
Other urls found in this thread:


She is white tho

Wonder Girls will save this shit genre

Top 10 for new sun

Cock and ball torture with Yeri


lets have some somi


all the hearts you need


lets all have some somi

cute chart omo, Paramore is a good album despite their others being trash.

what is Survivor and what does it sound like


hmmmmm... so are somi's nipples brown or salmon?

best pitcher in all the land

Why? Did they finally learn how to play their instruments and sing for real on stage?

lets get this thread lit af tbah famaroni's

isnt it just 3 songs?
and we already know one (which is a 8/10 at best)

shit bait, go back to hyuna

>lit af tbah famaroni's


I don't even know what's going on there

Are there stupider kpop stage names than babysoul and newsun? I think not.

Pink for sure

Then post her fags

what did she mean by this?


>instant erection
what went right?

You can see the members' bras at the end of that perf.

those are literally the best names in kpop

make it an ioi/aoa/exo thread

>look at my botoxed nigger lips

post manfaces



it's embarrassing when gaypop faggots make the op



or anywhere




oh come on they aren't so bad...

all the somis are stale

it's embarrassing when literal faggots get upset over what the op is

it's embarrassing when purepop betas make the op

No no, you're right. Drowning out your weak vocals with the backing music, which shouldn't exist because they're totally playing those instruments, while also mysteriously hitting the drumming fewer times than necessary and not moving fingers on the key-tar during key-tar parts is the way to go.


are you afraid Sup Forums is gonna make fun of you or something?

i dunno that rockclimbing webm set still gets me rock hard

irene, top, gdragon

desu all stage names are shit

she's still cute though


>browsing Sup Forums to find /kpg/
>some ugly looking faggot is staring right at me

not happy



if you expect these shows to allow those womyn to play real instruments on stage you're ridiculous

they have showed they can play in numerous other videos and on their tour they did though

idk why im replying to bait

>>some ugly looking faggot is staring right at me
>not happy
so you go through life without ever looking in a mirror?
or are you just unhappy every day? then you should be used to it by now.



I haven't been reminded of this name in a long time, thanks user

thanks for posting my wife



I want to watch porn with Ha:tfelt while she's jerking me off

>tfw you didnt realize there was a smiling non-disgusted version of this

There's nothing wrong with Irene idiot.

of course they didn't play live during the normal shows, no band does, because setting up an instrumental performance for one song is so much work between lugging equipment, soundchecking etc

insecure faggot

i love seulgi bear


nice response kid

those are actually some of the most based names in the entire world.

somis somis are getting ripe...

>he doesn't spend every waking hour on kpg
Fuck off retard.


what color are the hardest nipples in the game?



I made about 11 webms of this fancam, but most of them are a bit shit



this girl is so weird in her videos

shame about the face

stop posting your selfies on kpg
is that way

>you have to like gays otherwise you're insecure

good one you fucking benders

tfw gaypoppers are literal gods

as a blackjack i would have to agree



angry-qt.webm always wins




shame about the music


new album is one of the greatest disappointments of my life

this one


