What genre is your favorite, Sup Forums? The one where even just a decent release is enjoyable to listen to?

What genre is your favorite, Sup Forums? The one where even just a decent release is enjoyable to listen to?

Mine is dream pop, and slowcore is a close second.

Shoegaze. For the same reason as dream pop.

Avant-garde jazz, industrial, goth, math-rock


oops, it was only 1, so avant-garde jazz

I think dream pop is my favorite genre, but none of my favorite albums are dream pop. I really like a lot, but none I would consider m favorite.

I found Machine Gun oddly pleasing in the way that it sounded, though it gave me a headache after half an hour. Does that ever happen to you?

I listen to noise all the time, but that has only happened once.

If I can cheat the answer is neo-psychedelia.

If I can't, it's psychedelic pop.

noise pop

it relaxes me, somethimes I sleep listening to some free jazz

D&B is generally pretty easy to like.
Genre name basically describes why.

That said, there isn't anything that blows me away unless I am fucked up.

if hard pressed to choose one i just say "90s deep house"

Before Sup Forums.
>Noise Pop
>Noise Rock
>Dream Pop

After Sup Forums.
>Jazz (all subgenres incl. Free and Fusion)
>Alternative Country
>Noise Rock

Underground rap /expermential hip-hop

acid house or detroit techno

Jazz is actually a pretty safe answer, honestly.

It's really difficult for me to hate. I don't even get why people hate smooth jazz, its doing its job 100% perfectly all the time.

Why do so many betas love dream pop so much? What's the correlation

What do you mean?

What is your favorite genre?

trip hop, house & post rock baby

alt-country is the only patrician answer desu

that and slowcore

Probably trap, with indie rock (Pixies, The Breeders, Archers of Loaf, Pavement, etc) at number two.

Dammit, I don't have a favorite genre.

>60s psychedelic rock/pop/folk
>60s, 70s, and 80s pop
>dream pop and shoegaze
>garage rock and proto-punk (love the obscure 60s records and comps like back from the grave)

There's more, but that's mostly what I listen to

Who says, faggot?

Oh, and I like a lot of indie stuff

Garage rock, its derivativeness and sameness actually make all garage bands listenable. Even the most disposable burger band can be a fun listen

Math rock desu


>The one where even just a decent release is enjoyable to listen to?
that doesn't exist for me
favorite genre is eye-dee-em though

black metal. No matter how much I explore genres, I always go back to black metal eventually. One of the first extreme things I got into, and will probably stay with me my whole life.


Technical Death Metal