I am a narrow-minded ultra-conservative anti-religious misanthropic and arrogant bigot, alright...

>I am a narrow-minded ultra-conservative anti-religious misanthropic and arrogant bigot, alright, and I have a problem with just about everything and everyone in this world, but I am not demented, and if those who are not like me are able to enjoy my music that is all fine by me. Be a Christian-born black gay feminist converted to Judaism for all I care, or worse; a Muslim. Just stay off my lawn...

What did he mean by this?

Back to your containment board autist

Perfectly reasonable tbf

I'm pretty sure that Varg is a musician and this is a music board.

Ok, you like Deafheaven, we get it

He's a racist but he doesn't necessarily hate other races. He just wants likes to stick with likes.

This is thinly veiled political bait thread, thus it belongs on Sup Forums.

back to r/music with you

Varg believes people should stay where they're from and not destroy each others' cultures and races.

Not seeing a problem with this t b h.

>Hear about the sordid history of Burzum and Mayhem
>Fuck yeah, that's metal as fuck
>Listen to Filosofem and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
>Find out about his YouTube channel
>Watch his shit, it's aight
>Keep seeing people call him a racist
>'Nah, you fags are just being SJWs, he's just being patriotic'

>Find out he has a RPG
>Look up reviews
>Ohmahgawd issa raycis!
>Go ask /tg/
>They brush it off for having a political agenda and being racist
>'Right, so fuck you twats, you're all being tumblrtards, I'm gonna buy it and support my favorite Ambient Black Metal Musician'

>Book arrives, excited as fuck
>Page 1
>MYFAROG was originally created as a home-schooling teaching tool
>Ok, bad cult vibes...let's just look through this

>Oh...oh jesus...this really is some geniunely racist shit here
>This is some Mein Kampf teir racism
>The lighter your skin, the more blessed by the gods you are
>Darklings have a bonus to spear throwing
>Followers of Ha Mashiach have long noses and get a bonus to trickery and mercantile
>There's a swastika as a symbol of the gods. It's not the Hindu symbol, it's the Nazi symbol
>Only white people can vote and become nobility
>The darker your skin, the more likely you will spend your life as a slave

And that's just a little bit.

I honestly feel ashamed I own this and have thought about burning it, as explaining the book to friends and family would be more awkward than getting caught using a dragon dildo. I know I'll never find anyone to play it with in person, because the racism is just that prevalent and blatant.

And now I no longer can bring myself to watch his channel - what I thought was patriotic really was primitive racism all along.

It means he's autistic

How can one man be so fucking based?


varg has a mental illness



Which is odd, because Norwegians are the least autistic out of all the Scandinavians.

>living in a childish deluded fantasy world is "based"

i wonder how many people they'll find buried in his property when he dies

is that not a perfectly fitting definition for lil b

>some of you guys are alright, don't go to church in Norway tomorrow
What did he mean by this?

holy kek

>Darklings have a bonus to spear throwing

It's just fantasy, dude, it can't be racist


>destroy each others' cultures and races
which inconveniently whites have been doing for hundreds of years


in fairness i doubt varg endorses this either. he bemoans the christianization of scandanavia, which involved whites destroying other whites' culture.

He does
But in the end, it doesn't matter : )

he does endorse that? do you have a source?

>stupid fantasy-tier viking imagery
>raped and pillaged more than anyone else

Norwegian, here.

I'd say he's not actually very known outside of the alt right internet edgefest and black metal scene, to be honest. His name showed up on national television awhile back when he was arrested, but other than that, the man is a literal nobody. Personally never really understood what all the fuzz was about.

>>raped and pillaged more than anyone else
I see where you're coming from, but I'd hate to break it to you: the vikings weren't all bad guys who slaughtered everyone that came in their way. That's the dumbed down Hollywood retelling. There were also a shit ton of farmers, merchants, shipbuilders and colonists who simply emigrated abroad for the chance to start new lives and whatnot. Look up the Normans from Northern France.