Name a genre/subgenre and its best track

Kavinsky - Nightcall

Other urls found in this thread:

Radiohead - Bloom

I think this could be more interesting if we got a lot more specific going into sub-genres.

Beach Boys - Good Vibrations


I missed that song...

Can't tell if bait or just bad taste desu.

it's this tho

>deep house

Missed this shit too, damn 2011 was the best.

no way.

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

Proto-brostep was the best.

Oh my god, you're giving me serious nostalgia, I remember this shit...

Skinny Puppy- Deep Down Trauma Hounds


famicom chiptune

Witch house
Salem - Trapdoor

Medicine bottle

I was about to contest this with some Blitz Lunar but holy fuck I've never heard that before and it's seriously the best use of the FDS audio chip I've ever heard

duuude i know, it's nuts. this is his best song imo, it's so amazingly complex and interesting
hertzdevil is definitely one of the greatest chip musicians, everything on his channel is gold

and i suppose i'll go check out blitz lunar right now


Emalkay had some great tracks tho

Blitz Lunar's newer stuff isn't "real chiptune," so you'll have to go to his youtube channel and find older shit. However I wouldn't say he makes the most amazing technical use of it, I just really like his stuff.
Some of his better early tracks appear on Ubiktune's early compilations like the seasons ones and Up, all of which can be downloaded for free and have great music on them.

I'll have to check out Hertzdevil's channel more, I think I'm subbed but I've never really gone through it.

Eclipse is a masterpiece.

Post Rock
Talk Talk - New Grass

ah nice. i tend to stay away from "inauthentic" chiptune. it doesn't feel right to me

i would also recommend checking out fearofdark, stinkbug, and +tek, they do a lot of cool stuff too

and now that i think about it, there isn't a lot of discussion of (authentic) chiptune on Sup Forums, is there? i'm tempted to make a thread but i'm not sure if it would catch.

Yeah, most 'fakebit' and stuff that involves other instruments tends to be kinda cheesy to me, but occasionally I think it can be pulled off (Maxo, whoever did the Fez soundtrack that I can't remember right now for some reason, sometimes Ilkae or Zebra)
I've heard of the first two of those recs but have never really looked into them too heavily, so I will now. In return, I'll recommend Hizmi and Saitone if you want some interesting non-NES stuff from Japan.
And no, chiptune doesn't really get discussed here. You tend to just get a few "I like Anamanaguchi" posts and that's it. Hell, I've only seen stuff like Goto80 and Zan-zan-zawa-veia mentioned here once or twice other than by me, and I'd consider them kinda classic artists at this point.

anamanaguchi is... okay. i like slime girls too
i've heard literally ONE (1) zan-zan-zawa-veia track, and it was the one on 2A03PURITANS. should i know who they are?

by the way, just wondering, are you a chip artist yourself perhaps? in my experience the people most interested in chip music also make it themselves, so

I've never been much for either Anamanaguchi or Slime Girls desu. A few of Anamanaguchi's songs were nice but neither were particularly interesting imo.
I'm kind of out of the loop on the 'chiptune community' but I remember Zan-zan being fairly respected/well known (though I could be misremembering.) Personally they're one of my favorite chip artists of all time at their peak, but they can definitely be a bit spotty at points. I'd recommend trying Fell Plot, Lune Rose, N0De-claw, and Moke Moke at the very least desu. They also have a fuckton of obscure compilation releases under various names, some of which aren't even chiptune.
And unfortunately no, I'm not a chiptune artist myself (though I originally got into it due to a fascination with the technical side of things.) In fact, I'm really lazy and can barely find the motivation to really get into messing with the simple synth setup I have currently.

ha, i just use famitracker and a keyboard, and occasionally lsdj with the super gameboy, if i have the energy for it. i don't have any kind of real "setup" lmao. furthermore i know absolutely nothing about the actual technical aspects of it all, nor do i have much in the way of knowledge of music theory. i'm very much an amateur. i'd link my soundcloud but it only has one thing on it. maybe i should reupload some of my older work so i actually have something publicly available

>thread ruined by chiptune fags

>music discussion on a music board
how horrible

>thread ruined by greentext fags

The avalanches - Frank sinatra

>HOME - Resonance

>Hip Hop
Eminem - Stan

more like

>any black music

Industrial Hip-Hop:
Death Grips - No Love

nah man it's gotta be Addiction

Deftones- Mascara

not linking cause mobilefag

UK garage
Burial - Archangel

Untrue was the logical conclusion to the hardcore continuum

That's like saying
>Stairway To Heaven

But 24 tho lad

HOME is actually pretty good I've been listening to his stuff lately and I was pleasantly surprised, anything else like it?

Can UK Garage really be compared to Rock? I thought one was a subgenre and the other one a supergenre.

Can you give me the name of more UK garage artists?

Orthrelm - OV
Gene Krupa - Drummin' Man
Ministry - The Land of Rape and Honey
Codeine - Pea
Drodrums - On the Pine


Who told you that burial makes
listen to it, it sure ain't garage

I can tell you who is not a uk garage artist:

Simon Reynolds, please kill yourself.

indie rock

>Slam Death Metal

Katalepsy - Taedium Vitae

Then why is he tagged as UK garage on most music databases?

Because people are clueless.
Their only exposure to "uk garage" in their entire life was burial and people told them that "uk garage" sounds like that, when it's nothing like burial.

This is what garage sounds like:
I mean, yeah garridge is sick and all, but Burial clearly does not make garage.
Last one is technically called "bassline", but that's close enough.

I see, thanks a lot for the insight and shares.