Thoughts on annie clark/st vincent?

thoughts on annie clark/st vincent?

Other urls found in this thread:

She's literally Hitler

wearing suitable clothing for once




meme hair
dorito head
bitch looks like bride of frankenstein
eats pussy and ass
0 good tunes whatsoever


trash xD

i dunno, in a past life i must've gassed jews, because now i'm surrounded by them

what went so wrong?

Responsible for ruining The Pop Group for everyone forever.

non penetrative

Where can I see this user?


I don't care about her music, but what do think her sex with Cara is like?

she loudly moans in the right key, as a veiled attempt to encourage cara's youthful enthusiasm, but annie fully knows her expressions of pleasure are fraudulent and there only to consuming cara's dying beauty whilst she imagines herself as an reincarnated anne frank, maintaining her nazi thwarting life through her succubi tongue lashing of other jewesses.

i used to like her but those last few problematic tweets made me change my mind

they probably use phallic objects and insert them into each other


Just a friendly reminder that she lied about being into Kate Bush as a teenager.

Sad to see the Annie threads turned into a shitposting machine. There used to be some good discussions last year. Shame on you, faggots.

I licked her asshole and pussy after a concert

Dear Annie,

You may have heard some things, however are you ok?



you'd have to wait until Cara is done

this is almost as bad as those BIg Black covers

it's not that bad, but not really good either

You had a drummer! wow

they form a 69 and sing "big girls dont cry" into each other's taints

Everyone kept being killed