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noeul is the jjang

I'm gonna starting learning gook for fun


>worthless uggo shitter
Not surprising.

that would be me

can that blindanon fuck off already
noeul is great

enjoy giving up 2 days later

never reply to me again

we like rainbow here

you best not be saying anything bad about my rainbowfu
what did we think of this

>4Minute wrote "Hate" in secret for Hyuna

based no motivation user

Daebak bad.
Shinee's comeback may be before the concert. It is still yet to be determined.
I feel like her look would have improved with black hair or a really dark brown. The dress is $390. French speaking Hyuna~
Yeah, I'll give them a listen and support Jino but I won't be into them. Or maybr Cube gave Beast's good songs to them... I'm lowkey supporting Imfact so I can be there when they get good. I just want to call it.
I think Seventeen will be on MCountdown for their comeback stage.
Kevin wasn't in last night's ASC.
I don't care for Jay Park but I'll listen to it.
I'll never stop saying Taeyong is bad. Why can't he be nice like Hyuna?


>writing songs

Maybe I should learn english

better than pretty u



they actually have

yeah right

cringey dancing, cringey english, annoying chorus


post jack's feminine penis

not singles

clap, clap! clap, clap1


fuck off

Why would I give up?
A NEET has time to learn languages, kfap, video games and whatever

why don't you stop posting that goblin

where's that dress from? she looks gorgeous

>cringey english

>shifting goalposts



Hate is a single



what a sad life
having to reset your ip just so you can shitpost some more on Sup Forums
praying for you

can you guys post some more of that exidboi? he's cute

love it

maybe she was on her period, Korean girls use huge pads


Our girl~

Happy birthday!



why do you do this to me, bong.
this baseless hate, what did i ever do to you to deserve this?


how about you suck my cock?!

i want woohee

literally everyone ban evades tho

the moderation team is shit

i miss john poster

it's illegal to own another person

HV, Rainbow and Dal shabet
add Nine muses and we will have perfect thread

should of just kept to posting crayon pop and not your other wank music

Cube only lets Junhyub write singles.

It is but probably only suits a body like Hyuna.

Mehmet please leave my thread

Kpg, What are you listening to right now

nah most people dont give a shit enough to ban evade
those that do though have issues

the best raper in kpop desu

Rainbow - Come to me

13 year old boy moaning

uhhhhhhhhhh OMO???



t, newshit who doesn't know how

I guess that's possible. I'm pretty sure I heard something about SNSD before Shinee though which makes me believe they would have a September comeback. On the other hand Taeyeon would need some time to adjust so SHinee first makes sense too.
They should've given that one good Beast song to Cube boys so they can have a good debut. It's not like it saved Beast's release anyway.
I don't care about him either, I just happened to see that. It's different.
Hyuna's favorite NCT is Taeyong, in case you didn't know that.


but i havent posted any grim or bropop since that day i promised you i wouldnt


you're full of shit, don't reply to me again.

I want YooA to own me.

nononoo, its a twitch stream

it's ok, someday you'll stop caring so much about Sup Forums

I had no idea. I will prepare a goat as an offering

t. Moron that still has a static IP

How does one change one's IP?


doesn't matter i can wear everything. thx


so cute

t. janitor who is mad his job is meaningless


this shit is hilarious

who's your waifu and maybe i'll tell you

>tfw you will never tell exidboi you think his laugh is cute, but no homo

when does this become funny friends

shit, nooo, nothing sexual.
not for me at least

I won't disclose my real waifu, but my back up waifu is Minah.

that pic is taken moments before they receive my full load on their faces


stay fresh

I hate it when a Samsung fag replies to me. Please get a better phone

>ten deserves to be in the front with the most lines at all times he's the reason nct u haven't crashed and burned

Gfriend is pure, we have groups like lovelyz and OMG for things like this