2016 has been the year of over-hype

2016 has been the year of over-hype.

See: Animal Collective, Bowie, Avalanches, CSH, etc.

People are getting way too excited about formulaic albums this year.

Other urls found in this thread:


2010, 2012 and 2015 were better

It's the year of artists beyond their prime releasing new shit. Of course the big press is gonna prefer that as the headlines get more clicks.

No 2016 has been the worst year
Boring pretentious indie shit
It's like 1975 or something, nothing new means anything or has any relevance

people got hyped for a will album?

Teens of Denial got hyped (or shilled, depending on what you think) really hard in the month before its release.

Turns out it was a fairly run-of-the-mill indie record. Nothing special.

christ, I remember when people used to tell him to fuck off when he viraled his shit...

only album im looking forward to is the new Viet Cong/Preoccupations record.

lol did he try to promote his shit on Sup Forums?

daily reminder that there is no proof of this so you can't keep saying this meme

he succeeded. Twin Fantasy is basically Sup Forumscore now.

hello Will


will masturbates to animals

>You don't
This makes me like will even more

nothing but shitty political albums and letdowns by good artists

Well that was a shitty article


>AnCo not in banner pic
OP confirmed for correct

It was a good year for rap. Kanye, Kendrick, Chance, and Denzel Curry all had great albums come out this year.

It's big, but for the wrong reasons. There have been no great records released so far.

>start canonizing before the year's even over

fucking kids these days

>Aesop Rock
>Into it. Over it.
>Sound of Ceres
>LSD and the Search for God

2016 is a colossal failure 2015 was huge. This year even Gira disappointed me.

None or those records were big. Hell even if you're taking fork's opinion into account since they wrote the article they soft panned most of those.

he said great records

What it means for a record to be 'big' is not what it means for a record to have contributed to a 'big' year
Though I will admit I don't listen to enough rap

Except all of those albums have sucked.

gtfo with your gay meme rap shit by including aesop rock