I truly believe that this album is a tribute to people that are mentally ill


No it's for blind people because it's called soundtracks for the blind since they can still hear and it says blind on the cover but it's tragically ironic bc they can't see the fuckin cover anyways to know its for them

>the album cover is made up of colors on the colorblind spectrum

Yeah, it's a metaphor though

I guess I agree, I Was A Prisoner In Your Skull actually prove it

Oh shit, I never realised this before.

so its all the same colour to colourblind people or something

no it looks like this

I think there are way more songs that prove that

Yes, I considered that one because those are the first words you hear, it's a really great introduction to the themes of the album

I truly believe that you are mentally ill

Yeah, and the lyrics on the entire album go through the experiences of mental ilness perspectives in a pretty high variety.

You would be correct, I have schizophrenia, OCD, and GAD

It basically sums up how I felt when I wound up in a psych ward after going to the ER last August. My life took a sudden turn for the better following that and seeming to conclude in December. I feel like everything that's happened since last December has been unnecessary deterioration that shouldn't have happened.

I'm color bind and that album cover is all I see.

fucking faggot

>seriously thought i was colorblind for a second
I can't stop laughing

>Today I am what they call legally, because of this retinal problem and glaucoma, I'm what they call... erm... legally blind
>sample of Gira's blind dad
>Soundtrack For The Blind

the album is a tribute to his dad who died shortly after its release


If the album is for mentally ill people show it to Jim Nigo :^)

I kekked

>blind people are mentally ill

It's a soundtrack for a film never made.

Here's a pleb

at least im not gay

He was a native of our town

Fuck you

I never cared much for SFTB, but I'm not a huge Swans fan. I heard Glowing Man for the first time yesterday, listening to it again today. I think it's my favourite Swans album. Intro track is really good.

Psych Nurse reporting in. This album is my favourite ever.

Me too