Working on an alternate version of this album, removing the features from it completely

Working on an alternate version of this album, removing the features from it completely.

Anyone on Sup Forums interested in this?


I'm interested, some of the better songs were ruined by rapping.


It won't fix the abomination that is Wildflower, but it might help. Album fanedits have always been something I consider interesting.

What? Are you insane? Fuck you, the features are good

You really need to kill yourself immediately, and I mean that


The features didn't detract from the album though. They just didn't add anything (except Camp Lo in Because I'm Me, what a track)

shutup bitch i'll fucking kill you

holy shit OP thank you so much please dont mess it up just take off dannys whole appearance, dooms, and the one on messy eater and the album is good.

take out frankie and remove danny brown from wozard

all the rest of the rapping is fine desu.

maybe I should do an edit of yr edit

or maybe you should both kill yourselves

>man, Wildflower sucks!
>I need to stop people who like it posting so I can feel superior about my opinions
>I know! I'll pretend I love the album and act really vile towards people that hate it, the fags who like it will be too embarrassed to post
Good trolling senpai!

>caring this much about how people enjoy their music.
your probably the same kind of autist that sits through songs he cant stand because he doesn't wanna "ruin the artists vision"

t b h i would be happy with an edit that just removed Frankie Sinatra and added a smooth transition from Because I'm Me to Subways. I wasn't even a part of the Frankie Sinatra hate initially but when i heard it in the context of the album it just stood out like a sore thumb and it gets old after a while. I've had the album on repeat and i just start it at Subways but i still like the intro :(

btw im a huge fan of DOOM and Danny Brown i just think the song is annoying af and ruins the flow of the album

I was waiting for this album to come out before I did that. But it turns out it's pretty good on the whole and life in general is slowly getting better so I'll postpone it for now if you don't mind user

What the fuck are you on about?

>taking off the features from Because I'm Me and Wozard of Iz

Because I'm me wasn't offensive like the other ones I don't mind it, but on wozard as a contender for best song without Danny but Danny just kills it completely just like Frankie

OP you done?

Please post it when you complete it

I'll listen to it for posterity sake, even if the features are good.

underage pls go

OP pls

Oh my god so much this