I couldn't unleash my wild power

>I couldn't unleash my wild power
>That's why I became The Wild Flower



This album is a masterpiece, you'd have to be mentally ill not to like it.


well this IS Sup Forums


Frankie Sinatra summed it up for me upon first listen

Considering how many times you posted this it's only a matter of time before you kill yourself

>Pow! Pow!
>All you need for a nigger, you pull out the stick, then you pull on the trigger
>Pow! Pow!
How did they get away with this?

Worst aoty

You are such an aggressive neckbeard
Just listen Frankie Sinatra and calm down

>calling me a neckbeard
just kill yourself now friendo

>my homies got on the train, and as it left the station
>I felt like mista thug isolation

fucking memerap shite

There are at least 2 people forcing this meme
Source: I'm the other guy

I don't suppose anybody has a cheeky link for a nigga

she succ me


great album Avalanchesfags


How are you not bored by now?

I'm not your friendo, buddy.

>He doesn't love Noisy Eater
What a fag.


nah fuck off to reddit

I'm embarrassed for you.

is there something wrong with eating cereal as an adult or something?

you've lost me

Where were Ariel Pink and Father John?

I understand why people would dislike "The Noisy Eater." I just wish those people got the same joy out of it that I do.

Apparently FJM was on the last track. Still can't find Ariel though.

i deleted noisy eater

>>>/reddit/ le meme
>something wrong with eating cereal
>dude lmao meming

Wews all around

kys bud

>inb4 someone thinks the @ wasn't intentional b8

can someone repost the DL link

The only song that should be removed from the album is Stepkids.

Does ANYONE like that song? If so, please respond and tell me why. I'd honestly like to know what people find in it.

Personally, I enjoy the song. It's not one of my favorites really, but I think the vocal style (which I think is what puts most people off) has sort of a charm that works with the almost lethargic feeling beat. I can totally get why people wouldn't enjoy it though, it's different.

This is how I feel

I can see this. Yeah I think its the vocals that kind of throw me off.
But what gets me the most is that it kind of kills all of the momentum built up by Kaleidoscope Lovers. I think the two songs should switch places on the album.

Hmm, I've actually never looked at it that way. I've always kinda liked the way the last three tracks play off each other. Stepkids is almost like some come down off of the greatest summer ever before Saturday Night comes in with a grand finale. This is all just my interpretation that stuck from the first listen though. Now that I think about it, I can totally get seeing it the way you do especially with how excellent of a track Kaleidoscope Lovers is.

I mean, I DO like how Stepkids wraps all the album's themes together nicely in one last song before the summer's over with Saturday Night.

However, I think Kaleidoscope Lovers would pair up nicely with Saturday Night better. It goes nuts with the samples and Donahue's heart-warming lyrics that feels like a finale, it feels like the Live at Dominoes of Wildflower to me.

Hell, I think Light Up -> Stepkids makes a lot of sense too

Damn, I really like the Live at Dominoes comparison, that actually does make sense. The controlled chaos before the subdued, gorgeous finale.

You know actually, as I type out and read the conversation. It's just now dawning on me that the placement is fine. Honestly, Kaleidoscope Lovers being right before Saturday Night, it being the Live At Dominoes, is a bit TOO on the nose, y'know? And it does make more sense to kind of bookend the very relaxed and adolescent album with a song that reflects those themes, like Stepkids.

I think by the means of having this conversation I've completely flipped my stance. I've also been listening to Stepkids while doing it too, and I kinda like it. It's pretty cute. lmao I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Well I've starting flipping my stance too so in other words I don't know what the fuck just happened either. Christ.

I listened to the single track FLAC and didn't check the track times, so I have no idea which song was which... but I don't recall there being a single song where I was like "No".

as far as I could tell... the ones that kicked my ass were "Harmony", "Wozard of Iz" and "Kaleidoscope Lovers".

AOTY without question.

Literally the only band I've heard this year that sounds like they're having any fun at all on record. We need more artists that just straight up champion fun, funky, sexy music like The Avalanches have done from the beginning.

I love the Avalanches and how their music can spawn this kind of comradery and good feelings even on Sup Forums, underneath all the memes, of all places.


>tfw Robbie is fucking 40 and looks like a fucking teenager still
>tfw you will never be so happy with your life that you no longer age

>i wondered how to make this album's bullshit purer
>then I had the idea to name it Vulnicura

fucking great

Ooh this one got me
