This shit here is literally Radiohead's greatest album

This shit here is literally Radiohead's greatest album.

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yep. The best live Krautrock performance of all time too


>their live material is better than their studio material

Confirmed for not listening to OP's album

Bloom is above and beyond a top 5 Radiohead song.
Its just fucking genius

>When the horns come in halfway through


I'll concede to that, but I have listened to the In Rainbows live album and there isn't a single track on there that is better than the studio version

>tfw if it had been the basement version of TKOL that people were familiar with it would be a much more recognized album

Maybe I've been meme'd into liking it but TKoL started off 2nd from bottom and now is becoming my favorite Radiohead release. Bloom is fucking amazing and I actually love the short length desufam. No room for filler.

Also, what are albums that sound like TKoL? I haven't listened to much electronic music outside of basic bitch chiptune back in middle school.

Its most definitely one of their best.
My biggest gripe with it is the fact that it's stupidly short.

This, though I see why they'd want to stick to making shorter albums after the bloated Hail to the Thief

not the same album not relevant
Anyone hear this version? I prefer studio and LFTB versions more but this one is a really interesting take on Bloom.

amsp live from the basement when

This version kicks major ass.

soon I hope

Really though, it's true. Almost everyone agrees this performance is better than the studio release. Instead of weighing in on something you admit to having no clue about, listen to OP's album.

(also In Rainbows is their best album, fuck whatever anyone else says)

The From the Basement version of Bloom is one of my favorite songs ever, not even exagerrating.

with an orchestra?
yes please

Like Spinning Plates got a great redo on piano

It's just that I've rarely heard a live version of a song that's better than the original. Live shows are great because of their energy and atmosphere, but it doesn't really translate onto a recording.

360 degree amsp live from the basement when

Joy Division's live stuff destroys everything they did in the studio. It depends on the band, really.

This could easily be my favorite Radiohead release.
>the live version of Ful Stop without shitty cam quality and audience yells
I'm already cumming

The weird, almost seizure like dancing really makes the music come to life in ways the album versions cannot. They have a very weird stage performance


>I listened to a totally different live recording of a totally different album, so I can now criticize this album I've never listened to.

This. Somebody give me the keys to enlightenment

>Hail to the Thief
>not GOAT

its basically a radiohead version of Remain in light updated for the Cosmogramma era. (both albums Thom's a huge fan of)

>tfw king of limbs is my favorite radiohead album, have heard it over 15 times
>haven't even heard the from the basement version yet

listen to it fgt

>by the same band and recorded in the same vein
>totally different

What if it's worse though? Radiohead fans keep on saying it's better, but they also say TKOL is one of their worst albums. Why should I trust such a bunch of massive plebs?

Trust your ears, the plebbiest one of them all

Just listen to it faggot

Than its worse...all you have done is listened to a live version of your favorite Radiohead album. Wtf is wrong with you?

good point, im dumb

You're not dumb. Enjoy it, I really do think it's better, but just try to go in without all this hype that's been built up by this thread.

Checked btw