Pagan/NS is some good shit, but where's my USBM billy bomb black shit?

Pagan/NS is some good shit, but where's my USBM billy bomb black shit?

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>not including the best usbm

Because metal noire quebecois will always reign supreme

I love KPN, Baise ma Hache, Autarcie, Diapsiqour and so forth, but we've got a cart at the end of the tracks to hit the banjo on to

Nigga these are all bands from France

>noire quebecois

well what the hell is this then?


this is quality b8

I have learned something new today

nigr krallice is just the bootleg liturgy

they're fine to me, like more aggressive ashborer

krallice is legit the best bm band in metal right now

You're wrong but I respect your error.

Either way, the biggest Black Metal band in the States right now is probably Deafheaven or Ghost Bath.

inb4 blackgayze

Grand Belial's Key
Arghoslent (death metal)

Digging Grand Belials Key, they remind me of early shit from poland, america, and sweden

Metal is for the autism. Please leave this board. We get it, you are edgy and like to scream with over the top meme speed sounds.

Seriously how can people like metal? worst fanbase and music of all the time.

Actual best USBM

they have a weird melodic death metal thing going but it's not Swedish. Arghoslent's Incorrigible Bigotry is really top notch.

>Billy bomb black

Digging this stuff a lot, it's rusty and dark

you have no idea how high kentucky is on my list of records that need to be re-the-fuck-issued

Weakling reunion FUCKING W H E N

>Deafheaven or Ghost Bath.

he said biggest, not most important/influencial/good and considering how big memeheaven and nuclear bath are I'd say he's correct

honestly can't tell if b8 or not but you're dumb either way

he said best not biggest

t. numale cuck who stands still with his arms crossed at live shows while tyrone is at home with his gf

>Either way, the biggest Black Metal band in the States right now is probably Deafheaven or Ghost Bath.

I'm not judging the context of what he said

oh okay. it's a bummer krallice aren't bigger. they kick ass

I mean if you want to go on charts and numbers in sales and whatnot he's pretty right, they are pretty good imo for what they are but they aren't the top charts for me, I'd put that at absu, leviathan, and wittr

>nsbm is good
its the hippstier-est form of music

how? it's literally right wing extremism. i'm pretty sure most nsbm people would hate hipsters

Well they sure make black metal with a different emotion that's just rightious and cold, I mean shit I'm as mixed race as you can get but I fucking love my M8L8TH

>im evil chek my evil-ness, nobody understand my ;(

that stuff isn't even about being evil though. it's about a political ideology.


it makes sense considering how much the black metal aesthetic was inspired by nature

I wish Weakling would have a reunion, but it'll probably never happen

well there's the dark and depressing stuff and the stuff about anger and basically depression. Then the nature stuff,

arghoslent is excellent. i also really enjoyed hornets of the pogrom

they're complete idiot hicks but it doesn't detract from the experience!