How is Pink Floys not Sup Forumscore yet?

How is Pink Floys not Sup Forumscore yet?

When Sup Forumscore was a chart of a hundred something albums they totally were


Pink Floyd is low-tier psychedelia

I lov Pink and the Floys


They bacame shit after RW left and lost their legend status. Shame what that Dave Gilmour did.

No you idiot.
That's not the name retard
Die in a fucking ditch. Pink Floyd is still better than all ur shirt indie ILLLLUUUVVVJEEDUSUS bands.
Get a hammer to your skull.

>That's not the name retard
>ur shirt indie ILLLUUUVVVJEEDUSUS bands
top kek user

Implying their best music isn't in the past already

>They became shit after Barrett left and lost their legend status. Shame what that Roger Waters did.



because Sup Forums is full of people like these i.e contrarians

because memekids don't have taste

Because they're dadrock for 13yos.

Meme chart.

Sup Roger?

Sup Forums dislikes them because they are popular. If they didn't have such a legacy/popularity they'd be the new NMH

How did you know?

reminder that the first minute of interstellar overdrive is the only thing worth listening to from barrett era floyd.

This is just my opinion but I always thought mu core was made up of a bunch of quirky indie bands like the death grips, animal collective, neutral milk hotel, etc the kinds of things nerds listen to

If their fanbase wasn't so obnoxious I'm sure that they'd be respected by Sup Forums. Sadly Pink Floyd gets a bad rep for all their teenage fans; I know I was one of them at one point. I still love me some Pink Floyd, but I definitely see the cringe. They were a gateway for all different kinds of music for me, hopefully others as well.


I like Barrett as much as the next guy but geez do people genuinely think this? DSOTM through Animals is a perfect trilogy of albums.

>The Final Cut
>Anything less than a 10

Just end it at this point

Most bizarrely underrated album I can think of. Why the wall is so revered yet the final cut is hated is beyond me. It's stylistically very similar but more concise and consistent.

But a lot of people on Sup Forums like Floyd?

but they're so fucking borign though

i don't understand how anyone likes this snoozeathon shit unless you were into acid in the 70s and they were all you had

mfw i actually took charts like this seriously

>they became different each era with different strengths and weaknesses, and each era has its own huge fanbase (including David Gilmour-led Pink Floyd)