What does he listen to?

What does he listen to?

If I were to dress up like that in my country I would either be beaten up by the locals or arrested by the police, no seriously.

you're favourite genre

The sound of bait.

Is the "LGBTQIA+" stuff the emo community of 2016?

The Hamilton soundtrack


Turkey? Saudi Arabia?

Yep. In 5 years these people will look back and cringe, hard.

Nothing good


Mahmoud Awad

Too bad it actually has a movement, unlike the emo phase back then.

the sounds of death

Xiu Xiu

I have never seen a more Yuropeon picture than that

His clothes are the least awful part, where do you live?

i would smash that boipussi 2bh

>hating jews

Probably Burzum.

>self described Marxist champions a patriarchal and racist religion like Islam while using Facebook

Why are bourgeois phonies so obvious? Dude's a status quo liberal pussy and would never participate in a revolution

if these ppl don't believe in gender/gender roles why do they look at cis men and automatically assume they're cis men? How do you know I'm not a genderqueer who identifies as a female? Who are you to judge what a girl is supposed to look like? I mean yeah I have a dick and short hair and I dress like a guy but who tf are you?? I can be whatever I want and I'm gay

He look like a alien tryna stay undercover

Where did my sides go

Every person named Andrew is either a next-level faggot like this, or an obnoxious Chad. No in between.

You're right

wait I thought his name was "OKComrade"???

Melanie Martinez

This is a parody, right?

Pretty obviously but idiots eat it right up.

Vampire Weekend

is he an ayylien?

I want to know how teenagers can step it up in the future.