What exactly did she mean by this?

What exactly did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


still would

i did not realize she was 42 years old

o shit hi fergie where have u been tho

this vid has fap potential 2bh


She meant that even though she's 42 her pussy still gets wet if you show her a good time.

shouldn't it have been 'milf honey' and 'milk money'?

It's a shame we never got to see Kim with real "milk" on her face if u know what I mean


getting closer to straight up porn music videos
then by law girls will start posting nudes on instagram

what a time to be alive aint it mate

E-Pop is the future. Embrace our sexualities.

She did "the freud"

would love to know the cg budget just on fergie alone for this video

That scene with the teacher and the students is fucked up. This sexualization of the student teacher dynamic is why pedophilia is not considered that big if a deal when it's between a female teacher and male student.


3rd wave bruh

quality shitpost


true though

fuck you i posted this last thread

eat shit gay fag

At the end of the video when Fergie is fanning the milkman the footage actually lose focus, like they were using autofocus. I'm not even kidding