This album is a classic example of how we, as a group...

This album is a classic example of how we, as a group, are unable to separate an artist's personal life/personality from his work. This is an absolute 9/10 album and a great effort, BUT all Sup Forums sees is how the band's frontman is a furry and is deluded that he visited this nigerian sweater-making forum to promote his album.

Why is it so difficult for you to look at this album without the artist in the picture? And enjoy it for once rather than bickering like women

Other urls found in this thread:

people here are jealous of his talent

fuck off will

is will actually a furry or are people just memeing because of the cover to twin fantasy?

I'm pretty sure he had an account somewhere where he liked a bunch of gay furry porn or something. Someone else will know better.

CSH has some decent albums but that one is pretty mediocre.

He comments on furry art from the CSH tumblr, and commissioned the cover for My Back is Killing Me from a furry artist.

He's p. clearly a legitimate furry, which doesn't affect the music.

the invasion of humerless cunts

His taste as shown in his Amoeba records spot is rote generic Sup Forumscore. No identity that I could discern there.

I love CSH but this album is not a 9/10. Its a step back in every way imaginable.

From Twin Fantasy to How to Leave Town, Will was evolving as a musician and a lyricist. He gained a lot of depth. I think the peak of this is Nervous Young Man.

Teens of Style went back to their earlier stuff, so of course it felt like regression. However this album is all new material and he's writing like he did on My Back is Killing Me Baby.

Its painfully straight forward and uninteresting.

I actually like the album but its a solid 7/10 at best.

I hope he doesn't stick with this bland 1 dimensional indie rock style.

this wasn't that good

Anybody go on /r9k/ here? There's been a massive influx in will toldeo shitposting

i hope Will does a new order-esque synth pop album


I don't give a shit that will is a shill and a furry this album sucks balls.

>That ringworm on his calf

collab with brandon when?

>TFW im scared to listen to the rest of his albums after twin fantasy cause ive already developed a slight crush on him
fuck, anyone else know this feel?

I love CSH and this album is a 9/10

I actually know Nora ("you're listening to... Car Seat Headrest!") in real life. she's very nice


Figured it was vaguely relevant

now that the dust has settled, can we finally have an honest discussion about car seat headrest?

his music is completely mediocre. his voice has an unpleasant dopinesss to it, like it's too rounded off or something.

his lyrics are simple to the point of sheer banality, oh sorry but that's 'stream of consciousness' right?

his production fucking sucks. all his shit is absolutely drenched in reverb and the instruments are generally mixed together with the scrutiny of a newborn learning to distinguish shapes. 'but dat's lo-fi x DD' no, lo-fi implies you actually made an aesthetic choice and don't just suck at recording.

stop making excuses for this average (and that's being generous) talent. it's okay if you like him but from any objective standpoint of measuring music, teens of denial and and everything that came before it are 'just okay'.

Are you and Will mutual friends?


this is a very correct post

Don't worry senpai. Will wrote HTLT after ToS and has said that when he wrote ToS, he was in a bit of a post-graduation funk and was essentially forcing himself to make music. Wave Goodbye to the Jets could still be tasty

He just seemed very insecure

>uh I grabbed (shit album)
>I heard it was it was good
>It's probably bad though