If you hate the band's name you already know you hate their music. Prove me wrong

If you hate the band's name you already know you hate their music. Prove me wrong.

I don't necessarily hate their music but I never got their name really.
Is their something obvious I'm missing here?

if im not mistaken its based on a poem about genocide. the system is down, as in the system is evil, or some shit like that

Fuck Buttons
The New Pornographers
Starflyer 59

i like Oneohtrix Point Never's music but can't stand the name, and hate saying it to people.

Megadeth is kind of a dumb band name. It sounds like something a 6 year old would come up with, but I wouldn't say I hate it. Incidentally I like some of their music as well. On the other hand system of a down is such a stupid band name it actually makes me a little angry.

My Bloody Valentine
Gaudy obnoxious name but one of my favorites


Starflyer 59 is kind of a cool band name.

Such an awful band name.

>between the buried and me
>diarrhea planet
>this town needs guns
and the list goes on

I've never heard of diarrhea planet but I guarantee I hate their music.

Butthole Surfers is a stupid name but I enjoy their music

Many contenders. Some few that come to mind:

Limp Bizkit?
Fall Out Boy?
Some shit like... Dio? Foreigner? Geto Boyz?

But then you could argue that that title SHould invoke an angry emotion in the listener. To be fair, I've always been a pretty big fan of their bouncy-and-sometimes-silly rock, despite their name not being good at all.

"butthole surfers" is pretty fitting to their music, though

Twenty One Pilots

I'm still waiting for SOAD's new album. Even after all these years, I still enjoy their music.

It's a Dr. Strangelove reference. There was a binder that said something like "Nuclear Scenarios" and the scale was in Megadeaths

This fucking garbage



Also !!!

I dislike the name 'Death Grips' but the band is pretty good, I have over 1000 scrobbles of them

just say Danny L

(or OPN)

I actually like a few albums though

Holy shit yes. Especially Starflyer. I feel like I might enjoy them but I just can't even stand seeing that name in my library.

This is a good, fitting name though.

>The Zombies
So off in regards to the genre, sounds more like try-hard "the system is shit" memetal-core

Electric Lights Orchestra...

>diarrhea planet

I fucking hate their name and their "music"

All the 2nd wave of post rock

SOAD is the only nu metal band I can tolerate.

MBV is a completely fine name

I like The The, but it's a fucking dreadful name. Also, echo the MBV mentions, though it may be due to subsequent shit like Bullet for my Valentine.

Mr Bungle

Any idea on when it's coming out user?

fun-fact: Even the band didn't like this name by the time of Disco Volante.

The Beach Boys is the stupidest fucking name for anything, and their music is vapid nonsense, so yeah OP, story checks out

OP's point has been throughly disproved at this point, we can all go home now.

I love "The Band" but hate their name...

The band is aight but this sounds like some street fightet shot I love it

I'm the othet eay around

it's a Bruce Lee reference

maybe thats why they carried so much stress in the jaw

I really love Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but I fucking hate saying the name. And I really hate typing the stupid ass exclamation mark in the middle of the fucking name

On the contrary, what are some GOOD band names?

But user, they're right.

You're missing out on the New Pornos m8. Twin Cinema is legit 10/10 indie pop.

Before I started listening to them, when I saw their name, I thought they were some kind of emo metal band.

"World Targets in Megadeaths"

I always ignored mewithoutYou cuz I hated their name but their first 3 albums rule

Shit like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah triggers me. Never heard them before but I don't want to get into a band like that.


>Do Make Say Think
>Ok Go
>Everything But The Girl
Guaranteed never to be touched by me.

Vampire Weekend.

The Beatles
Boards of Canada
Roxy Music
Queens of the Stone Age
Prefab Sprout

Those are just some that came to mind

I hate the name At The Drive-In but love their music
