Holy shit this is great. Finally punk that doesn't sound like everything else that's out there. Check this shit out!

Holy shit this is great. Finally punk that doesn't sound like everything else that's out there. Check this shit out!


> that doesn't sound like everything else that's out there

what are you talking about

Very original lyrics and vocals in my opinion

even if for some reason you are not this Donald Beck person nobody gives a shit about this album, and stop shilling it.

1. I'm not donald (why the fuck do people keep saying that?) 2. You must not be a fan of the genre.

I listened to that song expecting a unique punk song. I sat with bleeding ears after listening to this shitty power pop song. I almost barfed.

Why did you have to lie to me, OP? :(

sounds like weezer donald

Wasn't nearly as bad as what I thought it was going to be based off the comments

Bleeding ears? You might wanna get your ears adjusted my friend cause this is some quality punk :)

Because you post in bandcamp threads a lot? Hmmmm
Also faggot you're not even good at shilling in the first place, you're acting defensive when people say it's bad yet you say you're totally not the guy

Like i've said before, it's sad how you all worship the same albums to the point where when an unknown comes around everyone gets uncomfortable and it just HAS to be the artist posting it. Sorry to break the news to you but i'm just a fan.

It's nice you ignored everything i said

>I've said before
Wait, hol up. You haven't said that itt.

It's pretty boring.

We have bandcamp thread you know.

Yea... I've talked about this album before.

What? It's not like you made great points or anything. You're accusing me of being the artist and i'm saying i'm just a fan. It's not like you had an extremely articulate post with a lot of things that needed addressed.

>Yea...I've talked about this album before
A guilty man, everyone

This sounds like shit, is like all the fucking punk rock bands with a little bit of hip hop. I was expecting more.

just listened to this and how is this in any way unique, it just sounds like a worse Weezer

Way more hardcore than weezer my friend

nah sounds like green album, vanilla as shit

Vanilla? Might wanna give it a second listen. It's pretty damn layered and complex from a technical standpoint

Nope, and not donald sorry.

This is donald beck. I look nothing like donald beck.

post timestamped pics then

I don't want to post my face on here.

but you just did in the post I replied to :^)

Nope, that's a picture of Donald Beck the musician.

exactly :v)

it's shit even by pop punk standards

the drums are shit. it's not even close to punk

See, you're just not a fan of the genre.

Nah, it's heavy and catchy

Lets see you post YOUR face on here.

okay :

nah some shit like the ergs and thermals is good

this is straight garbo

This is not punk, I am sorry to say. Not that being punk is a quality of seal making the music good. This is not punk, nor is it any good