/Grimes General/

/Grimes General/

Talk about the nicest and most talented Canadian musician.


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nah that goblin ass bitch come out from under a bridge

please don't enter the thread just to say mean things about her.

Grimes is a stanky bitch, fuck you


Mama mia, Grimes sure is a shitty artist.

>sound engineer
>live performer
>visual artist
>music video director
>musical artist
>music maker
>music player
>music writer

Pretty much the complete artist.


Be nice to Grimes, retard. Or else...

why she so gross tho?

Daily reminder to ignore this fucked up autist. Nobody could save him from his idiocy and hatred.

>shit photoshop
Why are you so gross tho?

gimme some information about her harsh noise record please

please delete this horrible photoshop

do you think she likes twenty one pilots ?

yes she does
check her tumblr

how is it possible for someone to be this cool?

Grimes is too cool and pure for this shitty world.

Haha no she is just the ugly weeb nobody likes, which is why waifu faggots like her



Essential reading: ableton.com/en/blog/grimes-bird-calls-and-dentists-drills/

>I'm always listening for interesting sounds. Like, for example, I recently took a sample of some percussion that had a lot of melodic information in it, put the verb up to 100% and then sampled the verb so that none of the original sample was there but it contained the melodic information. Sometimes I record things in the house like beads or whatever etc. Sometimes I get found samples from online bird watching communities or this or that, haha. Usually I use some combination of these methods.

>For the song “Venus Fly", for example, I had these awesome 808s, that I built using two different 808 sounds. Then I sampled a dentist drill and tuned it to the 808s and layered it very lightly on top so that they sounded a bit more savage but also wide and clean cuz I think I panned the drill hard and the 808s were mono in the center.

she seems pretty well-liked to me. it's ok to be jealous, user.

>you will never wait in the airport with Grimes

why live?

Doesn't even shave her nasty ass armpits. You can have her. No thanks.

Stop living in the past.



Even an idiot like you is impressed. gg

>Jay-Z and that girl looking at her are cringing while she's obliviously laughing
Yeah... "well liked"...

You do realize that Jay-Z is married to this, right? Any woman is going to make him cringe.

I'm wondering if her haters genuinely dislike her music. Does her music annoy them, make them uncomfortable? What they feel while listening to her music? For instance to Symphonia IX: youtube.com/watch?v=qsbiyvpel54

You know what's a good feeling. When you're still half asleep and realiti starts playing in your head.

Not even half as beautiful as grimes


There are catchy songs and Realiti. It's in a category of its own.

No, they just shitpost for no reason.

lol i like grimes old material but seriously??? like she tries so hard to be a ***production nerd*** its hilarious. over-compensating, or something

>complete artist

Jack of all trades, master of none.


Just went and gave her a good listen. She's nothing special, quite honestly. A lot of Sup Forums actually managed to make a good call on not wanting a thread about her. I'll probably start browsing again thanks to such a call.

Your favorite artist is sub-par, OP.

Grimes doesn't try to be a production nerd, she is.

This explains the best her philosophy:
>There’s a psychology to success. I was reading all these biographies and watching documentaries about people who are successful. It seemed like the only thread amongst everybody is that unflinching, “Yes, I can do this and I am the best.” It’s a personal rhetoric that you can develop. Like, if you go and tell journalists, “I’m the future of music,” then people start printing that. So I’m just going to tell everyone I’m making the future of music. I’M GOING TO FORCE THE SITUATION TO HAPPEN.

Judging by her results it seems that you're wrong...

Grimes: appreciated and relevant; you: irrelevant nobody.

>30 minutes since thread was created
>gave her a good listen

That's not how Grimes music works, user.

>Just went and gave her a good listen. She's nothing special, quite honestly.
I thought the same after 1-2 listens. But something made me insist listening to her albums.

Listen more. At some point you'll get into her music. You see all those people praising her? They connected to her music. Songs that sounded fairly good on a first listen suddenly have an emotional resonance.

Beyonce looks really ugly in that pic

people that judge music after one listen are the cancer of this board

My Sister Says The Saddest Things is underrated desu lads

True. Same for Angel & Ambrosia.

>Feeling no emotion
>Step into the ocean
>Now my mind is everywhere
>And drowning is the only thought I have


Expert for the art of putting it all together - she has a total monopoly on that one.

Right. I challenge anyone to find another female artist with her skills: I mean ALL of them, not a select few.

>Talk about the nicest and most talented Canadian musician.


I think Songs from a room is his best album. Love and hate is quite overrated to be honest but it's great too. Do you people enjoy his new albums as well? He's aging but he stills cool as fuck.

she is objectively gorgeous. sorry haters

Cohen is a legend, but he's pretty old now. He had his fair share of acclaim. Let Grimes take the spotlight.

>Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now making music as Grimes, who is, in this critic’s opinion, nothing less than the finest musician in Canada. I will be returning to her live shows soon, hungry for more.

>fanboy detected

Realise that your sexual fantasies about her will never come true

do you think she'll ever produce other artists?

>retard detected
Did I mention sexual fantasies? You're projecting. You must be butthurt because
>Grimes: appreciated and relevant; you: irrelevant nobody.

The truth hurts: you're just a stupid neet.

Produce for?

Fucking hope not. I'm not a fan (look to comment above) but anyone who produces for someone else, then allows them take all the credit, only indicates how little self respect they have, and how little they respect the meaning of being an artist.

>irrelevant nobody

>Saying that to an user


You seem to like that, notice that you're an irrelevant nobody too who is begging for Grimes attentions by being her fanboy.

She will never notice you. You are not relevant to her.

