Kpop general


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crayon pop runs shit


time to post the black pink teaser images again

I want to remind you that she wont be your wife

we post our feetqueen now

Let's keep this a hate free thread.

yes please. anything but blackpink.


Jason Aldean is a musical genius.

niggas enabling niggas

let's keep this an ugly free thread instead.

i got a stick somi can play with

I like these ones thanks

bye friendlings im off
enjoy you're day



Yo, fuck this shit.

The shitposting will never stop....

Have a good day.



throat queen.....

straya qt...
keep em coming im saving them

Thanks for bringing my friend's pic to my attention. Overlooked it.

Thanks for sharing!

only if you say: yes pls my feetqueen

top kek

my waifu got fucked by park bogum


Man it seems like there is a lot of vomiting going on today, I wonder if there is a stomach flu going around. Get well soon anons


>You will never fuck your Thai trap gf in the back of your 4x4 after going to a remote lake in the middle of Thailand

Anyone know where I can find some discounted helium?
I'm out of NEET bux this week.

yes pls my feetqueen.
make these BP uggos go away.

love this qt

You're such a kind soul, user. Stay healthy.

Made me laugh. Thanks.



there are cuter girls in my class. Get some standards YG wtf

I'm a video game playing manchild

Can you introduce me to them?

where's this from?


YG abducted her from Australia so our asian women are sorta lower quality

can someone post black pink?

It's a great show. Lots of feels.

I'm on episode 10 now and I'm falling in love with all the cast.

i will try to kill them for you my dear



Who has time for games when there's k-pop posting to do?

I gotcha covered. Shoes.

Yeah word, not enough has been posted today. Kind of have a hankering for some top qties at the moment.

Post Blackpink!

99% of this topic

office lady soyul...


why is she crying

she loves sone too much to handle

perfect feet genetics.

>another seventeen comeback next week

so just like OC pledis is just going to work them until they all become anorexic wash ups?

According to the latest episode of We Got Married

Korea doesn't have a saying for a cold drink hurting your head like "Brain Freeze"
0/10 language


Soyul loves a working man...


At least Pledis hasn't killed Raina's spirit yet, too bad Lizzy is nearly dead and Nana is whoring herself out for acting gigs

hot tailor soyul

Jesus Christ, I didn't think she would ever get back to top qt status but I'm liking this dark hair... glasses... omo... Taenoona.

noona please teach me a lot...

their chinese names sound like aileen, joey, jimmy, choa, way

As long as Raina has food she is as giddy as a piggy.

Seolhyun did nothing wrong
I mean look at this pretty face

Well that's what Orange Caramel always was. Raina had the vocals, Lizzy had the personality, and Nana had the looks.

Raina can stay in kpop because her vocals are good enough that she can keep working with San E or dropping a solo now and then. Nana can thrive in an acting or modeling gig because she's still got the looks.

There's nothing for Lizzy to do though. She did some variety shows but even those ended. It fucking hurts.

perfect goddess genes

san e can go fuck himself. raina will always be in the shadow of a male artist if this keeps going on

Is this on vlive or did you download it from somewhere else?
It seems to be higher quality and better subs.


San E and Raina's chemistry off the charts though

san e is great though

from vlive

raina should thank him every day for making her relevant

Do they redo the subtitles after its done and replace the live ones?

yes there are good english ones now they took a few days to be added
i didn't know they live subbed it though i've never watched one live ^ ^

forgot your gaypop

Wasn't San E pretty much a failed soloist who got kicked out of JYP and their duet did a lot to keep them both relevant


^ ^ thanks user
Going to go watch Taenoona!


goddess sica says: gaypop has to get killed

hmm feeet and tits

yoona jiggle~

is the twerk meme over in kpop (and not only because minzy left 2ne1 lmao)

never understood this meme in korea. can companies not afford limos? have a high class red carpet event, show up in dresses that cost more than my yearly salary, then awkwardly climb out of a van.

More kpops need to wear pantyhose.

Based sicanuna.

it's her favourite van with her creature comforts and bulletproof windows

lol no, he was popular before the raina duet. he left jyp because he was fed up with the company

>awkwardly climb out of a van.

epic entrance

i love taecher

Anybody jacked off to gfriend wet in the rain fancams yet?


The only people that care about limos are retarded women's magazines, trashy poor people and you, user.

A van will do. Why do they need a limo? The UK, Canada, US and Australia are the only places that really have limos anyway.

limos are exclusively for bimbos who want cunt peek photo coverage