Hey Sup Forums, redpill me on RHCP please. Are they Sup Forums approved?

Hey Sup Forums, redpill me on RHCP please. Are they Sup Forums approved?

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>bass is most important instrument in band
>if there isn't slap bass on it its not good
>flea is my favorite bassist
>I like klinghoffer

I personally like John more than Josh. I think the main problem is that they lost their songwriter. The Getaway is a 4/10 for me. Flea is fucking great. Chad is one of the best drummers. And Anthony is a good singer 55% of the time. Still my favorite band, but they feel recycled.

Their first three albums are so fucking underrated that it's not even funny.

I think none of these things and i still like them

Freaky Styley is one of their best albums. Criminally underrated

>Hey Sup Forums, redpill me on RHCP please

What a perfect term to use for getting into them.

>Are they Sup Forums approved?

Absolutely not. They are a parody of funk music that became a parody of themselves after Blood Sugar.

Nick Cave said it best:

>I’m forever near a stereo saying, ‘What the fuck is this garbage?’ And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

u r lying

no u

Agreed, songs like American Ghost Dance are where it's at.

>They became a parody after Blood Sugar

Hating this band is a literal meme on this board.

being alive is a meme on this board.

They make meme music. Therefore hating them is not meme. That's basic.


true, but then again everything is a meme on this board

Furthermore, if y'all need to appreciate the enormous resilience and growth that this group (especially Flea and Anthony) has demonstrated since the fucking 80's.

Anthony Kiedis, for all his limitations as a singer, managed to go from a frantic rapper who could barely keep his breath (watch early live videos, dude's voice was constantly hoarse or with a strange accent) to someone who could work something passable that ended up melding well with more melodic (and yes, mainstream) work.

The fact that Flea was able to be more than a punk/slap man and write lines like Hard To Concentrate (and everything else in between) speaks volumes of why he deserves his accolades.

People can deride post-BSSM shit all they want, because while it deserves it's generally accepted station as their best album, to write off the other works as trash is pure contrarian bullshit. I'd like to see how many other guitarists can come back from near-certain death, with fucked up arms/overall health and a total regression in technical ability, and produce some of the most recognizable modern riffs found in the Californication album. Never mind the merits to Mother's Milk, By The Way, and Stadium Arcadium.

Even with Josh, there are gems in I'm With You and The Getaway. Meet Me At The Corner, Ethiopia, Dark Necessities, Did I Let You Know, Brendan's Death Song, these songs have merit, especially from guys that could have hanged their instruments up a decade ago but still like to keep trying.

Few bands possess the same mixture of longevity and evolution in their sound, combined with some base level of relevance.

Thank you!! I was just about to say all of that shit. It's been a very evolving group.

Very well said user, agree completely

new copypasta?

I just find it hard to believe that people still like them even though they've basically put out variations of the same album "since the fucking 80s"


and people wonder why we're contrarian

it provokes posts like that every once in a while and then it's all worth it

literally samefag

Gonna need to be a bit more specific there, m8. What is "the same album", to you? For instance, BSSM and By The Way are just over a decade apart and they're quite different.

People still like them because there are fans that can appreciate a band that keeps trying, and some people genuinely like the newest stuff. For example, when Dark Necessities was released as a single, covers of every kind sprang up immediately. Guitar, bass, drums, vocals, full-band, you name it, they got it. It's a pretty impressive turnover rate, honestly. People that play instruments even now wanted to learn their new song. I think there is merit to that.

>Furthermore, if y'all

this should be good

>Anthony Kiedis, for all his limitations as a singer, managed to go from a frantic rapper who could barely keep his breath (watch early live videos, dude's voice was constantly hoarse or with a strange accent) to someone who could work something passable that ended up melding well with more melodic (and yes, mainstream) work.

you basically just said that kiedis went from being utterly shit at singing to being "passable". are you sure you know what side of this argument you're on?

>The fact that Flea was able to be more than a punk/slap man and write lines like Hard To Concentrate (and everything else in between) speaks volumes of why he deserves his accolades.

so flea should be considered great just because of hard to concentrate? your arguments are so incredibly weak

>People can deride post-BSSM shit all they want, because while it deserves it's generally accepted station as their best album

no, people can't even agree on that

>to write off the other works as trash is pure contrarian bullshit

saying that those albums are shit is just as valid as saying that such an opinion is "bullshit". you haven't explained anything

>I'd like to see how many other guitarists can come back from near-certain death, with fucked up arms/overall health and a total regression in technical ability

again, totally irrelevant to whether or not rhcp are a great band. i'm sorry he went through that but in this context it just sounds like you beating off to the legend of rhcp

>and produce some of the most recognizable modern riffs found in the Californication album

do you mean some of their most recognizable riffs or some of the most recognizable riffs in modern music? boy i hope it's the latter

>Never mind the merits to Mother's Milk, By The Way, and Stadium Arcadium.

couldn't agree more. pay those albums absolutely no mind

Dude go fuck yourself. What are you trying to prove? So what if he came back with fucked up arms? What does that have to do with anything. You're argument doesn't make sense. Please try to expand your knowledge before trying to knock on someone else's shit.

>Even with Josh, there are gems in I'm With You and The Getaway. Meet Me At The Corner, Ethiopia, Dark Necessities, Did I Let You Know, Brendan's Death Song, these songs have merit, especially from guys that could have hanged their instruments up a decade ago but still like to keep trying.

you list a bunch of songs that you like and point out that they are still going. gosh that's persuasive

i give bands credit for stopping before they become absolute shit

>Few bands possess the same mixture of longevity and evolution in their sound, combined with some base level of relevance.

few bands get really popular and make a ton of money. great, they did well. but i don't agree that they evolved. they got far fucking worse if you consider that evolving

I like them but I never would think of them as a band Sup Forums as whole would like, I know some people here do like them tho

I want to like the new album but its kinda mediocre, nothing really stands out as great
try as they may they will never fill the hole frusciante left


Flea is a Manlet

It's funny how old as fuck they are. Their new guitarist could literally be one of their sons.

massive meme potential

their first record came out in 1984

How the fuck is going from Get Up and Jump to Californication and By The Way not evolving? It's a completely different sound. Calling it getting far fucking worse is simply your own opinion. You can jack on another person's taste all you want as well, but don't pretend like you're coming from a place of absolute objectivity.

He literally had to teach himself how to play again when he rejoined the band. To do so and help launch their second wave of commercial success is an impressive feat. It was a huge album, and it wasn't even their first huge album. The band deserves credit and shouldn't be written off as shit, even if it's beneath this forum's collective taste.

frusciantes return and the chili peppers comeback is enormously impressive
after navarro left they really should have just stopped
they put out 6 records, had some huge hits but were not in a good place
frusciante was literally making solo records purely to support his heroin addiction
he was this ghoulish looking figure on the brink of death yet some how cleaned up and rejoined the band
and then ended up putting out one of their most successful records
it really is amazing when you think about it

Thank you! I love John Frusciante's work in and out of the Peppers.

they're great and frusciante is an actual genius