What are your favorite anco songs Sup Forums?

What are your favorite anco songs Sup Forums?
I love chocolate girl, penny dreadfuls, banshee beat, derek, my girls, honestly I love most of their songs

April and the Phantom, Peacebone, For Reverend Green


April and the Phantom
Chocolate Girl
Pride and Fight
Unsolved Mysteries
Too Soon
Ice Cream Factory

Those are the main ones


AnCo is an album band.

Chocolate Girl is probably my favourite song of all time.

Those are all great songs, though I'm a bit lukewarm on My Girls in comparison to some others on MPP like Daily Routine, Brother Sport, and Summertime Clothes

Top Five no order: Alvin Row, I See You Pan, Infant Dressing Table, Queen in my Pictures-Doggy, Brother Sport

ok, what's your favorite album?

Alvin Row, Purple Bottle, Banshee Beat, Slippi, and Winter's Love are my personal favorites

fair enough, i love daily routine, in the flowers, brother sport, taste, guys eyes. MPP is in the top 3 albums for me

All the ones everyones said so far + fireworks and cuckoo cuckoo

1. Water Curses
2. Winters Love
3. Someday I'll Grow to Be as Tall as the Giant
4. Bat You'll Fly
5. April and the Phantom

God tier band

i disagree

Bluish (MPP)
Brother Sport (MPP)
Daily Routine (MPP)
Hey Light (HCTI)
La Rapet (STGSTV)
April and the Phantom (STGSTV)
Banshee Beat (Feels)
Mouth Wooed Her (ST)

Kids On Holiday
The Purple Bottle
Moo Rah Rah Rain
For Reverend Green
Daffy Duck
Prospect Hummer
Mouth Wooed Her

Kids holiday is a jam

Kids on* holiday

chocolate girl, kids on holiday, banshee beat, bluish, what would I want? sky

>kids on holiday is a jam

what did he mean by this???

infant dressing table
daffy duck
bat you'll fly
mouth wooed her
do the nurse
pride and fight
cuckoo cuckoo
we tigers
(something from oddsac, but it doesn't feel right thinking about it in terms of songs)
street flash

alvin row
summertime clothes
cuckoo cuckoo
chocolate girl
what would i want? sky
for reverend green