92 on metacritic

>92 on metacritic

why do liberals love having white guilt?

I don't get it. Why is it hip to like top 40 music? When did this happen?

Remember when Pitchfork relentlessly reviewed white indie rock bands? Now they hand out high scores to generic as fuck trap rappers and shit....

...Why? And more specifically - when ?

Other urls found in this thread:


They just want revenue, shitty white
Boi """""indie""""" bands arent profitable.

>Why is it hip to like top 40 music?

The reason top 40 music is top 40 music is because it's hip to like it.

Also, I don't see what liking an album about marital infidelity has to do with white guilt, or what trap rap has to do with this.

Are only liberals allowed to like a certain kind of music? Wtf

>I don't like this!
>but how do I convince others not to like it?
>I know, I'll bring politics into this!
>That's not a divisive subject at all!

Wow man you sure are an outstanding tactician

The album really doesn't have any racial white guilt topics, and if it does, then enlighten me

alright whatever, 'white guilt' was the wrong point to make with Beyonce. Perhaps just a shitty taste in music in general for that

never the less, my side point about Pitchfork and indiecucks liking trap rap, and the most degenerate gehtto nigger bullshit..


Chances are he heard someone call "Formation" the "black girl anthem" and lost his shit from there, ignoring the fact that the rest of the album is absolutely nothing like "Formation." Probably hasn't even listened to the whole thing through because it's by Beyoncé.

Not op, but I'm fuckin pissed that music reviewers see this as anything more than a shameless moneygrab from women who feel "empowered" by beyonce's "struggle". her biographer even said that if Jay were to cheat on her, she'd just leave him, period. And jay heard every damn line on this record. It's a fictional story and people beefing this up as anything more are delusional.

Except the words "trap rap" and "degenerate ghetto" have absolutely nothing to do with Beyoncé and how her music sounds.

It seems to me like you're just a racist who thinks all black people are automatically bad by virtue of their race.

And if I had to guess, the only exception in your eyes is probably MC Ride.

With Beyonce I'm still curious as to why people think safe top 40 music is good, but take the white guilt aspect. Whatever.

The second half of my post though, no excuse for pitchfork to rate high generic ass trap rappers high scores unless they enjoy black dick in their anus

Wow, way to have racist opinions, user

In his defense, he's not saying that beyonce is trap rap, but instead that p4k puts a special emphasis on trap rap. Still seems like a dumb point in this thread tho.

Although p4k is still shit for rating TLOP over u.u. AND AMSP.

Trap is the best genre. It's our generation's punk rock.

i don't remember a single goddamned thing from this album

Explain to me what part of that, which didn't even mention race, is racist, otherwise you're just a shit troll.

Im looking at metacritics top 25 for 2016 and see literally no trap rap

P4k loves trap because trap is big, they get more $$$ for covering it

Why do cuckservatives get so triggered by the fact that most of their musicians are terrible? They'll make up any excuse rather than admit that the poor review scores have to do with the sub-standard quality of the music they put out.

Cause the main form of social aggregation for the average Pitchfork reader has shifted from the mellow indie get together and sip craft beer to let's have a party with shitty alcohol and badly cut drugs, and trap rap is just better suited to that

Or a number of other reasons bordering on the infinite, how the fuck do you think we can explain a complex system like that of music consumption in a fucking mu thread

A thread died for your inane question. Given, it was probably equally retarded so you merely took a bite out of a big pile of shit and filled it again







It's the soft bigotry of low expectations for black rappers, it's exactly why they give otherwise generic artists high scores, and it's fucking horse shit

Because TLOP got 3 points higher of a score than it should have.

Only p4k is total trash, other reviewers are kinda decent. Even then reviews matter way less than content, arguing over reviews is fucking pointless.

Tell me that YG is superior to Wilco, cuck.

whatever the specific subgenre is, look at pitchfork' reviews for banal rap albums that are otherwise derivative and generic as hell

Yg deserved higher to be honest

this, is not about white guilt meme, it just sells, it gives them clicks therefore revenue
pitchfork isn't far from rolling stone or nme, they cash-in on the pseudo-underground music, which nowadays is very hip-hop centric

'nother Wilco album


83 on metacritic, 4 star reviews everywhere, Pithchfork gives it a a 6 percentile score.

