Fuckmedaddycore thread


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That Poppy

Pretty much any Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Mr. Bungle album.

charli xcx

death grips also




girls who like Bright Eyes have a guaranteed daddy fetish

My ex liked Bright Eyes but didn't have a daddy fetish, though she did beg me to fuck her in the ass in our first month together.

Queen of FMD right ere

Close enough.

but in retrospect her old man kind of looked like me

current gf like bright eyes and loves when I pull her hair and choke her.

such a good album

>new album never

What is with this 'daddy' shit recently?
Surely there can't be that many people with an incest fetish.

Oedipus complex core

Are you kidding me? It's basically a meme at this point, has been ever since Freud started kink-shaming kids

There are, Son.

Its because parents aren't involved in their kids's lives anymore, so women find they need that figure later in life

It worked for Bill Pleghm ??

Mindless self indulgence and Korn's daddy lol

theres nothing even wrong with daddy fetish

t. degenerate womeme

I agree, but do you think that girls with present father figures in their lives develop that fetish?

literally give me one reason

its not even incest. it's just an excuse for girls to be brats and have a strong "father" figure do shit for them while they play with crayons and legos

meme kink since "littles" get new daddies every month lmao

I always thought of it as a kind of more role-playey BDSM relationship, at least it seems like they face the same kind of problems BDSM-couples have

Do people with a lack of a female figure in their life only watch teacher porn roleplays? nah