Band has 9-2÷1/4+1 drummers

>band has 9-2÷1/4+1 drummers

>Band has 9.5 drummer
You are literally fucking retarded

Listens to The Ohsees once.

>and doesn't like it

>Never learned order of operations
Get castrated my man.

Band has no drummer?

7.875 drummers

>2 divided by 1 equals 2
>2 divided by 4 equals 0.5
>9 minus 0.5 equals 8.5
>8.5 plus 1 equals 9.5

Plug that shit into Wolfram Alpha, you idiot.


>2 divided by one-fourth is 8

this has to be bait

9 -2 * 4+1
9 + (-8) +1

End it

Start with division going left to right
Then subtraction and addition left to right

Unless the "/" is intended to represent a fraction bar instead of the division operation, in which case

Band has 7.5 drummers?

No you. Addition comes first. 8+1=9. 9-9=0.


also drop trip you fucking twat. you're not special.

Looks like you should have put parentheses around (1/4)

dog, there is no 4 in that equation.


The education system has failed you

is there any benefit to be able to do this type of equation

Found the dropout

>music discussion

No I think he is saying that addition comes before subtraction. The other guy tried to do subtraction before addition.

getting a job

When a lady walks to me says “Hey, you know what's sexy?”
I say “No, I don’t know what it is, but I bet I can add up all the change in your purse very fast”.

No neither comes before the other, addition and subtraction are performed left to right because they're inverse operations

lmao go back to facebook



No. Any sane person working in a field that requires equations like this would NEVER write this in such a vague way.

Satellites have been thrown completely off course for less mistakes. You'd probably be fired on the spot.

t. triptwat

it's 2
you guys are morons
why do americans bother with all the "pemdas" and other nursery rhyme bullshit with their maths when it doesn't make them any smarter whatsoever

>unironically asking "when am i ever going to use this"
you must be 18 to use this site, user.

PE(MD)(AS) if your math teacher wasn't retarded. Multiplication and division are on the same level too because like the other guy pointed out they are inverse operation.

At first I thought you were just referring to those who where wrong, but you just put everyone in your post. Your a fucking frog, That's right, how do you like living the rest of your life knowing that someone called you a frog? umad? #rekt

>band has 2÷8(6+2) drummers

It's a failure of the system. It's a helpful thing in earlier maths, but most Americans who don't care about math learn about proper math formatting.

The correct answer isn't 2. The correct answer is "take it back to the fuckface who thought he was cute by writing this and tell him to rewrite it in a way that isn't vague as fuck."

Fucking autist, you are so stupid it's funny to me.

There's also this thing called reading left to right that every western language does

i'm 22 and have a good job building decks and rock water features I can't see any worthwhile use for this stuff, but then again i'm kind of an anti-intellectual and can't stand airy academics

0.03125 drummer
that's not enough at all

> band has 1/32 of a drummer

The paratheses are meant to mean they are on the same level. If we read only up-down it would look like this:

well i guess that's one way to look at it
but it's still 2

2 divided by 1/4 is 8

9 - 8 = 1

1+1 = 2

2 drummers

>mass reply

is that steve kerr

It's 2 if you consider 1/4 as .25 rather than 1 divided by 4.

It's just kind of poor formatting, really. It's easy to see why people are having problems with this.

This is why RPM calculator mode is superior to filthy gaijin algebra mode

Band has 32 drummers?

It's 4th grade level math, not all jobs need it but to play the "I-can't-see-any-use-for-this-stuff" on this simple of a level is deeply anti-intellectual, just don't vote Trump is all I'm asking.


I am 100% aware of that, however, the retard who wrote the problem didn't use any parentheses, so that's not even applicable

i'm not american user don't worry, but honestly where is the real world value

I mean, what he's saying is right, it is PE(DM)(AS), but the answer IS 9.5. Someone's trolling someone.

he googled the answer. if you google it, the equation adds parenthesis that where not there. So it's his fault.