I guess it didn't have enough I'M A FUCK WHITE BITCH NIGGA raps in it

>wahh p4k goes easy on hip hop artists
>lets ignore how they btfo Desiigner's new mixtape so I can continue to feel oppressed

based marcel is the only one who got it right with lemonade

>defending a white guilt circle jerk fest because they called out a meme

epic, simply epic. Back to the cuck shed

I'm betting you didn't even listen to YG's new album, which is pretty great, by the way. Just because you don't listen to hip hop doesn't make it any worse than other genres.

You know what's the saddest part about your post
It's not the incessant buzzword usage
It's the fact that you'll denounce p4k as being shit but constantly flock to threads about it, talk about it nonstop, and give the site hits/attention that you yourself argue that it doesn't deserve

>glorification of gang violence good in 2016
>glorification of gang violence good ever


they gave star wars a 7.7

trap rap:




Strokes sophomore album:

enjoy your inferior taste

I rarely post on Sup Forums anymore. Anybody with an IQ above 16 agrees with me, which is why you see a lot of people post about it

god awful lyrical content over a derivative production


DS2 is dope tho

>Using IQ in an internet argument

Is this fucking 2008 I thought we were civilized people

Fucking Christ man believe your retarded beliefs but if you bring up IQ in an argument you essentially confirm your IQ is in the negatives pal

You're implying that Beyonce is being disingenuous solely based on the fact that she's a strong black woman. I can't believe I even have to explain this to you

Anyone with an IQ above 80 would see the folly in constantly going to and crying about a website instead of just finding a better one and bringing attention to it instead.

I guess some people are too addicted to unwarranted ego trips

Also DS2 is better than Room on Fire

>thinking lyrical content is the only basis by which you can judge music
>judging an album you haven't listened to exclusively by what you've heard about its lyrical content

inb4 the only song you've heard of on the album is FDT

Reported for underage

spot the triggered brainlet

>constantly crying


>I rarely post on Sup Forums anymore. Anybody with an IQ above 16 agrees with me, which is why you see a lot of people post about it

>god awful lyrics from a genre that' centered on lyrics isn't an issue

too much of Tyrone's semen in your brain m8

>thinking lyrical content is the only basis by which you can judge music

it's rap

As if anyone needed more evidence of the type of mental midgets who waste their time unironically crying about p4k on 2016 Sup Forums

You're watching cucks perform mental gymnastics to validate their obsession. Watch and laugh

You know, just earlier this afternoon I was ready to denounce /lit/ as a cesspool of discourse - now I believe I've found a worthy opponent. I lnew there was a reason to come here.

How you argue about the make believe scores arbitrarily given to a record instead of actually discussing the actual content of the album - or better yet, avoiding this cancerous discussion as a whole - is captivating. The ghost of Debord is fucking us all in the ass, truly.

The saddest part is that he thinks he's mentally superior for it

Pitchfork has always been a part of this board's culture, kiddo. Kindly fuck off back to wherever it is you came from

It's dance-oriented tho
Trap is supposed to make you hype
Early rap was like that too. Or maybe your redneck tastes have never led you to listen to rapper's delight

You're literally making my point for me

Besides, Still Brazy doesn't "glorify" gang violence, it's pretty clearly anti-gang violence. And it focuses more on issues of racism and police brutality.

The only people who get sincerely mad about p4k are newfriends who can't into irony or losers who are desperate for an ego boost

>cuckservatives triggered by the fact that black people make better music than white people

read You come off as an insecure, immasculated Sup Forums user due to your racist tendencies and the fact that you bring up IQ as a legitimate argument to avoid defending the tenets of your argument, and the fact that your whining about a music website doesn't help

Still Brazy isn't trap you fucking idiots, it's g-funk

>Trap is supposed to make you hype
it makes me want to kill myself more than i already do so i guess in some kind of twisted way it makes me hype, considering death is the only thing i look forward to on a daily basis



also you'd have to be no older than 12 to be impressed with derivative beats

>police brutality

fucking lol. Say Britney Spears doe a song about "police brutality" with her banal lyrics, does that mean she's substantive?

of course not, kill yourself

Good shit mang

No, I don't think I am. I am as much a victim of the spectacle as you are, only I'm watching a different channel.

