Over-the-hill core

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yeha I'm really not sure what the idea is about his releases now, I will say the syro album was a personaly 10/10 despite the reviews but i do not understand his EPs since then are confusingly lack luster

EP's chill. CheetahT2,T7B, CIRCLON3, and that final track are damn good. T2 especially. Waaaaay too chill though for the spastics though. The backlash is gonna be pretty strong on this one.

lol this is really fucking generous

just proof that rich can fart out anything and get praise for it just cause he's rdj




>just proof that rich can fart out anything and get praise for it just cause he's rdj

huh I guess he really does have a lot in common with radiohead

is this out in good quality yet?

I liked the singles

>people don't want downtempo RDJ

It's his best stuff tho

I personally love the EP. But I can understand why people can hate him doing such music though. RDJ is always expected to work around the extremes. This EP is one of most chill tracks he has put out.

>huh I guess he really does have a lot in common with radiohead

what are you implying?did you understand the joke I made?

it's not meant to be a traditionally aphex style album, it's just meant to be some cool/chill jams, but a lot of Sup Forums has been hating it as if it was supposed to be some RDJ masterpiece, when really it's just some fucking chill ass music

exactly this. This EP is Richard consciously limiting himself from growing all chaotic. Love this style.

I feel like he should've released it under AFX, it probably fits better under that moniker

hasn't done anything good under the aphex twin name since druqks

very true user. never thought of it

syro was pretty fucking good. only hipsters claim it was mediocre

nah let him just be Aphex. it's not like there hasn't been mellow Aphex Twin albums before. You guys remind me of critics that thought Zeppelin 3 was too soft

i know this is bait
but do you even computer controlled acoustic instruments?