/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Waifu Edition

>Post gear
>Post desired gear
>How long have you been playing?
>Do you have a gf?
>Fav guitars?
>Fav guitarists?
>Talk about and play music
>General guitar and bass discussion

Beginner information and FAQ:

Music Theory:

Guitar chords and inversions

String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

Floyd Rose Setup Video Tutorial:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav


>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Continued From

Other urls found in this thread:



Here's my Aerodyne Strat.


it's Sup Forums o'clock

you're welcome friend

>painted headstock
I'm somewhat hard right now

I'm slightly nauseous


Are Dean guitars good? I've been looking at Dave Mustaine's series and non-Dimebag MLs for a while now

If you like cutting yourself they're really good.

Have you played one?

Of course not, someone on the Internet said they were bad so that means they are.

What part of my gear should I upgrade first?

All my stuff is cheap and I aim to be able to perform live one day.


>buying new guitars based on brand
>not buying vintage high end used guitars for cheaper than new meme guitars

if you want to sound good live, amp by far

How do you guys play your strat? I put the tone knobs on 7 and 10, and play with the switch on the second position, bridge and middle pickup

because I want a new one. Emphasis on the I.

fret wear mostly

but old high end guitars are usually much more expensive

Anyone know where I could buy a Squier Mustang that ships to Canada online?

I didn't mean Fender and Gibson meme guitars.

ITT: Post the worst guitar

Am I the only one who wants a Kevin Shields jazzmaster?

I need a muse. Someone to jamb with and have fun and passionate music times with. Must be a dude. I'm sad bros. This is a shiddy picture of my cheep guitar. Yes it's a Squier.


No. But,
>jaguar > jazzmaster

With just the bridge pup usually.

id like that too, what would the perfect finish be?

I fucking love Japanese Fenders, congrats on the sweet instrument. All mine are either vintage or vintage reissues, one day I will get a modern guitar.

First, strings assuming you're playing real shit, next amp... Though depending on what you're playing maybe not. If you are only playing cleans, many cheap solid state amps will do the job well enough that your pickups will have a larger effect. Anyways, you don't need that good gear to gig, hence why so many musicians have "beater" guitars and amps.

that's a thing of beauty

I want the Squier Baritone really bad. What color pickguard would I get for it? I wouldn't want to keep the stock one.


>lake placid blue
>burgundy mist
>olympic white
>seafoam green
>candy apple red

A black pickguard would go good with it

>it's a Squier
good luck

I'm looking for new bass strings, what would you duders recommend between ghs boomers and elixirs medium nanowebs? I guess if genre is important its gonna be garage , so for me a lot of mid and low and about half on the highs...

yeah that's probably the only thing I can really imagine working. The stock one is fine but the custom paint/bursh is kinda tacky

I jam with a 50 year old alcoholic scat singer. It's kind of annoying because I'm not great at dealing with drunks but he's pretty good.

is there a particular reason shoegazers use jazzmasters?

They pick the most faggy instruments

Do you play with a pick or fingers?

Can someone tell me if there is a meaningful difference in having different scale guitars?




Is there something in performance?

For the most park, pick. With some nice overdrive not TOO much but enough, and sometimes a lot over drive if the song is going really crazy. I only play w/ fingers if my band is covering a song and it needs it.

jags and jazzes were allegedly cheap in the late 80s... fuck

its literally because of the whole gay thing

D'Addario chromes... make sure to listen to some demos with pick before you pass judgement. I use them for post-punk.

ES-175 has a shorter scale length so the strings have less tension compared to an L5, that translates to a looser feel that you may or may not like. Makes things like legato easier. If you've ever played a Les Paul or ES-335 the neck basically has the same feeling. I definitely prefer a 25.5" scale on Archtops though, I think it gives the strings more tension and a percussive feel that for me is a good thing in Archtops.

I play guitars with both scale lengths though, it's not something you really think of when you're playing but it is noticeably different.

Im in the market for a new bass pedal, What's the best overdrive/fuzz/distortion pedal for bass? personally I'm a dweeb and really really like bass big muff pi. It works a lot for what I want.

you responded to your own question

then get the pi you moron

something's that's not that

I have two choices of guitar to start learning to play. Yamaha FG720S and epiphone les paul standard. Which would be better for learning?

yamaha absolutely. if only because they sound fantastic and there are less bells and whistles to distract you from the basics. you'll end up quitting the epi, unless you're really keen on learning buttrock and whatnot

What's a fun amp for $200 or under? I'm looking for something that will do anything, be compact, reliable. I don't need it to record with it, I have software ampsims for that. I just want a fun lil amp to take breaks from more serious writing and recording. Thinking about a Roland Micro Cube...

get a Vox. their small amps are triffic!

or get one of these yamaha THR-10 dealies, if you can find one used/on sale it'll be $200ish. they are absolutely bad ass

I dont know. I have an american standard and can push a button in too thst makes it sound different

cube is way up there. If you can just use headphones or plug into another amp a zoom g5n would be even more fun, what with the built in looper and of course more effects.

jesus christ

volume ranges from 5-8. neck tone about 8-10, middle/bridge tone at 6-8. can't say I favor any one pickup position, it depends on the day.


this is eggsactly why I got a Tele. enough is enough with the knobs and choices, just get on with it already! If they still made (affordable) Esquires with just the one pickup I would have gone for that instead

Go custom local. It's worth it.

