this song on my computer that me and dev of majical cloudz made in like 2009 about our cat voignamir who at the time was on very bad terms with us because we were forcing him to diet and so he was like, very violent but literally like 20 or 30 pounds.

>i dont know why it sounds like indie rock haha, neither of us really make music like this


I don't like it much but I love the lyrics "I never felt so bad as when my kitty didn't love me"

also devon welsh is the luckiest person in the world

>distinguished well respected lady


>also devon welsh is the luckiest person in the world
not anymore

yeah well, he was in a relationship with claire without being her personal maid, so that's pretty lucky

where can i buy this hat

do you even know what difference between sexual assault and rape in law terms?

In civilized countries putting fingers in vagina considered rape.

garbing boob or hand and yelling "i am going to fuck you good" is sexual assault.

would you actually wear something like that? are you cute enough to pull it off?


Also Grimes herself would be pretty disappointed by constant exaggerations of her life and portrayal her as a victim all the time by adoring "fans".

>implying james doesn't have it nice
>is probably high almost all the time
>gets to work on his own art without worrying about money
>plays a shitload of video games
>does whatever the fuck he wants, even if it's to make a dweeby ass video on youtube
>gets to run around the world on tour without having to worry about logistics and never has to set foot on stage
>gets to kiss and snuggle and fuck claire
if they break up its gonna be pretty fucking rough on him

why would she describe it as shattering if it wasn't shattering

Hi, James! Stop trying to convince us that you've had sex... ever.

I'm not gonna lie I'd love to be James but idk if she has enough time for him
also I like pre2011 claire because I'm an angsty teenager, not really, but kind of

Who fucking told you

That's just her speech mannerism, she always use poor and weird adjectives and verbs.

The BBC is not a news station

>idk if she has enough time for him
while on tour? prolly not, except on the few days they get off

when she's not touring and not recording she's probably spending time with him, though. James strikes me as the patient kind of man, one with a pure soul. I don't think he lets it bother him that much. The only thing he probably hates is when she's meeting someone famous and can't wipe the stupid "I love you" off her face.

Like pic related, he knows it's awkward and he's not quite sure what to do so he just sits there and stares a hole in the back of her head with a half-cocked smile on his face. He did this when she met Matt Groening, Steve Buscemi, R.R.Martin, etc.

I'm sure if you could find some rare photos of her meeting musicians with James in them he'd still have pic related plastered on his face.

>james as the dweeb he is of course knows Sup Forums
>he's a musician, so then he probably knows about this board
>"heyy let's see if claire's talked about on Sup Forums"

it's not crazy to think that he may be reading this now or has been reading one of these threads before right?


Genuinely curious about Grimes here. What is her best song?

and how do you know that? you're making some strong mental gymnastics to deny everything

I'd say realiti

most of them are great tbqh

it's called a creative vocabulary and shattering carries a strong connotation with it and wouldn't be used lightly.

James is also tumblr as fuck. The only people with the same tier of personality who post here also post on Something Awful, and he absolutely gives not a single whiff of even knowing that SA exists. I sincerely doubt he's ever been here, he probably thinks it's the icky gutter that it really is.

Realiti or California

He's probably been here before. I mostly don't care though because his music doesn't interest me. Elite Gymnastics was his only good project. Sadly he hates it for some reason.

Sup Forums is pretty tumblr friendly really, it's the less racist board I've been in

Its hard to pick a "best" song. It depends too much on mood or what kind of musics you like.

As long as you actually know what your saying everyone on /k/ is chill af senpai and pretty accepting

In general it seems like most racism on Sup Forums is ironic. At least thats what I've convinced myself of.

>you'll never read marx or engels with 18-years old claire

oh I don't think the same, there's lots of Sup Forumstards, one of my childhood friends that I have on facebook is posting pol memes all the time unironically

Currently into Black, Doom, Death, Avant-Garde Metals, Noise and 80s synth-heavy music

From what I've seen in political compass threads everyone is hella liberal but love shouting nigger and kike to seem cool

Sup Forums is a different beast all together honestly

i would only wear it in private

true, but normies don't know that
we just don't know how huge of a normie james actually is. yeah he likes anime, but that cliche is so done to death that it's normie as fuck.

i think the answer can be boiled down very simply to two possibilities:
-James thinks this place is the icky hacker Sup Forums where people post infant porn (IE James is a huge fucking normie)
-James has been here (And he lurks these threads, hi James)

If he does, he probably hasn't told anybody except for maybe Bloodpop (who I wouldn't put past posting here, either. Or at the very least anonymously on Reddit) and he's never tell us.

He probably sits in bed with his phone, at night, browsing these threads and laughing to him at the desperate attempts of the same 40 people to crowbar a view into the world of grimes. A view so well protected not even he can get anything but a glimpse of. In part because most of the time she doesn't have the time for him, but mostly because she's an introspective person.

That's the vibe I get from the second option.


daily reminder anime james is probably james

now we have a motive (feels claire is pulling a don draper on him) and a link (both have the first name of james, both supposedly like anime)

I mean open and shut case, guys. AnimeJames confirmed James Brooks' alter ego,

I love that expression she has! I bet she's thinking of something devilish.

Maybe it's because I'm faded as fuck right now, but I'm laughing my ass off and writing this shit down for a RPG maker game. Good shit, anons. What should the title be?

Some of the best Pop I've heard as of recent releases. Definitely not bad overall!

who's gonna do it because


HHAHHAHAHAHA I just imagined claire sharing her concerns with him on some stalker guy that says knew her that made death threats on her on instagram and on her youtube vids and james being all uncomfortable

grimes is one ugly ass bitch, she looks like a mustachioed turkish tranny

>who's gonna do it

ugh you actually have to use effort when making an anonymous twitter account

tor blocks captcha and so do a bunch of proxies that I tried. maybe im just retarded.

im also not gonna fucking burn my main account. that one user that tweeted a thread to lavren got banned.


for the love of god why is it so hard to be nice to grimes

why did she give stella this look

what does she know that we dont

pls dont do it

>Attract a bunch of attention
>Most of thread is pretty okay
>Actually get someone on team grimes to join
>Find that most of the awful posts are just calling grimes ugly, all of the good posts refrain from being waifuposting
>Actually get james to post a timestamp

With or without claire it would be the highpoint of this board for years. generations of newfags would shitpost about it for time to come.

I say do it, user. Do it for glory.

this thread is still better than grimes tumblr, but it doesn't say much i guess

Grimes actually already knows about Sup Forums. We sang Oblivion for her and she wrote about it on her tumblr.

also it would give these threads purpose.

otherwise they'll just devolve into waifufagging and will drag on for years to come attracting the absolute worst kind of people who post here.

can't let the threads die like that. better for it to explode into a fury of shitposting until it got shitposted to death, a page on kym and reposted to reddit.

yeah it's the less creepy thread we ever had
I'm not going to send it though I'm too lazy to make another account