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It's that bad, huh?

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yep, its pretty trash

I like it. I think it's a great album top to bottom. Frankie Sinatra sounds a lot better in place on the album,Wozard of Iz is great, Harmony is my favourite track on it. Subways is outstanding too. I think it's on-par with Since I Left You, which I rated highly but didn't think it was the fucking saviour of music like some other people. Will be in top 10 lists for AOTY, will probably be top 5 for me.

you're trash

it could be better than Since I Left You
and I feel justified in saying that because I've heard SILY front to back at least 100 times

I mean, 'Frankie Sinatra' is kinda pointed, sure, but it's balanced by the rest of the album, which is generally completely fucking euphoric. it's unbelievable

tl;dr just listen to it

Hurr completely le euphoric XD le tl;dr just listen XD.

It's shitty samples, electroswing, and meme guests. It's a 7/10 at best and you know it.

>fucking euphoric
holy shit, you are a literal meme

I liked it, but I don't think it comes close to Since I Left You.

goddamn baiting is way too easy on this board

Fuck off

Still digesting it, but really enjoyable so far. Digging Subways and Folkstar.

This. The vast majority of people who say they like Wildflower are baiting.

It's really good, coming from somebody who like Plunderphonics but doesn't think SILY is a 10/10 or anything I thought it was better actually.

There are more stand out tracks than their first album, while still feeling like a cohesive and whole album like SILY.

Its shit

the only wildflower troll is calling it 'plunderphonics'

I'm loving it. Sure, it's not a revolutionary step forward; but I feel great. I feel okay.

What was this video again?

Haven't listened to the album, but Danny Brown is in love with it, and he generally has good taste

that's because he's featured on it bud

Not bad but not amazing. 7/10, maybe 6.5/10.

Frankie Sinatra isn't a bad song.

>Frankie Sinatra isn't a bad song.

>Mmm yes I must say Frankie Sinatra is indubitably one of the most sublime works of plunderphonic sound I have ever heard. What's that Madame? Electro swing? Heavens, no! That is the dirge of the lowly troglodyte. It is far from the purview of the masterful composers collectively known as the Avalanches.


>No topics
Yes there is, you're just a fucking retard m8

>when people judge this album way too harshly

Its literally just an album dedicated to fun pretty much, just shut up and enjoy sort of thing. Does it come close to SILY? dude no lmao, nothing these guys make will ever come close to that.

>will be in top 10 lists

I wouldn't be too sure of that, we still have Frank Ocean, Danny Brown and maybe another Kanye album to come. Avalanches will be knocked to #11-20 like Bowie, it's gonna be a busy end of year list this time around

This album is a solid 9/10. The people who are hating it are just typical Sup Forums contrarians. Wait about a month and people will start loving it and calling it AOTY.

it's good man. My only qualm is that stepkids is a little anticlimactic for where it's placed on the album and is also my least favourite song here. Also wish that the first 60 seconds of wozard of iz went for longer that beat is huge i feel like they undercooked it a little. Still brilliant tho


>new album comes out
>Sup Forums: I have to find a way that I don't enjoy this, so i can sound more patrician

The album just isn't good m8

>has good taste
>listens to system of a down, insane clown posse, and korn