>negro nose
I'm sure she has a nice personality


I stated some obvious facts: she's talented, you're a dumbass. Do you have a problem with that? Isn't that true?

I didn't say that for her attention, I'm not a retard like you. She doesn't even know about this discussion. Stop making assumptions like an asshole.

rly makes u think

Not just female artists - all artists.

Nope. Look again.


>negro nose
Nope. Her nose is a bit bigger, that's all.


>I'm sure she has a nice personality

>she's talented

Master of none

>you're a dumbass

Wow you can insult someone over the internet, now go jerk yourself off, virgin.

>Do you have a problem with that? Isn't that true?

If it was I'd be listening to Grimes.

>I didn't say that for her attention

Yes you did.

>She doesn't even know about this discussion. Stop making assumptions like an asshole.

>Calls someone an asshole as he calls him an irrelevant retard.

the irony.

>Implying saying "nope" proves someone wrong

Yeah, like how goblins don't live under bridges...

Extremely weak comeback.

>Master of none
Prove it.

>Wow you can insult someone over the internet, now go jerk yourself off, virgin.
>said the jerking virgin
Too much projecting, fuckwit.

>If it was I'd be listening to Grimes.
It's true that you're a dumbass. Prove me wrong. So far you posted only shit.

>Yes you did.

>Calls someone an asshole as he calls him an irrelevant retard.
>the irony.
I didn't call myself like that. You're too imbecile to read. Stay an irrelevant retard if that's your maximum level.

>Prove it.

>Implying you can "prove" someone is a shit artist

If you could do that Death Grips would be irrelevant by now.

>>said the jerking virgin
>Coming from someone who fanboys over grimes

>It's true that you're a dumbass. Prove me wrong. So far you posted only shit.

>>If it was I'd be listening to Grimes.

I don't listen to Grimes. You fanboy over her, you have nothing better to do than treat her as your god empress.


You feel the need to defend her honour, yes you did.

>Stop making assumptions like an asshole.
>Called someone an asshole

>I didn't call myself like that
>Implying I said you called yourself that

>>Calls someone an asshole as he calls him an irrelevant retard.

Read again retard.

Enjoy listening to mediocrity, virgin

So glad Grimes exists in this otherwise meagre universe.

Just suck a pen15. I'm not going to read your drivel. Fuck off.

>the nicest and most talented Canadian musician.

...is Grimes. Grimes is the nicest.

If i was born a girl maybe i could be just like grimes ;_; i mean cute



I think a lot about stuff like that too.



>Pretty much the complete artist.

Pretty much a rich girl with a SP-404, Ableton, a tumblr account, and a fantastic publicist.

>people are mean to Grimes again

Someone post the "Art Angelth wath a mithtake" picture

Ariel Pink is like grimes but with a penis and he's cute

don't let your genitals hold you back



>Pretty much a rich girl with a SP-404, Ableton, a tumblr account, and a fantastic publicist.
>not knowing her story
U mad? What's your excuse if she could be so appreciated by making music with a SP-404, Ableton, and a Roland synth?



Grimes has fought for what she has. You can not like her art, but to deny her struggle is beyond disrespectful and hurtful.

>muh unibrow
>muh negro nose
>muh vagoogoo

all those things could've been fixed if grimes wore a bag over her head
grimes is a privileged bitch who couldn't handle her drugs like a normal person and became junkie trash
kek some struggle

take. that. back.

>I watch TV with "qts"
>I play games with "qts"
>I listen to music with "qts"

If this applies to you, I'd probably recommend necking yourself. Not that you already haven't considered it.

She isn't even the nicest woman on 4AD, which would be Meg from Purity Ring.

what s vagoogooo?

It's not bad, and she hasn't exactly "fought" or "struggled" for this barely pseudo-mainstream acceptance. Jesus, "disrespectful and hurtful??" Are you writing for Salon.com?
She just isn't the "perfect artist" and is far from it.

unlike grimes I was good at math and I have M. Sc in natural sciences now. My life is ruined forever



Watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=SDID5yKU_s8

Grimes - Circumambient / Be a Body / Genesis live at SXSW

>If i was born a girl maybe i could be just like grimes ;_; i mean cute

>I think a lot about stuff like that too.

Why do all waifufags secretly want to be girls?

(t b h I've thought about it too, but not to a serious degree)

why couldn't have I been born as a qt girl like her? lifes not fair desu

>>she's talented
>Master of none
>See, the problem with making this sort of claim is that if you bother to look through the ever growing collection of critiques of her work from established, working professionals in the numerous fields she dips her hands into, ycomments comment like this one from Jack Antonoff:
"Trying to describe Grimes is like trying to describe Tom Waits or Springsteen or Neil Young—like, I don't know, just go listen to Neil Young. Claire is just Claire," says Jack Antonoff, the songwriter and performer behind the bands fun. and Bleachers, as well as an established producer who won an Album of the Year Grammy for his work with Taylor Swift on 1989. There is simply no one else in pop music like Boucher, with her ambitious, mold-breaking aesthetic and the ability to execute it all on her own. "Claire is extremely technically skilled on a production level, which gets missed a lot because it plays into some gender issues," Antonoff explains. "Usually the way records are made is with a lot of people involved—this person did that snare sound, and this other person did that beat. To have one person doing everything would be the equivalent of having one person designing the house, building it, doing all the plumbing, all the electric, decorating it, and then living in it for 100 years and creating a great vibe. What Claire does is just crazy."

Yeah, its depressing to think about that stuff. There's no good solution either. Listening to her music can only provide temporary escape.