>literally kindergarten math
>airy academics

Triggered libcuck pls go

>but the answer IS 9.5
its 2 what the fuck

show me its tangible value

You have 10 rock water features, someone offers you to divide them by 1/4. How many rock water features do you have?

what's the difference between those
legit question
i don't claim to be some kind of math genius here i've only got 2 hs math courses under my belt

at this point i'm sure you're just baiting

>tfw I have a high IQ and am great at reading/writing but am literally retarded when it comes to any kind of math, even the most basic of basic stuff

I don't know how this happened. I passed all my math shit in school, but since I've been out of school it's like the mathematical side of my brain has been deteriorating more and more.

like I said, airy academics that have no real wrold value

someone answer my fucking question is this steve kerr

No it's fucking james olive you moron.

>called me a libcuck
>I'm conservative

No moron, it's Gordon Ramsay

i'm probably being le baited again but it's gordon ramsay you tit rifle

let me help user:
First thing you do is division, so 2 divided by 1/4 is .50. Then you do subtraction, 9 - .50 is 8.5. Then, finally, you move onto addition. 8.5 + 1 is 9.5.
Hope this was useful, user-kun!

You really R a cuckfork

I don't know why but the picture along with you giving directions on how you solved the problem is really amusing me.

1/4 of a 1.00 is .25, .25 goes into 1.00 4 times.

2 would be 2.00, and 2.00 divided by .25 is 8.

Band has 0.0125th of a drummer?

who the fuck is gordon ramsay

> please pay attention to me anons

>this thread
Thanks for reminding me how shit i am at math Sup Forums

Glad I amused you, user~
But, let me explain further user.
You aren't dividing by 1/4 of 1, you're dividing by 1/4 of 2!
If you cut 2 into 4 pieces, you get .50.
I hope you understand better now!

what if u ever have to measure some woodworking or count money or calculate mortage or whatever, you need basic maths for that

He's pretty racist and antisemitic

No worries. So first up, if you think of what a fraction is, it is really just one number being divided by another number. (1/4 == 1 divided by 4 == .25) but nobody wants to work with decimals, so we use fractions.

In coding languages, since we don't have a ÷ symbol on our keyboard, it became standard to use / instead. So 10 / 2 == 5. This has been another way of writing division since the 19th/20th century, and it was easier to just use that for programming than having a key specifically for ÷ and nothing else.

So when you want to refer to a fraction, you usually want to write it as (1/4) rather than 1/4, because of order of operations. If I was reading this, treating ÷ and / as an equal... (left to right)

> 9-2÷1/4+1
> 9 - 2 / 4 + 1
> 9 - .5 + 1
>band has 9.5 drummers

Obviously we are smart enough to figure out OP means 2, but if you sent that to somebody, you end up with what's going on in this thread. Or a computer will spit up 9.5 if it can process division symbols.

tl;dr is ÷ is the same as /, and if you want a fraction you need to do (1/4)

i'm assuming by 1/4 he means one-fourth
2÷(1/4) = 8
>2 drummers

so he's like steve kerr?

Also it says 2 not 2.0 if that makes a difference somehow.



wait i still don't understand
why the hell would it be 2 / 4 when it's clearly 2 / (1 / 4)
you solve the fraction first don't you¨

This is primary school shit how the fuck are people this retarded.

I haven't coded in a while but if you want something as a fraction how do you write it?

Nope, shouldn't matter! 2 and 2.0 are the same number, user. The .0 is implied when there's just a 2.

You are dividing it into groups of size 1/4.

For each unit, you produce 4 new units after division.

Dividing into groups of 1/4 is therefore equivalent to multiplying by 4.

OP is a retard and didn't put parentheses around the fraction. Writing everything linearly makes it look like 1/4 is just regular division.

OP is rusing us by using both the slash and division sign

because it is useless knowledge and so you forget it after graduating

Because it isn't necessarily 2/(1/4). It can just as easily be 2/1/4 because nobody specified if it was a division operator or a fraction. That's the problem.

Write it as a decimal, or just put parenthesis around it. (1/4) will always process to .25.

yeah keep Sup Forums clean!!11!
this place is shit and this thread is more fun than the average one, let loose fucking guy

yeah but i thought that didn't really matter

Ok its offical. Seeing anime characters discuss math is like the most amusing thing to me now.

please post more lewd anime

yeah now i see it lol my bad
what the heck
math really wrestles your brain around sometimes, it's funny how you can only see a thing in one way and not possibly consider any alternatives. at least that happens to me pretty often

Oops, looks like we're both wrong!
2 divided by 1/4 is actually 4, you're right! So it would be 9-4+1 = 6!