ITT: Legitimate reasons as to why they suck?

I need this to be explained to me. I mean, at least they're trying to write deeper shit than "WOAH HO I GET ALL THE BITCHES IM SO GREAT."

>not getting bitches and being great

op confirmed pleb

Low quality b8, give em a participation trophy for trying and give yourself one for b8

Depressing edgy lyrics don't make music deep

hrrrrrrrgh is this even low quality bait? you sound sincere. if youre not, bravo

Their whole shtick has been done before numerous times, and by much better musicians.

Um.... Err..... No, I'm not serious... Lol?

>mfw tyler is literally partially blacking up and copying Tyler the Creators shtick over worse beats
>mfw when even though blacking up + stealing from a black man, most leftists my age love his music


even the opening lyrics in their big hit Stressed Out is about they're own mediocrity
>I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard
>I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words
>I wish I found some chords in an order that is new

damn it *their

Why is that guy in the back always pegged as the drummer when the percussion is clearly from a drum machine/DAW

I'll be honest with you, I've never listened to them and never would because they look like try hard white bois who are too old to be doing that shit.

Yeah I've seen enough lyrics to keep my distance

because they're popular and Sup Forums hate's anything that's popular.

>themes about childhood/ reminiscing about being a child
>lyrics about killing people
>alter ego character with mental illness
>depressive lyrics
>white guy playing an instrument in the video even though he clearly isn't on the track
>experimenting with genres even though they're clearly inept at their main gimmick (at least TylerTC manages to make this fun)

Man I would fucking pay to hear 21 Pilots cover Yonkers, Tamale and that one track from GTAV

This is an 18+ board, get out.

When did you start to listen to music?

In short, OP, rappers only talking about bitches and hoes is a dead meme.
They used to be like that until the mid 2000.
You have so many artists to chose from who talk about interesting themes, those guys are just edgy faggots.

They don't do anything new or interesting and they're only popular because they appeal to teenage and extended-adolescent "XDDD so randumb TACOS OF DOOOOOOM" females

>at least they're trying to write deeper shit than "WOAH HO I GET ALL THE BITCHES IM SO GREAT."
they really aren't

ed sheeran is the better tumblr rapper

It's cLOUDDEAD and Gorillaz fans upset that a band made the same music as their favorite band but did it better and became more popular.

just as popular as TOP

>ed sheeran is the better tumblr rapper



Timmy Timmy Timmy Turner
Gimme the bottom left corner

But for their lame cartoon gimmick, not their music.

The music is OK at best, the lyrics are incredibly forced and clumsy, and their aesthetic is totally fake. It's like they're marketing to suicidal teenagers rather than just being themselves.
Nothing about anything they've ever put out has been challenging or engaging or even slightly interesting or unique.

I'm not sure how Gorillaz compares to 21 pilots or clouddead musically

it really makes you think

>their vocals suck
>their lyrics suck
>they are half a band, I don't even think the lead plays guitar
>try hard to make interesting music which still manages to sound samey

They're just not my thing, their whole shtick comes off as disingenuous and undeservedly pretentious to me. At least they try to go against preconceived notions of what popular music can be.

Bland shitty music, the "rapping" is fucking terrible, and it's pandering to college-age white girls.