Alec and his Mememaster are thankfully cropped

Never full volume? Yuck man, just play a les paul at that point. I can't stand that much low pass filter.

This graph sucks, the curve should level out towards the left, not the right.

yeah idunno it just popped up in an image search. you mean suttin like this?

yup. Though personally I don't think more options is the same thing as more decisions, and I don't think it can be generalized nearly as easily. I prefer one tone one volume, but I do think more pickup options is a good thing.

i'm playing a US standard i bought last month, my first proper strat. i haven't yet cracked it open to see how it's wired but it doesn't lack for sparkle at lower vol settings.

yeah really it's just a me thing. strats are gorgeous instruments but i'm not someone who needs the control and nuance. i like to simplify everything, maybe oversimplify.

>guitar has tone controls
>pedal/DI has tone controls
>amp has tone controls
>choice of mic effects tone
>every fucking plugin/amp sim has EQ/tone controls

They are cheap gimmick guitars, and on top of that you're buying a sig from fucking dave mustaine.

also, i like to reserve 10 for maximal overdrive

What are the best 4 string basses for stuff like garage rock and jam rock and that sort of thing?

Maybe I'm just a dumbass, but I've never been able to notice a super significant difference between any of the tonal and pickup settings on my American made Strat. Like, I can tell that one setting sounds different than another, but I've never been able to confidently say one sounds better than the other.

Deans are good guitars. You can get one reasonably low priced and better quality than a similarly priced strat. Don't listen to the "hurr durr it's pointy" or "hurr durr dave mustaine" shit. Read reviews from people that actually touched one.


To my mind there is a different sound. I wondered if they were built for different purposes in an orchestra or arrangement.

Hands down best guitar for the money.

Are these mini Marshall amps a meme? I remember my brother had one many many years ago and blew it out within a month. I hadn't started playing by then so I never got a chance to use it.

Don't forget tone wood. That's the most realistic and biggest effect on the tone. Not all those other things. They have barely any effect compared to the wood.

I've never used or heard one personally, but I've heard people say they're actually pretty cool

Anyone like pointy guitars?
I've got one of these except I've swapped out the pups for some Duncan's I had.

>tfw people hate on this album

The mixing might be a bit overdone, but it's a solid piece of work.

keep your tone wood tone clean with tone oil

This is guitar general.

I can say without reservation that no bass is better or worse at garage rock. Hell, even a fucking p-bass can sound okay for it.

I'd say just get something you like the tone of.

If one sounded better than the others they wouldn't have put 3 pickups in. The options are there because they might suit different musical contexts better, in the same way dynamics and playing styles suit different parts of different songs better. Having different pickup options is like having different instruments in an orchestra. One doesn't necessarily sound better but each pickup position will have a different feeling to it.

Dude if you're gonna go portable/battery the company to support is Pignose! They're the first and the best imho. They even make guitars with the speakers built-in and the reviews are amazing, like they're legit good guitars.

>want to pick up bass
>know nothing about bass/guitar
>google some stuff
>4,5,6,7 string bass

yeah im confused as fuck. which one is best for a beginner or does it matter?

post a pic

4-string bass is best for a beginner and a pro. the rest is just a mélange of consumerism, ego, affectation, and gearfaggotry.

for fuck's sake, FOUR!

paul McCartney was not a great guitarist nor tone fiend

Obviously a 4 string bass is a good place to start, depending on the music styles you wish to get into you can either get a 5 string or downtune your 4 string if you can get away with it


Those look pretty cool, tbqhfam. Too bad the Marshall MS2 is like $25 cheaper. That guitar is ugly as fuck tho.

I've never used one, but I've always though the mini full stack looked fucking badass.

Literally four.
Just practice scales and play past the pain so you build calluses.
And for fuck's sake, keep pick playing to a minimum.

they are breddy cool. sound really nice, a lot of harp players love them too. the guitar definitely has a lot of... character

I know someone with one
He loves it and honestly it sounds amazing
It has a huge sound for its size you can't even tell it's tiny

How's it feel to suck at using a pick? Must feel pretty bad to not be able to play cleanly or utilize your instrument to its full potential.