Essential Velvet Underground?

>Listen to Velvet Underground & Nico
>Gets to the Nico songs...
>Get to White Heat/White Light
>Production is godawful

I loved their self titled, VU and Loaded albums. What are their essential albums? Also best live VU album? Help me be less of a filthy pleb Sup Forums... I'm trying, I'm trying real hard.

Other urls found in this thread:

TVU&N and WL/WH are their only essential albums


This, you should listen to them again and stop being terrible.

Get the complete matrix tapes. No Nico, good production. Problems solved.


You did a very good job on explaining what makes the albums so good, I'm sure OP changed his mind after he read your posts.


What did he mean by this???

OP is a faggot who cares

>What are their essential albums?
well you fuck they only recorded four studio albums, so why don't you quit being a pleb and enjoy all four instead of the most accessible two.

Top tier music discussion ITT

i second this.

>What are their essential albums?
>post about essential albums

b-but muh discussion

Honestly, it did take me a bit to get into their debut with Nico, and even still, Nico's songs aren't my favorite. But it's a solid effort and Heroin, There She Goes Again, and Sunday Morning are amazing.

And with WL/WH, I just love that production. But I could see how it would take some people time to either get used to/understand the production, or just not like it. But I love blasting Sister Ray down the highway.

Loaded and TVU are both their more polished albums with a lot of their poppier songs, so their far more easily accessible, and there's still some great songs between them. Pale Blue Eyes, Sweet Jane, Oh! Sweet Nuthin', Rock And Roll, Who Loves the Sun, etc.

They have only have four albums, so I would just give each of them a solid few listens. Definitely a band that grows on you.

This. I HATED The VU at first. Ironically they didn't click with me until I got into Lou's solo work and went back into their discography.

With Nico 10/10
White Heat 9/10
TVU 10/10
Loaded 9/10
VU 9/10
That other one we never meantion... 3/10
Another View 6/10
Live stuff:
Live Max's Kansas City 5/10
Live MCMXCIII 6/10
Bootleg series Quine 6/10
1969 8/10
Matrix Tapes 10/10

he gets it

Why even listen to them if you only like their poppy boring stuff? They hate fans like you.

White Light/White Heat is my favorite album of theirs. Loaded is incredibly bland in comparison. The first track is alright, but it's all downhill from there.

The self titled is still very good, but without John Cale, who left after WL/WH, it just doesn't feel like The Velvet Underground.

>no viola

Shit's weak, son. You should probably just go listen to A Moon Shaped Pool for the 70th time.

Also, I'll Be Your Mirror is one of the best songs from the debut.

>"wah, Nico's voice is substantially different from that of traditional american pop vocalists, wah"

you have the most plebian of opinions.

Nico's songs are literally the best on the record

I fucking hate the underage reddit audience fantano has brought here. If you can't get into atonal vocals you shouldn't be here. Same plebs who complain about Beefheart.

>listen to banana album
>gets to the songs where lou reed does a gay voice

Since you like the couch one, VU and Loaded, you should check out IV which is a fan made reconstruction of their fourth "lost" album. If you want to read about the music.

The self titled is their best album.

WL/WH is hot garbage you fucking pleb. The guitar work on it is terrible. And muh sister ray is literally the same chord repeated for 20 mins.

We've got a wannabe patrician in here who knows nothing about music theory.

>music theory

Velvet Underground and Beefheart are 2 of the most reddit bands out there you fucking pleb.

Get some real taste, then complain

>waaah it's the same two chords so it must be bad

>waaah the only scenery near Estragon and Vladimir is a tree so it must be bad

I bet you like prog rock you fucking reddit autismo

If you dont like WLWH you dont like Velvet Underground. I bet you skip murder mystery.

If it's even an attempt at minimalism, it's a fucking poor one.

>I bet you like prog rock you fucking reddit autismo

Not even close, you seem to think that more chords = better song. It just shows that you have no real understanding of music theory.

WLWH is their worst album easily.

This guy is hilarious


>"I got BTFO as a pleb and now I have no comeback"

I'm not even the same guy it's just funny to watch you pull the music theory card.


>I'm not even the same guy


>I am the same guy

Velvet Underground are a joke. They are only enjoyed by people who want to impress their friends.

I made the post above yours and I still just don't understand the appeal of TMR.

WL/WH is miles ahead of the self titled. I bet you've got a poster on your wall for Lou's Transformer.

Oh, and repeatedly spouting "music theory" isn't making you seem intelligent. Especially since you're factually incorrect about Sister Ray.


what's your AOTY so far?

>WL/WH is miles ahead of the self titled

This is the opinion of someone who knows jack shit about music.

>Especially since you're factually incorrect about Sister Ray

See pic

A moon shaped pool

please keep going this is rich you cant even greentext right

Blood Orange Freetown Sound

>you cant even greentext right

I cringed.

This is probably you

Back to /r/Sup Forums

this post has all the makings of cringe

>n-no u

try harder


>literally the same chord repeated

You just posted a picture showing three different chords. For about 3% of the song.

Look out fellow plebs, we got Mozart in the thread. Let us hang our heads in shame for questioning his extensive knowledge of music theory.

>three different chords

k. It's the same three chords repeated. Doesn't do much to help your cause.

underrated post

>Sister Ray' was done as a joke

-Lou Reed

you really don't like WLWH

mama mia thats a spicy greentext

7/10 at best

Acting like you're a musical genius isn't exactly helping yours. I'm done arguing with your pretentious ass. Have fun with your plebeian tastes, you whiny bitch.

Good thread lads.

For someone who spouts the music theory card repeatedly, you sure don't seem to be able identify that Sister Ray uses 3 chords (G-F-C) not one, despite providing sheet music to back up your bullshit.

>unironically not thinking I'm set free is there best song bar sister ray

The chord progression in sister Ray is some of the best I've ever heard, live versions especially

perfect, i'd swap tvu&n and wlwh though
the matrix tapes boxset is the greatest thing ever

This is coming from someone who can't seem to understand the most basic hyperbolic language.

Of course I didn't think sister gay had only one chord, I said that to emphasize my point. It's a simplistic, garbage tune that caters to neckbeards. 3 chords isn't much better anyway. It's crescendocore garbage. Congrats on having shit taste and no knowledge of music theory bud

seeHere's a song with good chord progression

>Live Max's Kansas City 5/10
why does everone rag on this, it's possibly my favorite vu release after having worn all the other stuff out

I reay don't like TVU's fanbase. I get shit on for liking self titled and loaded. You can't deny that Yule has an amazing voice

Self titled is my favourite too and it's definitely the most consistent

only idiots don't like s/t and loaded

>Quine tapes

You're spot on with everything else though

I thought Nico's songs were kinda bad at first too but they grow on you. I still kinda think she sounds wack on All Tomorrow's Parties tho...

I wish you were a tripfag so I could filter you

my nigga

quadruple dubs confirm

Yeah I agree, Nico grows on you but fuck that accent

>she builds you up to just to break you down
>what a klon