The Beatles

>The Beatles
>more like The Shittles
>more like Shit Yes

they are shit tho. and only normies listen to them.

>Godspeed You! Black Emperor?
>more like Gayspeed You! Black Cocksucker

Yes? More like No.

>more like Shitbirds

>The Avalanches
>more like an avalanche of shit

>death grips?
>more like dick grips

>my bloody valentine?
>more like my bloody excrement

>radio head
>more like shit head

Kek lel

>Morton Feldman?
>more like Moron Feldman

>more like

>more like can't


>mr. Bungle?
>more like mr. Bunghole



>animal collective?
>more like shitimal cuntlective

More like unkool and the gang
More like lady gag
More like owl shitty
More like Britney queers
More like gaydiohead
More like waka flaka flaming faggot

>pj harvey
>more like guy garvey

>Ryo Fukui?
>More Ryo Fuck Youi

>more like wildflower

>more like gaybum

>blink one hundred and eighty two
>more like blink one hundred and eighty poo

underrated post holy kek

>King Crimson?
>more like their later albums sucked

it has been rated the other 1000 times it has been posted

>the moody blues?
>more like the booty jews


>An empty bliss beyond this world
More like
>A juicy kiss not for girls, faggot

>more like Shitie

>Death grips
> more like life kicks
> butt that is

Weakling? More like Strong Person

>Tame Impala
>More like Lame Impala amirite?

>Montie more like
>gay. shit

baroom tsss!

>more like, Electroswing

>Death From Above 1979
>More like Death From Above 1969

>the tony danza tap dance extravaganza?
>more like shit poop buttlord mcfart its bad

> whirr
> more like whirrn't good

>Talk Talk?
>More like Cock Cock

>Pet Shop Boys?
>More like Kek Shop Boys

Talk talk?

More like knock knock
Who's there?
Talk talk
Talk talk who?
Talk talk about being horrible at music

I didn't read a majority of replies in this thread

>more like crapwerk

I didn't read this reply


>Anal Cunt
>More like Anus Cunt

Wow really made me think.

Good because I'm not replying to you. but I am posting this picture and you are looking at it

I dont need to read your reply or look at your picture and I didn't

But a duck doesn't need flippers because they have webbed feet, so looks like someone went through a lot of trouble custom fitting flippers to a duck's feet for no purpose

>Neutral Milk Hotel
>more like Brutal Dick Nutshell

>Prefuse 73
>more like REfuse 73



more like


they are surgically attached but thanks for your concern.


More like Man-tie those shoes because you be trippin if you think you a real nigga

Pink Floyd more like the Super Big Buttheads LMFAO.

The Velvet Underground more like the Fucking Pieces of Shit hahaha.

King Crimson more like Merely Crimson and not Kings Just Normal Crimson And They R Crimson Bcuz they're Blood in my Diarrhea Dump LMFAO.

haha underrated post lmao

>Twenty One Pilots
>more like Two Circle Jerking Homos

hey dude not cool I like the Super Big Buttheads