And brachydactilia is endemic to incestous populations. Your point?

>not liking banal retard garbage makes you a racist

cuck logic, ladies and gentlemen

Define derivative beats, give examples


>banal retard garbage

i-i-if i use enough buzzwords they'll like im right!

the entire album you pleb. Explain to me how any of the production was innovative

You're using the label wrong dipshit

It made g-funk listenable/enjoyable for the first time ever

>fucking lol. Say Britney Spears doe a song about "police brutality" with her banal lyrics, does that mean she's substantive?

Wtf does that have to do with you not even being aware of what Still Brazy is even about?

You're talking shit about an album you haven't listened to and making the assumption that all rap is "glorifying gang violence" when it in fact does the *opposite* and then when you get called out on your bullshit by someone who actually has listened to the album, you just continue to ignore the fact that you haven't listened to it, and therefore can't have any actual opinion on it, and just turn this into a place to grandstand your political opinions, as if music is automatically bad just because you disagree with the artist's politics!

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself, or try to listen to YG's album, form an opinion about it independently from Sup Forums or stormfront, THEN talk shit about it. I'm fine with people like you criticizing it if you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

But when you call YG's Still Brazy an album glorifying gang violence, it becomes very clear that you have no idea what you're talking about.

You think YG is a lyricist

that's reason alone to genuinely kill yourslf upon reading this post.

I think Elliot Smith is a good lyricist, that's what separates me from you.

It's really no use user, once they see that a black person made an album they automatically say it's shit, no logic will change their minds.


Whoa, I didn't know this! Now I might listen to it. Is it good? How does it compare to other g-funk?

chill out dude, your shitting bricks over a goddamn Beyonce album

Name a song, you knew what I meant you dip

Why do cucks think criticizing a person who happens to be black is a racist?

It's always the needle dicks that would never hangout with black guys irl too

Someone else said that Still Brazy was bad solely because it "glorified gang violence." I never claimed YG was a lyricist, just that his album doesn't glorify gang violence. Try to learn how to read, maybe?

FINALLY someone else with common sense

you got a superiority complex too, huh

How about you fucking describe what you dislike instead of being a racist fuck and using the vaguest of terms

Believe whatever you want to believe but when your on a MUSIC DISCUSSION BOARD, DISCUSS THE MUSIC

Criticizing someone who happens to be black isn't racist.

Criticizing someone BECAUSE they are black is racist.

>banal lyrics
>banal production
>no innovative themes and lyrical content (objective fact)
>sonic ideas and sounds that's been done in a superior way from the genres they were influenced by

this sums up nearly every rap album pitchfork sucked off in the past 6 years.

Problematic, considering how relentlessly harsh they were on rock bands

Wow are you retarded
Bet this nigga don't even know Jay Dee

way to say the vaguest shit possible

Still, vague and non-descriptive.


So what did we all think about Wildflower?

Honestly you could say the same about every recent rock record too

Desiigner would like a word with you.

Drake would like a word with you.

Its like a modern day 2001 w/ better rapping. Take that as you will.

Pretty great, solid 8/109

Cool, I'm going to go and listen to it. Enjoy your pointless arguing, guys!

Godspeed, friend.

Is there any way to preview this album besides pirating?

No, I'm implying that she's dishonest (let's not hide our meaning behind big words to feel smart, mkay?) because of what her biographer, one of the people that knows her best, said about the situation.

Start looking around online and you'll see that this is the case.

For you to even bring race into this just proves that you're itching for a race fight even when there's no need for one. If a white female popstar released the same album under the same circumstances I'd be saying the same thing.

They gave Yankee hotel foxtrot a 10, it's not like their inherently biased against white artists