Is he the longest boy in indie

is he the longest boy in indie

Why did he leave Kim?

Because he was Thurston for Moore.

why dis nigga lookin like a facial morph between lauren mayberry and ron perlman tho

Top Kek my nigga.

God, the years have not been kind to him.

Beck got old

He looks like Pepe

haha :)

people see rock and roll as youth culture and when youth culture becomes monopolized by big business what are the youth to do i think we should destroy the bogus capitalist process that is destroying youth culture
*when you sleep starts playing*



anyone pls do dis

I can't believe Sonic Youth, one of the most influential bands of all time, got broken up because of Thurston's meat and two veg

Until a fear years ago he looked like a fourteen year old boy trapped in a twelve year old's body, but he's aged really quickly. Is Kim Gordon's pussy a Well of Eternal Youth?

>he was 59 when this picture was taken

I'm glad future Thurston Moore started to look better

Panda Bear looks weird here

No, but a happy marriage is. Divorce is also known to expedite the aging process.

He a baby face for about 30 years and then it started to melt

Currently reading Kims book
Dude needs a fucking medal for putting up with that pretentious cunt so many years

To be fair, Thurston's a little bit of a pretentious cunt as well, or at least he was.



cause she aged like milk